Lowedges, Sheffield: Sara Whitton

CONVICTED (2023) | Sara Louise Whitton, born 7 January 1971, of Lupton Walk, Lowedges, Sheffield S8 7NS – kept two flea-ridden cats in a “disgusting environment”.

Sheffield woman Sara Whitton kept two flea-ridden cats in disgusting conditions
Sara Whitton kept two flea-ridden cats in disgusting conditions

Whitton admitted two charges contrary to the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and was sentenced on September 22, 2023, following a prosecution by the RSPCA.

Sheffield woman Sara Whitton kept two flea-ridden cats in disgusting conditions

The court was told that RSPCA inspector Jack Taylor had visited Whitton’s home in Lupton Walk, Lowedges, on June 25, 2022, following welfare concerns about two cats in her care, Sooty and Kiki, and could immediately smell a strong, unpleasant odour coming from behind the door.

The inspector said he looked through the letterbox and could see a mountain of household rubbish all over the floor, which made it difficult for Whitton to open the door to him.

Sheffield woman Sara Whitton kept two flea-ridden cats in disgusting conditions

Whitton was warned by the inspector that the environment was wholly unsuitable for cats to be living in and she was issued with an improvement notice. But further visits to the property showed conditions had not improved and on August 5 a warrant was carried out with the police and the cats were removed.

Inspector Taylor told the court: “There was household rubbish all over the flat, covering every inch of floor. The kitchen was full of mouldy food piled high. There was a fridge in the living room which was in working order, but it was full of black mouldy food and overflowing so the door couldn’t close. There were multiple bottles of milk that were so old, the contents had solidified inside the cartons.

“It was the most disgusting environment I had ever experienced, and I could not believe a person could live in this environment, let alone cats.

“Behind the tv stand in the living room was a huge mound of cat faeces, which the cats had obviously chosen to use as their toilet as the litter tray in the bathroom was still full and overflowing.”

Both cats were terrified and completely unhandled but they were eventually caught and taken by the inspector for veterinary treatment.

On examination, female tabby cat Kiki was found to have several bald patches of alopecia which were self-inflicted due to a severe, untreated flea infestation. Sooty, a tabby and white male cat, was the more anxious of the two, which made examination difficult.

During the rescue, one of Sooty’s canine teeth came out completely from the root and was kept as evidence.

Sheffield woman Sara Whitton kept two flea-ridden cats in disgusting conditions

The court heard that six days later, Sooty was booked in for a dental procedure under general anaesthetic which revealed severe dental disease was affecting his remaining teeth. Sixteen were missing and had no remaining root left behind, and four were surgically removed.

In his evidence, the vet said: “It is my opinion that these cats have suffered because of the owner’s failure to seek veterinary attention, especially for Sooty’s severe dental disease.

“An accurate period of suffering is difficult to estimate, but due to the chronicity it might have been over six months. The owner should have sought veterinary advice when fresh blood or a strong smell was noticed.

“In Kiki’s case, the severe flea infestation had caused unnecessary suffering. Section 9 of the Animal Welfare Act (2006) states that animals must be protected from pain, suffering, injury or disease.

“Failure of the owner in this case to take reasonable steps to prevent pain, suffering and distress to meet the needs of the animal, breaches this legislation.”

Inspector Taylor made repeated attempts to try and meet Whitton to interview her about the situation but phone calls went unanswered and appointments were missed.

Environmental health officers were also unsuccessful at getting her to engage with them to clean the property.

The court heard that Whitton was remorseful and ashamed of the situation. She recognised that she needed help and no longer wished to keep animals.

Both cats have been looked after by the RSPCA’s Doncaster, Rotherham & District Branch. A confiscation order was also imposed by the court after Whitton had refused to sign them over.

Speaking after the conclusion of the case inspector Taylor said: “The owner of these cats was given ample opportunity to rectify the situation but conditions did not improve and it was simply unacceptable for any animal to be living like that.

“It wasn’t just the conditions inside the flat. Both cats had not received anything like the right level of care or seen a vet, resulting in them being neglected and suffering from severe dental issues and skin allergies.”

Sentencing | 12-month community order with 20 RAR days, costs of £200 and £114 victim surcharge. Five year ban on keeping all animals (expires October 2028).

Daily Star

7 thoughts on “Lowedges, Sheffield: Sara Whitton”

  1. So sad. She clearly as mental health issues. With the state of her flat, she clearly needs help. If I lived nearby I’d of loved to of gone and helped her clear her flat. I’m so happy the cats have been removed but I also hope she gets the help she requires.

  2. I don’t condone what this lady has done, but it’s clear to see she has severe mental health issues. I’m a huge animal lover, but I also care about people. Can we all stop to think that this lady needs help.

  3. She cant do cleaning by herself… Lazy witch, awful in the home yuck
    Glad the cats were removed and rescued from the home.
    i had search her name of Facebook to see there and she has 3 daughters.

    1. Not being funny, but you searching her Facebook account and trying to work out who her daughters are is a bit much, isn’t it?! Maybe you need to think before you post about her family. There is a much bigger story about her daughters than I am willing to share, but I can assure you of one thing the daughters are NOT involved whatsoever. Keep your nose out of stuff you have no idea about!

  4. Aka Suicide flats ! No pets should be allowed in those filthy depressing, concrete jungle,inadequate piss and biscuits drugs and crack rats smelly dingy buildings yuk.

  5. Mad as a hatter and ought to have some kind of sheltered housing with monitoring and cleaning. Obvs she can’t cope with herself let alone an animal but its not fair on a pet, whoever knew about her getting a pet ought to have stepped in and said no,the poor neighbours,imagine having that nightmare mess next door.

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