St Day, Redruth: Barry John Rowe

CONVICTED (2021) | illegal dog breeder Barry John Rowe, born 1950, of Lower Tulgullow Vean Farm, Little Beside, St Day, Redruth TR16 5PX – kept dogs in cages full of urine and faeces

Barry Rowe had a callous disregard for the dogs he used for his illegal breeding operation
Barry Rowe showed a callous disregard for the dogs he used for his illegal breeding operation

Rowe was convicted of charges of not taking steps to ensure the needs of dogs were met, causing unnecessary suffering to a female cockerpoo and breeding without authority.

Rowe claimed he made £1,300 from selling puppies at £100 a time, saying he did so only to cover his costs for microchips, but this was not accepted by the court who heard that he had a “significant breeding enterprise”.

The suffering charge related to a female cockerpoo called Bailey.
She suffered an ear infection, but rather than taking her to the vets, Rowe tried to treat it himself with non-prescribed medication. Even when Bailey’s condition didn’t improve, Rowe still failed to take her to a vet.

In July 2019 an inspection of Rowe’s premises found dogs living in unsanitary conditions with dust and hair in water bowls and no adequate bedding. The floor was covered in urine and faeces and there was a pervading foul smell.

Dogs were kept in cages, on concrete floors with no bedding and without toys for stimulation.

Rowe has one previous conviction for animal cruelty.

Sentencing Rowe, the district judge said that his offences were “committed in a commercial context. This was an illegal breeding licence and you knew you didn’t have a licence.”

The judge added that “a high level of suffering was caused to all the dogs given the condition they were in when they were seized from you and taken to kennels.”

The judge did, however, take into account Rowe’s age, mental health and prospect of rehabilitation in sentencing.

Sentencing: 18-week prison sentence, suspended for two years; costs of £9,336. Banned from keeping dogs for 10 years (expires April 2031).


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