Malton, North Yorkshire: Anna Marie Sykes and Carly Sykes

CONVICTED (2018) | Anna Marie Sykes of Crabtree Drive, Malton YO17 7FQ and daughter Carly Marie Sykes, born 07/07/1994, of Dairy Way, Malton YO17 9FA – allowed their elderly Labrador to become emaciated.

Carly and Anna Marie Sykes and their neglected dog Bailey.

Anna and Carly Sykes both pleaded guilty to causing black Labrador Bailey (pictured) unnecessary suffering and to failing to investigate the cause of his poor body condition.

Bailey, who is said to be around 10/11 years old, was discovered, apparently abandoned, outside Anna Sykes’s property by the local authority who called the RSPCA. On attendance, inspectors found a dog that was so thin all of his bones were visible through his skin. He weighed almost half of what he should have done.

Bailey wolfed down any food put in front of him and after a fortnight on a normal diet, his weight had increased by a third.

Carly Marie Sykes
Carly Marie Sykes from Malton, North Yorkshire

The court heard that Carly Sykes was supposed to be looking after Bailey for her mother who had moved into a property where dogs were not allowed. She claimed in court that Bailey rejected all food put in front of him and she believed he was pining for her mother.

The RSPCA had asked magistrates to ban the pair from caring for dogs, but the request was declined.

They said because the daughter had another dog that was apparently healthy, she clearly could care for dogs properly and the mother had not had day-to-day care of Bailey..

Sentencing: Each woman was fined £200 and ordered to pay £150 prosecution costs and a £30 statutory surcharge. No ban.

Gazette & Herald

5 thoughts on “Malton, North Yorkshire: Anna Marie Sykes and Carly Sykes”

  1. Sickening! How can the courts allow them pets still when the psychopath did that!! If it was a child the punishment would have been worse. Her brain isn’t wired right, big shame on the courts for possibly putting other animals at risk by allowing them to continue getting them!!!

    1. Hi Mandy.

      Sickening that they would treat animals in this way!! Anna Sykes tells everyone she loves animals but as you say, she is a psychopath and will turn on a six pence. She should be banned from keeping animals for life! This isn’t the first time she is noted for mis-treatment of animals but only the first time she has been caught. Anyone who mis-treats animals as she has done should go to jail for life. An absolute evil bitch!!!

  2. It’s her daughter, Carly marie sykes unfortunately, she is the abusive one. She lost care of all 3 of her children due to abusive and neglect. Terrible how the system cannot prevent this.

    1. Funny how the facts are so not true…Carly hasn’t had her children taken off her and has had animals for the last 10 years. You really should have your information correct Karen before you start spouting shit all over the Internet. Clearly an unhappy housewife, who has nothing else better to do than gossip, at least get your facts right love before you make an absolute donought of yourself!

  3. Yeah she let that poor dog nearly die! Had her kids took off her, abusing them and men mentally and physically. She’s a horrible narcissist. Careful round here. Not to be trusted that family.

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