Vauxhall, South-West London: Danielle McQuade

CONVICTED (2023) | Danielle Toni McQuade, aka Ellie McQuade, born 13 August 1983, of Hannah Barlow House, 4 Portland Grove, Vauxhall, London Borough of Lambeth SW8 1JW – for starving to death a bull-breed dog.

Danielle Toni McQuade aka Ellie McQuade from London Borough of Lambeth starved a dog to death

McQuade took the deceased dog, named Nellie, to Blue Cross Victoria animal hospital.

Finding Nellie to be extremely thin and covered in sores, Blue Cross staff alerted the RSPCA who launched an investigation.

Nellie was starved to skin and bone by Danielle Toni McQuade aka Ellie McQuade from London Borough of Lambeth

RSPCA inspector Nicole Broster examined Nellie. She said: “Her ribs, hips and spine were very visible and prominent to the touch. I was especially distressed by the visibility of her skull bones.

“When I lifted her body I could not feel much fat padding and she was very light for a dog of that breed. I also noticed that she had pressure sores on her joints.

“There was waste at her back end and I noticed she was wrapped in blankets and had a large newish black collar on her neck. It looked far too big for her and was very loose and had a tag with the name ‘Nellie’ and a phone number on.”

Nellie was starved to skin and bone by Danielle Toni McQuade aka Ellie McQuade from London Borough of Lambeth

Nellie weighed just 12kg (26.5b), 6kg (13.25lb) lighter than when she was weighed as a puppy two years before.

McQuade had previously sought veterinary advice in June 2021, claiming the dog was always hungry but not gaining weight. She then wormed the dog but failed to seek further veterinary advice or treatment when that didn’t resolve the problem.

Danielle Toni McQuade aka Ellie McQuade from London Borough of Lambeth starved a dog to death

A post mortem found no evidence of illness, suggesting the poor dog starved to death.

The vet said: “No underlying illness or abnormalities were found therefore gross underfeeding or lack of feeding is most likely.”

The vet added: “In my professional opinion, no matter the cause her owner has failed to seek appropriate veterinary treatment and thus has caused unnecessary suffering, which is contrary to the code of practice for the welfare of dogs. Breaches are likely to have occurred since at least June 2021 as that is when the owner first reported noticing signs of illness, and potentially earlier.”

Danielle Toni McQuade aka Ellie McQuade from London Borough of Lambeth starved a dog to death

In mitigation, McQuade said that she had previously owned animals and was well-intentioned. She is also the sole carer of a child. She failed to attend her trial and was found guilty in her absence.

Sentencing | 12-month community order with 150 hours of unpaid work and 15 Rehabilitation Activity Requirement days; £400 costs. 10-year ban on owning animals.

My London

5 thoughts on “Vauxhall, South-West London: Danielle McQuade”

  1. Nasty nasty. I’ve got an American bulldog and wow oh wow. My girl was a runt weighing only 3.2kg at 8 weeks now she’s a healthy 26kg. Seems to me you got that poor dog and you didn’t feed because you could not be bothered and wanted the suffering and pain the poor baby suffered you wanted the poor dog dead. Scummy bitch.

  2. A bit less time preening yourself for photos and a lot more time feeding your poor dog. Their excuses are so lame you know they know they have no real excuse. Just DON’T get a pet.Its easy not too. No one minds or cares .Its one less thing in your life to worry your tiny mind about.

  3. A bit less time preening yourself for photos and a lot more time feeding your poor dog. Their excuses are so lame you know they know they have no real excuse. Just DON’T get a pet.Its easy not to. No one minds or cares .Its one less thing in your life to worry your tiny mind about.

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