Tag Archives: XL Bully / Pitbull

Newport, South Wales: Troy Bowyer and Sam Hudacek

CONVICTED (2024) | prolific backyard extreme bully breeder Troy Eric Bowyer, born January 1992, of 5 Aberthaw Drive, Alway, Newport NP19 9QB* and Sam Hudacek, born c. 1999, of Albert Avenue, Maindee, Newport NP19 8FF – filmed themselves trying to artificially inseminate a pet dog.

Prosecution of backyard extreme bully breeder Troy Bowyer and accomplice Sam Hudacek from Newport, Wales - who filmed themselves artificially inseminating a dog.

The men were described in court as making a “crude and amateurish” attempt to inseminate a dog. A judge said when he first saw the footage he thought it showed “some sort of sexual perversion”.

The attempts of Troy Bowyer, who bred and sold cropped-eared bull-breed dogs under the name ‘One Hunna Bullys’, and Hudacek to impregnate the latter’s dog came to light after police executed a drugs search warrant and found the video on a mobile phone. The phone also showed Hudacek had been involved in dealing cocaine.

Prosecution of backyard extreme bully breeder Troy Bowyer and accomplice Sam Hudacek from Newport, Wales - who filmed themselves artificially inseminating a dog.
Prosecution of backyard extreme bully breeder Troy Bowyer and accomplice Sam Hudacek from Newport, Wales - who filmed themselves artificially inseminating a dog.

The video showed a female bull dog standing on her front legs with her back legs being held up and Bowyer moving his fingers in and out of the dog. A syringe could also be seen in the footage.

The court heard the footage was being shot by Hudacek and he could be heard laughing and giving Bowyer “encouragement” to carry on.

The court heard the footage appeared to show “some kind of artificial insemination” of the bitch.

When interviewed about the video footage Hudacek answered “no comment” to all questions asked while Bowyer accepted it was him on the footage but denied causing the dog unnecessary suffering.

Hudacek pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine and to causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal, while Bowyer pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal.

Defence counsel for Hudacek said the defendant had moved to the UK from Slovakia as a 12-year-old boy and initially struggled at school in Newport as he could not speak English. When his parents later returned home, however, he decided to stay in Wales. He said “there are people who think he is capable of a lot more” and said the defendant wants to support his partner and be a better role model. He said his client’s role in the animal offence had been “peripheral”.

Counsel for Bowyer, who is no stranger to the Welsh courts, said the dog belonged to the co-defendant Hudacek and his client had been “asked to assist with the artificial insemination”.

Prosecution of backyard extreme bully breeder Troy Bowyer and accomplice Sam Hudacek from Newport, Wales - who filmed themselves artificially inseminating a dog.

He said Bowyer had a long-term partner of 18 years with whom he had two children with a third was on the way, although the couple did not actually live together.

Judge Simon Mills described the matters involving the dog as “frankly unpleasant”, and said when he first saw the footage he “thought there was some sort of sexual perversion going on” but in reality it was a “crude and amateurish attempt at artificial insemination” which would have caused the dog considerable discomfort.

Sentencing |
Hudacek: three years in prison with one month to run concurrently for the animal welfare offence.
Bowyer: 24 month community order for the animal offence with rehabilitation course; £500 fine.
Neither man was banned from owning animals.

Wales Online

Additional Information

*alternative address for Troy Bowyer: 9 Ifton Place, Newport NP19 0HH.

Bowyer is a chef by possession and also a co-director of TJ’s Carvery & Grill based in Maindee, Newport.

St Helens, Merseyside: Phillip Boyer

CONVICTED (2024) | Phillip Boyer, born 4 December 2004, of Waterdale Crescent, St Helens WA9 3PD – left an XL Bully to die in a rubbish and faeces-strewn flat.

RSPCA prosecution of Phillip Boyer from St Helens, Merseyside.
A 2019 image of alcoholic junkie Phil Boyer, who turned a blind eye to his dog’s suffering and left her to die in pain

Police found the female tan and white XL bully, named Cali, lying dead in the filthy living room of Boyer’s flat in Waterdale Crescent, St Helens, on June 15, 2023. She was very thin and suffering from canine parvovirus which had not been treated.

An RSPCA inspector attending the scene described being met with a pungent overpowering smell of urine, faeces and decomposition, and saw no sign of food or water for the dog.

Boyer, who admitted being reliant on alcohol and drugs, pleaded guilty to three offences contrary to the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

He said in an interview that he hadn’t noticed Cali’s weight loss.

The court heard that RSPCA Inspector Leanne Cooper had gone to the property following the police’s request.

RSPCA prosecution of Phillip Boyer from St Helens, Merseyside.

In written evidence she said: “Each room I looked in was filthy and littered with rubbish. In the lounge there was a really pungent overpowering smell of urine, faeces and decomposition. I could see what appeared to be smears of faeces all over the floor and up the walls.

“Over towards the television stand in the corner of the room I could see a dead white bull breed dog that looked to be in very thin bodily condition, with her ribs, hips and backbone prominent.

“Cali’s fur looked to be stained brown on her legs and back end. There was also what looked like a brown dried patch of diarrhoea on the floor underneath her rear end. There was a mop bucket nearby that looked thick, brown and dirty with faeces. The floor was littered with rubbish and hazards such as broken glass. I didn’t see any sign of food or water provided for Cali.”

The inspector also took photographs of a shed in the communal garden where Cali was said to have been kept, sometimes for hours at a time. The wooden door and frame appeared to have been chewed and there were splinters all over the floor.

RSPCA prosecution of Phillip Boyer from St Helens, Merseyside.

A vet from the RSPCA’s Greater Manchester Animal Hospital examined the dog later the same day. She gave Cali a body condition score of two out of nine and said her ribs, lumbar vertebrae and pelvic bones were easily visible and she had no palpable fat.

The result of a faecal sample showed Cali had canine parvovirus, a highly contagious virus that can be fatal to dogs, with puppies and unvaccinated dogs most at risk.

In her evidence to the court, the vet said: “Parvovirus can cause rapid deterioration and suffering if no veterinary intervention is provided. The duration of these failings will be a minimum of several days, the duration of the environmental failings is likely to be for a period of weeks looking at the evidence presented. Regardless of the cause of poor body condition and diarrhoea, the owner should have sought veterinary advice to relieve her suffering.

“Cali will have undoubtedly felt weakness and debilitation having a severe lack of energy, worsened by the haemorrhagic diarrhoea. This will have been uncomfortable and severely impacted her everyday life, ability to move, to obtain food or water and even to play.

“I would expect a responsible owner to seek veterinary attention should their pet become underweight, to a point that they were below point 4 out of 9 on the body condition score, moreover, if their animal became weak or lethargic.”

The court was told that in the weeks that followed Inspector Cooper made repeated attempts to speak to Boyer about potential animal welfare offences, but most of the calls went straight to voicemail or the line would go dead when she said who she was.

With the assistance of police, he was located and finally interviewed in November about what had happened to Cali.

RSPCA prosecution of Phillip Boyer from St Helens, Merseyside.

In interview, Boyer said he was reliant on alcohol and drugs and struggled to buy food for himself and Cali. He said he didn’t notice her weight loss, suggesting that she had always been a lean dog, and he hadn’t taken her to the vet as had no money to do so and didn’t have a phone to call the RSPCA for help.

Speaking after the case Inspector Cooper said: “Going into the property and finding Cali’s body, lying all alone surrounded by piles of rubbish, was an extremely sad and upsetting sight. She was badly let down by the person who should have been caring for her and suffered over a prolonged period because no veterinary assistance or any other sort of help had been sought.”

Sentencing | 17-week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months; 20 days of rehabilitation; 160 hours of unpaid work; victim surcharge of £154. Five-year ban on keeping all animals (expires April 2029).

Liverpool Echo
Planet Radio

Hackney, London: Simon Thomas

CONVICTED (2024) | Simon Thomas, born 29 August 1982, of 1 Pembury Place, Hackney, London E5 8LX – caught on camera repeatedly beating an XL Bully with a shovel.

Prosecution of violent dog abuser Simon Thomas from Hackney, London.

Horrific footage captured by a resident on Wednesday 8 November 2023 showed a man, later identified as Simon Thomas, repeatedly striking the young dog in the head with a large tool in a rear garden at a block of flats.

Volunteers from XL Bully Rescue and Foundation went to the animal’s aid. They were joined at the scene by police officers.

The dog, whom rescuers named Zeus, was taken by police to an animal hospital where he was treated for severe head injuries, bleed to the brain, smashed teeth and fractured ribs.

Thomas later handed himself into into a police station and was ultimately charged with animal cruelty.

Prosecution of violent dog abuser Simon Thomas from Hackney, London.
Traumatised but friendly Zeus, who was only around 8 months old, was euthanised by police because of breed

Zeus, seemingly good-natured despite his ordeal, was initially held in police kennels pending their investigation, but was ultimately put to sleep because of his breed.

In court Thomas pleaded not guilty, with his defence being based on claims that he was not identifiable in the video footage. He was convicted after a short trial, however.

His sentencing hearing was on 2 February 2024.

Despite public outrage over the sadistic cruelty inflicted on a helpless animal and a Lady Freethinker petition urging the British justice system to impose an appropriate sentence on Thomashe walked free with his sole punishment a contribution towards costs and a ONE-year ban on keeping dogs.

A Met Police spokesperson said: “After a viral video of a man beating a dog, Ace, with a shovel, Status Dogs Unit officers arrested and charged a male. He was remanded and pleaded not guilty.

“At trial the charge was altered to a Section 4 (2) person responsible for allowing suffering, as he claimed it wasn’t him hitting the dog. He admitted that the dog was his.”

Speaking about the case animal rescue volunteers said that the brutal attack on Zeus was one of the worst things they’d ever witnessed.

The group said that the abandonment and abuse of XL Bullies had skyrocketed off the back of the UK Government’s banning of the breed, which was announced by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in September 2023.

One volunteer said: “Because [XL Bullies] are on the banned list, people are getting rid of them and this is where they’re ending up. There are loads more like him out there.”

The group said the government’s pledge to ban the breed had immediately sparked a rise in the dogs being abandoned and abused, with some owners threatened they will be evicted if they do not get rid of their dogs.

They said that many had been given away for free leading to them ending up in the hands of “the wrong people”.

One volunteer, who said rescues like theirs were overwhelmed, broke into tears as she described some of the cases they had been dealing with. She said: “We seized one from police last Monday that had been chained up outside and beaten.

“Yesterday we had two cases where they were thrown out of a car and abandoned.”

Sadly it is growing increasingly difficult to find safe places for the dogs.

“We are full,” the rescuer said. “No kennels are taking them now. Where do these animals go?

“There are hundreds and hundreds of XL Bullies suffering, and being put to sleep, and being abandoned.

“If something does not happen now, we are going to be seeing much, much more of this. This is absolute animal brutality.”

On the rise in attacks by the breed, she said: “It is not the dogs, it is the owners.

“These are dogs that are being beaten, severely abused, and when we take them after two days they are a completely different dog.

“They show no aggression, they don’t want to harm anybody, they just want you to love them.”

Sentencing | contribution towards costs. 12-month ban on keeping dogs (expires February 2025).

The Standard
Daily Mail
The Sun

Ince-in-Makerfield, Wigan: Liam Rainey

CONVICTED (2024) | Liam Rainey, born 30 November 1997, originally from Liverpool L4 but with a most recent known address of Darlington Street East, Ince, Wigan WN1 3AT – set his XL bully on a middle-aged woman.

Wigan career criminal Liam Rainey used his XL bully dog, Scar, as a weapon.

Rainey, a career criminal with 24 previous convictions including for robbery and violence, took his dog’s muzzle off before the animal jumped on the 55-year-old woman and bit her to the arm and chest.

After regaining control of the dog, known as ‘Scar’ Rainey then said “good dog, get her”, before he attacked her for a second time.

The attack, which took place in Windermere Road, Ince on 11 June 2023, occurred after the victim had tried to intervene in a row between Rainey and his girlfriend, Amy Naylor.

Wigan career criminal Liam Rainey used his XL bully dog, Scar, as a weapon.

Rainey was arrested at his home the following morning. He told police that Scar was ‘calm and friendly’, and that he ‘would never attack anybody’.

Rainey pleaded guilty to section 20 wounding and being in charge of a dog which was dangerously out of control and caused injury.

Wigan career criminal Liam Rainey used his XL bully dog, Scar, as a weapon.

Defending, Kevin Liston said that Scar had not attacked anyone else previously.

“This was a terrifying ordeal,” Judge Sarah Johnston told Rainey, as she sentenced him to three years in prison.

“You deliberately used your dog as a weapon, in what became a sustained attack on a defenceless woman who was wounded by your animal on your instruction.”

“I regard the dog as one of your victims as well,” the judge told him.

Rainey relinquished ownership of Scar and, while it was reported that the judge was to rule on the dog’s fate, no update is available.

Sentencing | three years in jail. Banned from owning a dog for five years (expires January 2029).

ITV News
Manchester Evening News

Llanelli, Carmarthenshire: Kevin Griffiths

CONVICTED (2023) | Kevin Griffiths, born 15 November 1979, of of Frondeg Terrace, Llanelli SA14 1PZ – allowed an XL bully he kept cooped up in the bathroom to attack his partner.

CPS prosecution of Kevin Griffith from Llanelli, Wales, who allowed an XL bully kept cooped up in a tiny bathroom to attack his partner.

Griffiths ignored advice from police to have the XL bully called Reggie put down after the dog previously bit his partner. Instead he kept him shut in the bathroom of his flat until the dog attacked the woman again to her severe injury.

Caitlyn Brazel, prosecuting, said in May 2023 Griffiths was about to take Reggie for a walk. His partner, who was afraid of the dog after the previous attack, went to the bedroom.

CPS prosecution of Kevin Griffith from Llanelli, Wales, who allowed an XL bully kept cooped up in a tiny bathroom to attack his partner.
A destruction order was issued for XL bully Reggie

The court was told Griffiths got the dog and then asked to be let into the bedroom – banging on the door repeatedly. This “wound up” the dog who was said to be going “berserk”.

Griffiths opened the door and Reggie attacked the woman immediately, biting her face and arms. He managed to get the dog back into the bathroom and police were called. On arrival, officers found the woman crying in the car park outside the property.

The court heard the casualty was taken to hospital by her father and subsequently had to undergo plastic surgery to repair the damage to her face.

CPS prosecution of Kevin Griffith from Llanelli, Wales, who allowed an XL bully kept cooped up in a tiny bathroom to attack his partner.

In court, Griffiths pleaded guilty to being the owner of a dog dangerously out of control which caused injury.

Sending Griffiths to prison for 20 months, the judge told him that dog owners have a duty to ensure their animals are under proper control and are safe.

He said the defendant had “been in charge of what was, effectively, a dangerous weapon” when he allowed it to attack the woman.

The judge ordered that Reggie be destroyed.

ITV News
Wales Online