Tag Archives: Preston

Preston, Lancashire: Suzzana ‘Sue’ Taylor, daughter Grace Taylor, and boyfriend Andrew Lomas

CONVICTED (2018) | Suzzana Taylor (aka Sue Edge), born 10 August 1970, daughter Grace Taylor, born c. 2000, both of Fir Trees Farm, Harbour Lane, Salwick, Preston PR4 0ZJ and ex boyfriend Andrew Lomas, born 22 May 1975, of Central Drive, Blackpool – for the abuse  of beach donkeys and neglect of Pomeranian dogs

RSPCA prosecution of Suzzana Taylor, Grace Taylor and Andrew Lomas for animal cruelty
Sue Taylor and daughter Grace Taylor and some of their abused animals. Sadly no photo of callous Andrew Lomas, who has a violent past, is available

The RSPCA have released footage showing appalling cruelty being inflicted on a herd of beach donkeys housed at Fir Trees Farm in Salwick, near Preston.

Covertly-filmed videos showed how donkeys were punched in the face, with one, Bruce, targeted for a running kung-fu style dropkick.

Abusers Suzzana Taylor, daughter Grace Taylor and Suzzana’s ex-partner Andrew Lomas, have now been convicted of cruelty after a two-week trial.

The trio were living together at Fir Trees Farm when it was raided by police, RSPCA inspectors, vets, and council enforcement officers in September 2017.

Carmel Wilde, prosecuting for the RSPCA, said the cruelty was brought to the attention of authorities by the neighbours who secretly filmed the Taylors and Lomas in action. They released the footage to the RSPCA after moving from the area.

Donkeys Bethany, who was very underweight, and Floppy, who had an untreated sarcoid growth, were put down.

Both Taylors had licences, issued by Blackpool Council, to have donkeys on the beach and give rides to children and, earlier in the year, the animals passed an annual inspection by a council-employed vet.

RSPCA prosecution of Suzzana Taylor, Grace Taylor and Andrew Lomas for animal cruelty involving dogs and donkeys
Sue Taylor with one of her donkeys.

Ms Wilde said: “The videos show on different dates the donkeys suffering violent abuse; being kicked punched,whipped and hit with sticks.”

“One was given a flying kick.

“On the day of the raid on the farm, the animals were found in a concrete yard where the floor was covered in their urine and droppings.

“Their bedding was wet and soiled.

“The vets’ evidence reveals that they believed the donkeys had suffered abuse over a long period and were living in fear of pain.”

Convicted animal abusers and backyard breeders Suzzana Taylor and Andrew Lomas from Lancashire, UK
Suzzana Taylor with Andrew Lomas

The court heard how  16 Pomeranian dogs were also in a wet and dirty area. They had no fresh drinking water. One had a painful and untreated bite, and the others had matted hair and running eyes.

RSPCA Inspector Amy McIntosh, who led the investigation, said: “The footage of the donkeys being assaulted is shocking and appalling particularly the flying kick on the donkey Bruce.

“Their terrible treatment is compounded by the fact the people inflicting it were making money from them.

“These donkeys are such lovely, docile and friendly animals whose wonderful nature was evident in the fact that they were being worked with children on the beach every day.

“They were being presented to the public as being well looked after but behind the scenes were being cruelly treated and abused and the conditions they were living in were filthy.

“Then there were the dogs, fluffy little Pomeranians, who were living in wet and muddy conditions without adequate shelter, and had untreated bite wounds from where they’d been fighting with each other.

“Sadly two of the donkeys had to be put to sleep on the advice on a specialist equine veterinary surgeon, but all of the remaining animals are now enjoying great lives, and those not previously signed over will now be able to be permanently adopted”.

Hannah Bryer, head of welfare at The Donkey Sanctuary, added: “Cases like these are extremely distressing and highlight the terrible abuse some donkeys continue to face in Great Britain today.

“There is simply no excuse for any animal to be subjected to physical abuse. Owning donkeys is a hugely rewarding experience and a wonderful privilege, however, they require caring and compassionate management to ensure they lead healthy and enriched lives.

“The footage, in this case, shows a series of brutal and needless attacks on the donkeys. This cruel and callous behaviour is unacceptable in any arena but is made worse by the fact that the perpetrators were the very humans who should have been safeguarding their welfare during their working life.

“Donkeys are incredibly stoic animals so by their nature, they often hide the true extent of their suffering, however, there can be no doubt that the violence inflicted on these donkeys caused them fear and distress.

“Happily with the support of vets, farriers and grooms, the condition of these donkeys has improved, but they will need ongoing care and treatment”.

A former neighbour of the Taylors said: “My wife and I would view footage from our security cameras on a daily basis and, afterwards, we vowed we would reveal the evidence after we found somewhere else to live.”

Animal abuser Andrew Lomas
Andrew Lomas

Lomas, who did not give evidence at court, had been refused a donkey licence, while the Taylors’ licences have been suspended.

The Taylors have now given up the lease on the farm and now live in a horsebox parked on the yard. They continue to deny the offences, probation officer Brian Weatherington said.

Grace Taylor was given a community order with 30 days’ rehabilitation and must do 150 hours of unpaid work. She must also pay £500 costs. She was banned from keeping any animal for three years.

Suzzana Taylor was given a 14-week jail term, suspended for a year. She must pay £500 costs. She also got a three-year order banning her from owning animals. 

Lomas, who has previous convictions for violence, was given 14 weeks’ jail, suspended for a year. He must do 150 hours of unpaid work and must pay £500 costs. He was disqualified from keeping animals for three years. 

All bans expired September 2021.

BBC News
Daily Mail

Preston, Lancashire: Carl Richardson

CONVICTED (2018) | Carl Thomas Richardson, born c. 1981, most recently of Rose Lane, Holme Slack, Preston PR1 – kicked his pet dog “like a rugby ball” while drunk

Carl Thomas Richardson: career criminal, dog abuser.
Carl Thomas Richardson: career criminal, dog abuser. What is the POINT of him?

Richardson, a prolific criminal with  84 convictions for 137 offences, admitted kicking his dog, Pepper (not pictured), but said he was dazed after being violently assaulted.

Richardson got drunk at his grandfather’s funeral and was later left bleeding when a man assaulted him near his home, the bench at Preston Magistrates’ Court heard.

A police officer arriving at the scene on August 23, 2017, saw Richardson with blood over his face, staggering about in the road and waving his arms before kicking three-year-old Pepper.

Carl Richardson. Picture: Facebook

It came to light during Richardson’s appeal hearing that the police officer made a statement claiming Richardson drop kicked Pepper “like a rugby ball”, causing the dog to fly across the road. He had also made remarks he kicked the animal because it had not bitten his assailants “like it was supposed to”.

The judge was critical of the decision not to allow the police officer to give evidence during the original hearing.

He said: “We reject this application.

“The defendant deliberately kicked the dog on the street, whether it’s his dog or someone else’s is irrelevant.”

He pointed out the penalty would have been “far more severe” if the officer’s evidence was admitted.

Richardson admitted failing to ensure her needs were met.

Total of £435 fines, costs and charges (ordered to pay an additional £250 in costs for his unsuccessful appeal). Banned from keeping animals for three years (expired June 2021).  

Lancashire Post 18/04/2018
Lancashire Post 15/06/2018

Preston, Lancashire: Steven Hogwood

CONVICTED (2018) | Steven Hogwood, born 25 September 1976, of Great Shaw Street, Preston PR1 2HH – left his two dogs to starve to death in his squalid flat.

Steven Hogwood from Preston, Lancashire, starved two dogs to death. Pic: Facebook

Steven Hogwood pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to his American bulldogs Sky and Kilo.

Dogs starved to death by Steven Hogwood from Preston, Lancashire. Pic: RSPCA

Shocking pictures show the grisly scene that met RSPCA inspectors when they found their emaciated bodies of two-year-old Skye and Kilo, aged four, at a house in Aughton Walk, Preston.

The starving dogs, who were living amid mouldy food, rubbish, and excrement, had even chewed through a metal kettle and a dog food tin as they were so hungry, and had no water anywhere in the flat.

Scene of squalor in which Preston man Steven Hogwood's two dogs were found starved to death. Pic: RSPCA

A post mortem examination revealed the animals were left to starve to death and had died around two weeks earlier.

Scene of squalor in which Preston man Steven Hogwood's two dogs were found starved to death. Pic: RSPCA

Prosecuting, Paul Ridehalgh said: “On entering the flat there was a large build up of post addressed to Mr Hogwood and a large build up of faeces and rubbish. There was a very strong overpowering smell of excrement, urine and stale air.

“In the bedroom off to the left of the hallway, Sarah Hayland found a dead dog lying on the floor. Next to it was a bowl containing mouldy food and a heavily chewed dog food tin. There was a bag of dried dog food on the bed.

“The room was a mess with faeces, clothing and rubbish everywhere. There was no water. The dog was a female bulldog breed, white with brown patches.

Dogs starved to death by Steven Hogwood from Preston, Lancashire. Pic: RSPCA

“She was in very poor body condition with all her bone structure visible and palpable. There was no microchip or identification.

“In the living room the second dead dog was located lying in an open fronted dog crate in the corner of the room. The curtains were closed and the room again was cluttered with debris and rubbish with a large build up of dried excrement. The dog was a larger male bulldog breed, white with brown patches. He was also visibly in poor condition with bone structure visible and palpable.

Dogs starved to death by Steven Hogwood from Preston, Lancashire. Pic: RSPCA

“He was lying on ribbed and chewed bedding. There was a chewed kettle and an empty bowl nearby. There was no water. A half full tin of mouldy dog food was found. The whole flat, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living room were filthy and unkempt with barely anywhere to walk without excrement and rubbish being strewn around.

“The air was sour and very unpleasant. There was no water anywhere in the flat. The toilet was closed and the bath and sink were bone dry.”

Steven Hogwood from Preston, Lancashire, starved two dogs to death. Pic: Facebook

In an interview, Hogwood claimed both dogs had become very ill over a three-day period and both had passed away and that he could not face going back to the flat to deal with the situation.

He claimed that he used to go to the flat daily, even though he had stopped living there as he had been subject to a curfew where he had to sleep overnight at his mother’s home.

One of two dogs starved to death by Steven Hogwood from Preston, Lancashire,  Pic: Facebook
One of the two dogs starved to death by Steven Hogwood. Pic: Facebook

He said one weekend, around two weeks before April 12, the dogs wouldn’t eat and had become very ill. They had blood in their excrement and would not eat. He told officers he had no money for vet’s bills and that he had left some water and food for them and had gone out and when he came back the next day found Sky dead in the bedroom and Kilo in his cage. He said everything had become “unbearable” and he did not know what to do.

Post mortem reports on both dogs showed both dogs had a poor bodily condition and Sky’s stomach contained multiple foreign bodies, a common finding in starved animals. A vet concluded they died around 13 days earlier on around April 5, and there had been inadequate feeding, although water may have been available.

The lack of any food in their systems indicated they received no food at all for one to three days before they died and had suffered for two to three weeks before their deaths.

Sentencing | Jailed for 12 weeks; ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £115. Banned from keeping animals for life.

Lancashire Evening Post

Broughton, Preston: Robert Fishwick

CONVICTED (2017) | puppy farmer Robert George Fishwick, born 23/10/1972, of D’Urton Lane, Broughton, near Preston PR3

Atrocious conditions on a puppy farm being run by  Robert Fishwick from Broughton, Lancashire, UK

Fishwick admitted five offences under the Animal Welfare Act of causing unnecessary suffering and failing to provide a suitable environment for the animals.

The RSPCA launched an investigation into the puppy dealer after a number of complaints about sick puppies from his customers.

RSPCA inspector Carl Larsson, who led the investigation, said: “We had a number of complaints about this individual and address in 2016 and began gathering evidence.

“Then, when more complaints came through in March, we were able to go to police and request a warrant.”

RSPCA officers joined Lancashire Police as they executed a warrant at the address in Broughton, Preston, on 30 March 2017. While there were no puppies present on the day, they found 13 adult dogs being kept in unsuitable conditions.

Atrocious conditions on a puppy farm being run by  Robert Fishwick from Broughton, Lancashire, UK

“There weren’t any puppies there on the day we went in but we found 13 dogs of different ages and genders being kept at the site. We suspect these are the dogs he used for breeding,” inspector Larsson added.

“All the dogs were being kept in filthy, damp conditions – some in makeshift, muddy outside runs and others in cold, concrete pens inside outbuildings.

“Several of the dogs were considerably underweight with their ribs clearly visible while others had serious health problems such as skin conditions and ear infections.

“We also found paperwork at the property which showed the scale of Mr Fishwick’s puppy-selling operation. Just one receipt book which was seized detailed sales covering a period of four months and totalling more than £50,000 meaning he was making around £12,000 a month from selling dogs.”

Two French bulldogs, one beagle, three Alsatians, one Doberman and several miniature-type dogs were all removed on welfare grounds.

Sadly a three-year-old French bulldog, adult French bulldog and an Alsatian were put to sleep due to having dislocated kneecaps and serious skin complaints.

Atrocious conditions on a puppy farm being run by  Robert Fishwick from Broughton, Lancashire, UK

in court RSPCA prosecutor Paul Ridehalgh described the property as being in a “horrendous” condition, with a sharp tin can found in one kennel.

He added: ” Many of the dogs had little or no access to water and there was little evidence of food. It appeared to the officer that all the dogs encountered appeared hungry and were in various conditions of ill health. Enclosures were unclean and littered with dog excrement, one enclosure was too small for the dog and the animals had no access to food or water.

“There were a large number of dogs present with one small puppy inside a room off the kitchen area with the remaining dogs in a small makeshift kennel at the entrance to the site.

“It appeared all the rooms had been used at one time as the building smelt heavily of urine and dog faeces with dog faeces scattered around various rooms.

“There was evidence of chewed wooden doors and skirting boards throughout. It was also noted there were large piles of wet sawdust shavings in and around all the doors as if they had been swept out of the building.

Fishwick claimed he had taken rescue dogs on and denied breeding for profit.

Sentencing: 17-week jail term, suspended for a year, with 12 months of supervision and £160 costs. Banned from owning or keeping animals for five years (expired October 2022).

Planet Radio