Tag Archives: North Lanarkshire

Motherwell, North Lanarkshire: Robert King

CONVICTED (2020) | so-called urban hunter Robert King, born 22 November 1986, of 66 Scotia Street, Motherwell ML1 3LD – a sadistic badger baiter and fox cub killer who forced his dogs into brutal animal fights

Twisted Robert King  forced his dogs into underground tunnels to bait a nursing badger. The dogs suffered horrific facial injuries with one being so badly hurt she had to be euthanised
Twisted Robert King  forced his dogs into underground tunnels to bait a nursing badger. The dogs suffered horrific facial injuries with one being so badly hurt she had to be euthanised

Robert King, a self-employed landscape gardener trading under the name R&R Landscaping, had trained his three dogs to fight so aggressively that one had to be put to sleep due to the severity of her injuries. His social media accounts showed he was using his dogs to wipe out wild animals and networking with other sick so-called urban hunters to show off his grisly work.

Evil badger baiter Robert King

King was caught after Police Scotland raided a site near Carluke Park and Ride in South Lanarkshire and found the two severely injured Jack Russell terriers wearing tracking collars. One also had a metal face guard.

King's dogs were injured after being forced into attacking a nursing badger
This dog was so badly injured she was euthanised on humane grounds

He had forced the two dogs into underground tunnels to bait a nursing badger so his larger lurcher dogs could attack it.

He had developed special chin straps to protect his dogs from badgers as they attacked the setts from above ground.

King's dogs were injured after being forced into attacking a nursing badger
King’s dogs were injured after being forced into attacking a nursing badger

The straps have never before been seen in Scotland but are known to have been used in Italy, where pit bulls have been forced to fight with wild pigs.

In this case, the strap had failed and one of King’s dogs was so badly hurt she had to be put down, with her lower jaw ripped from her face.

Evil badger baiter Robert King

Spades and other specialist baiting equipment was found at the scene. There had been a significant amount of digging which is another tactic used in an attempt to unearth the badgers and provoke a fight.

Police Scotland found a black lurcher type dog in King’s car. There were scars around her muzzle consistent with animal fighting injuries. The Scottish SPCA took the dog in to their care.

When questioned by police, King tried to claim he was an animal lover and was rescuing a pet dog that was being attacked by a badger.

The Scottish SPCA took the surviving dogs into their care.

Despite the traumatic ordeal the family of badgers produced young cubs. Special cameras put in place by the Scottish SPCA spotted the two baby badgers emerge after the chaos.

A Scottish SPCA SIU undercover inspector said: “It was wonderful to see the badgers had protected their cubs from what could have been a devastating incident.

“Badgers are peaceful creatures and will only fight if cornered. If they have young, they will protect them to the death.

“Badger mothers are vicious when they have young. Sending a dog down in to a sett with a nursing female is incredibly dangerous, not only for the badger but for the dog, as we’ve seen in this case.

“This case further highlights the significance of utilising our expertise to work in collaboration with Police Scotland to bring an organised animal fighters to justice.

“We are pleased that awareness of badger baiting and animal fighting among members of the public is increasing. These are abhorrent crimes and we are pleased King has been found guilty.

“It’s not often that stories like this have a positive outcome but the badger cubs and their thriving family is a very happy ending.”

Sentencing: seven-month tagging order; 250 hours of unpaid work. Banned from keeping animals for life.

Daily Record

Airdrie, North Lanarkshire: Andrew McPherson

CONVICTED (2020) | Andrew William McPherson, born c. 1982, of 20 Harris Place, Airdrie ML6 8FN – for starving and neglecting his two dogs over a prolonged period

Animal abuser Andrew McPherson from Airdrie, North Lanarkshire, Scotland

Andrew McPherson admitted he failed to provide a nutritionally adequate diet or veterinary treatment for seven-year-old German shepherd Zara, and Bobo, a 16-year-old male crossbreed, resulting in the dogs’ welfare being seriously impacted and causing unnecessary suffering.

Scottish SPCA photographs of dogs neglected by Andrew McPherson from Airdrie, North Lanarkshire, Scotland
Scottish SPCA photographs of dogs neglected by Andrew McPherson

McPherson pleaded guilty under Section 19 of the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006 for causing unnecessary suffering and for failing to provide veterinary treatment for the dogs.

He was fined and given a five-year ban on keeping dogs.

Neglected dog  Bobo
Neglected dog Bobo

Scottish SPCA inspector Emma Sergeant said, “We are pleased McPherson has been handed a ban for this level of neglect.

“McPherson has been known to the Scottish SPCA since 2018. We have tried on several occasions to provide him with guidance and advice on how to care for his animals.

“After some improvement in the condition of Zara and Bobo following our initial intervention, we were frustrated and disappointed to see the deterioration in the dogs when we attended the address in September last year.

“The living conditions were dirty and cluttered, with piles of litter on the floor and household items stacked in other rooms, making them inaccessible.

“The dogs were severely underweight with both their hip bones and ribs visible. Their nails were also very overgrown, which would have caused the animals a lot of discomfort.

“During our visit, some dog food was accidentally spilled on the floor and the dogs were so hungry they began to fight each other for the food.”

Emma added: “On veterinary examination, it was established that the dogs had no underlying medical conditions and they easily put on weight while in our care.

“It would have taken months for the dogs to get into the condition they did. This did not happen overnight.

“McPherson clearly did not learn from past advice and intervention. Ultimately his two dogs were caused unnecessary suffering as a result.

“Providing an animal with a basic level of nutrition to stay healthy should not be a difficult task.

“We hope this sentence makes McPherson consider his ability to be able to look after any animal in the future.

“Thankfully, both Zara and Bobo went from strength to strength in our care and were successfully rehomed. They will now receive the love and attention they deserve for the rest of their lives.”

Sentencing | five-year ban on owning dogs (expires July 2025).

Daily Record

Bargeddie, North Lanarkshire: Dalton Prior

CONVICTED (2020) | persistent thug Dalton Prior, born 13/02/1996, of 8 Luggiebank Place, Bargeddie, near Coatbridge G69 7SE – kicked and terrorised his pet dog

Dalton Prior and the dog he abused, Jock
Career criminal and drug addict Dalton Prior was seen kicking Jock and dragging him along the road

Heartless Dalton Prior, who has numerous previous criminal convictions, including some for violence, caused the distressed five-year-old dog, known as Jock, unnecessary suffering by kicking him and pulling him harshly by the lead on November 7, 2019.

Earlier that day, he broke into a house on Drumpark Street with the intention of committing theft. The thug’s catalogue of crime continued when he assaulted a police officer by attempting to headbutt him.

Dalton Prior and the dog he abused, Jock

Prior was on bail when he committed the offences.

He also admitted being in possession of a knife in public at Whifflet Court in June 2019.

Prosecutor Jamie Dunbar produced a list of Prior’s previous convictions, which were admitted.

The fiscal depute told Airdrie Sheriff Court: “It was a two-storey house. The householder and his daughter were within.

“At 2.20pm, they heard a door handle move and being forced by a shoulder. They shouted and saw a man running from the door holding a dog. He shouted back, ‘I must be at the wrong door’, and left the area.

“At 2.45pm, witnesses heard a dog yelp and saw a dog on a lead.

“The man with the dog, the accused, was very unsteady on his feet, pulling the dog behind him.

“He turned and kicked the dog. It cried out. He continued to pull the dog harshly.

“The dog was clearly frightened and distressed.

“At 3.05pm, police saw Prior. His speech was slurred. He was detained and searched.

“He became aggressive and motioned his head towards a police officer.

“He was restrained and taken into custody.”

The fiscal depute added: “In another matter at 5.45pm, the accused was known to the complainer.

“He heard a buzzer at his door and shouted to Prior you are not allowed in.

“He replied, ‘I’ve nowhere else to go. He lifted up his top and a black-handled kitchen knife was in the waistband of his trousers.

“Police were contacted and he was arrested.”

Dalton Prior

Defence lawyer Fraser McKinnon said, in mitigation of his client: “He has been on remand since November 8.

“His record does him no favours, caused by his drug addictions.

“He has several previous convictions.”

Sheriff Derek O’Carroll told Prior: “Given your record, which is very poor, and the nature of the offences, there is no alternative to a custodial sentence.

“You were also on licence at the time. You will return to prison for four months.

“For the incident with the dog, this was unpleasant cruelty.”

Sentencing: jailed for a total of 19 months on all of the charges. Banned from owning or being in control of an animal for three years (expires March 2023).

Daily Record

Bellshill, North Lanarkshire: Allan King

CONVICTED (2019) | Allan King, born 5 April 1985, of St Andrew’s Court, Bellshill ML4 1FD – swung a dog by the ears before kicking her repeatedly.

Dog abuser Allan King of Bellshill, North Lanarkshire, Scotland

King grabbed the mongrel before dropping her on the ground. He then struck her back with his knee and repeatedly kicked her. The attack left a shocked eyewitness ‘physically sick’ after she watched him repeatedly strike the ‘cowering and trembling’ animal in Bellshill, Lanarkshire.

The dog was heard whimpering and was seen shaking with her tail between her legs as King attacked her.

When he was asked to stop his attack, the thug shouted ‘Fuck off’ at the woman. Passing police intervened and King was caught after fleeing the scene.

The thug, who was supposed to be looking after the dog, said he hit the animal because she would not walk properly.

King admitted causing the dog unnecessary suffering and acting in a threatening or abusive manner in June 2019.

Depute fiscal Morag McClintock said: “At around 11.15am the witness was on the main street in Bellshill where the accused had the dog off the ground with its ears and was swinging the dog with them.

“He then dropped the dog on the ground.

“The witness asked the accused to stop and leave the dog alone but he shouted ‘fuck off’ and while this was going on police in uniform could hear the shouting.

“The police saw him walking towards them and kept a watch on him and observed the accused strike the dog three times with considerable force.

“It was seen cowering from the accused, sinking lower to the ground and trembling.

“When the accused saw the police he let go of the lead and ran off.

“He was asked to stop but continued running and a foot chase took place with other officers eventually finding him.

“The accused said ‘look I’m sorry I kicked my dog. I’m sorry but the dog was not walking’.

“The civilian witness advised she had never seen anything like it and that his actions had made her physically sick.”

The dog was later handed into Bellshill police station.

Jack Grant, defending, said: “This wasn’t his dog but his partner’s who had been away on a long weekend and he had been given the dog to look after and this took place on the last day he had it.

“His actions on that day were deplorable but he says he was frustrated and embarrassed by the dog and did what he did and for that he is extremely remorseful.

“He is prepared to accept that a custodial sentence may well be in the court’s mind but I ask that there is some sort of alternative imposed.”

Sheriff Vincent Smith said: “In all of the circumstances I’m going to deal with this by way of a community payback order with a requirement you carry out unpaid work.”

Sentencing | ordered to carry out 210 hours of unpaid work. Banned from keeping any animals for 12 months (expired).

Scottish Sun

Wishaw, North Lanarkshire: Gale Maitland

CONVICTED (2019) | Gale Elizabeth Maitland, born 15 February 1967 of Carbarns West, Wishaw ML2 0DE – kept cats and a dog in fly- and faeces-infested conditions

Convicted animal abuser Gale Maitland kept animals in horrific conditions in her filthy home
Maitland is now banned from keeping dogs for life

Following a tip-off from a concerned postal worker, Scottish SPCA inspectors attended Gale Maitland’s home and were confronted with a scene of horror, with five cats and a dog living in the foulest of conditions.

Maitland admitted two charges of failing to admit the needs of the animals.

Depute fiscal Abby Seal said: “In March police received an anonymous call from a Royal Mail worker who had attended at the locus during her shift and noticed the door lying ajar.

“The caller believed the house had been trashed and wanted to make a report because the house was in a state of disarray and she could see a dog in a cage in a distressed state.

“The house was in an extremely unsanitary state and in complete disarray and there was an overpowering, pungent smell of urine being intensified by the central heating.

“Inspectors from the SPCA found the hall and stairway full of clothing, bin bags, rubbish and half-eaten takeaway boxes.

“Several cats were seen eating mouldy food from takeaway boxes.

“Throughout the property there was animal faeces and urine on the furniture.

“In the kitchen there was a tan crossbreed dog in a crate on the floor which was in a distressed state and the crate was described as being in a horrendous state and totally unsuitable for a dog to caged within it.

“The crate had a deep build-up of faeces and food which was several inches high.

“A downstairs toilet was being used as a large waste area with bin bags stacked on top of each other 6ft high.

“There was an overpowering smell of ammonia coming from three cat litter trays and it was described by inspectors as the worst litter trays they had seen.

“The master bedroom was in a similar state to the rest of the house and a small cat was observed eating from a partially eaten pizza box.

“Photographs were taken of each animal and they were taken to the Lanarkshire rehoming centre.”

Kauser Iqbal, defending, said: “There was no deliberate intent on her part relating to these offences.

“She was under an extreme amount of stress with the health of her father and long hours that she was working.

“The wake up call for her was when the animals were taken away by officers from the SPCA.

“She has taken significant steps in the property and has replaced every item of furniture and carpet inside.

“This wasn’t a deliberate or planned course of action and she has been extremely stressed over these proceedings.”

Two of the cats known as ‘Chance’ and ‘Loki’ will be returned to Maitland but the other three will be re-homed along with the dog.

Sentencing | 240 hours of unpaid work. Banned from keeping dogs for life.

The Sun

Wishaw, North Lanarkshire: Sean McGinnes

CONVICTED | Sean Paul McGinnes, born 4 May 1984, of Faskally Walk, Newmains, Wishaw ML2 9LD – strangled his sister’s pet rottweiler and dumped his body in a wheelie bin.

Sean McGinnes was convicted of causing the three-year-old dog, named Tyson, unnecessary suffering and asphyxiating him by an unknown method causing him to die.

The court heard that McGinnes choked Tyson to death after a row with his sibling AnneMarie McGinnes.

The pair had been in Miss McGinnes’ home in Newmains, Lanarkshire, when they had a minor argument about the dog.

Tyson was strangled to death by evil Sean McGinnes from Newmains, Wishaw

McGinnes left the house but the three-year-old pet was later discovered lying in the bin with a jumper tied to his collar.

Police were called in and McGinnes was arrested.

He went on trial at Hamilton Sheriff Court and insisted he had nothing to do with the animal’s death.

But he was convicted by Sheriff Linda Nicolson who told the thug he faces jail for the horrific incident of January 2018.

Dog killer Sean McGinnes from Newmains, Wishaw
Dog killer Sean McGinnes from Newmains, Wishaw

Miss McGinnes said she was traumatised by her ordeal and has called on her brother to be put behind bars.

She said: “Sean and me had a daft argument after he took Tyson without permission. He brought him back to my back door in a bin already passed away with his jumper tied around Tyson’s collar.

“I was distraught and still am. I can’t bear to think what poor Tyson endured at that monster’s hands.

“I really don’t know who he is anymore, even if I did at all. I wouldn’t give him time of day again because of the evil crime he has committed.

“What I went through in court was horrible, distressing and sad but I had to see justice done for my boy. All the lies he told were disgusting and at times it was uncomfortable to sit through.

“He should be jailed. Anyone who harms pets or animals should all receive jail because I think Scottish law is far too light on people who are cruel to animals.

“I have been looking after another dog called Marley which helped me because I was depressed by what had happened but no other dog could ever replace Tyson, I loved him to bits.”

McGinnes was jailed for 15 months for killing Tyson and was hit with another eight-month term after he admitted threatening his former partner. The terms will run consecutively.

Sentencing: jailed for a total 23 months. Banned from keeping animals for life.

Scottish Sun

Airdrie, North Lanarkshire: Tony Storer

CONVICTED (2019) | Anthony Storer, age unknown, of Douglas Street, Airdrie ML6 9JS – allowed his pet boxer to deteriorate to such a state vets couldn’t help her.

Storer was found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to animals at Airdrie Sheriff Court on April 1, 2019.

The dog, named Sasha, suffered three small tumours, inflamed and overgrown gums, was severely underweight and had renal compromise, dental disease and hypothyroidism.

Storer, who co-owned Sasha with Caroline McLeish, who was sentenced separately, had allowed the dog’s condition to deteriorate to the extent that vets were unable to save her.

Dog abuser Caroline McLeish from Aidrie, North Lanarkshire
In November 2018 Storer’s co-accused Caroline McLeish, also of Douglas Street, Aidrie, was banned from keeping animals for just three years

Scottish SPCA chief inspector John Chisholm said: “This charge was dealt as Storer failed to provide adequate nutrition and veterinary treatment to Sasha, a female Boxer, who, upon vet examination was scored with a body condition score of 1/5 with her ribs, spine and pelvic bones easily evident from a distance.

“Sasha had inflamed and overgrown gums with evidence of a chronic bacterial infection. As well as this, several of her lower incisor teeth were fractured and diseased which was obviously painful to the touch.

“Three small tumours were found on various points of her body and a veterinary exam found Sasha to have renal compromise, dental disease and hypothyroidism.

“Unfortunately, after struggling with various health issues, the sad decision was made to put Sasha to sleep.

“I’m happy the courts have dealt with this case, however it further highlights our push for tougher and more consistent sentencing. This level of neglect didn’t happen overnight and could have easily been avoided.”

Sentencing: Storer was fined £300 and banned from owning dogs for two years (expired).

Evening Times

Cumbernauld, North Lanarkshire: Mia Connor

CONVICTED (2019) | Mia Beth Connor, born 21 December 1997, formerly of ‘Rockhampton Avenue, Westwood, East Kilbride, and now of Greenfaulds Crescent, Cumbernauld G67 2PJ – for the shocking neglect of cats, dogs and lizards.

Presa Canario cross Hulk had been locked in a room by his irresponsible owner Mia Connor now of Rutherglen, South Lanarkshire
Presa Canario cross Hulk had been locked in a room by his irresponsible owner Mia Connor

An investigation by the Scottish SPCA found that single mother-of-one Mia Connor had kept her animals in atrocious conditions and deprived them of food and water.

By the time the SSPCA attended Connor’s then property in Westwood, East Kilbride, a bearded dragon and gecko had already died a slow and miserable death. Their decomposed and dessicated bodies were found in an unlit and unheated vivarium. A surviving dragon named Cheech was found to be suffering severe dehydration and hypothermia.

Connor had failed to feed other pets properly, including cats Nemo and MJ, a collie named Luka and a Presa Canario cross called Hulk. Luka especially was very underweight

Foul conditions at the property in which animal abuser Mia Connor kept dogs, cats and lizards
Foul conditions at the property in which animal abuser Mia Connor kept dogs, cats and lizards

SSPCA inspector Jack Marshall described being met with “an overpowering smell of faeces and urine” as he entered Connor’s property which was strewn with rubbish and faeces.

Foul conditions at the property in which animal abuser Mia Connor kept dogs, cats and lizards

Inspector Marshall continued: “Hulk was contained in a bedroom upstairs and when I entered, he was desperate to get out of the room. He was also in a very lean body condition. This room had an overwhelming stench of excrement and urine.

“The animals were transported immediately to the vet and upon examination all were found to be emaciated and dehydrated. Both dogs were given a body score of 2/5. Hulk had a very marked and generalised skin disease which appeared to have had very little treatment. Luka’s coat was in very poor condition and smelled strongly of urine.

“Both cats had evidence of flea infestation.

“Veterinary examination found this to be marked neglect over an extended period of time, for all of the animals, comprising deprivation of the most basic requirements for life, namely food and water. The timescale involved can’t be given precisely but would be expected to be over several weeks.

“Failing to provide for these animals clearly resulted in an unacceptable degree of unnecessary suffering and stress to all the animals involved.”

Connor pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to the animals but was let off with a paltry fine and a five-year ban on keeping animals.

Sentencing | £600 fine. Banned from keeping animals for just five years (expires February 2024).

Daily Record

Cumbernauld, North Lanarkshire: Rose Innes

CONVICTED (2018) | Rose Galbraith Innes, born 1970, of Millcroft Road, Cumbernauld G67 2QW – left her two dogs severely malnourished and with protruding ribs.

Rose Innes: an animal abuser from Cumbernauld, North Lanarkshire, Scotland
Rose Galbraith Innes – we believe this is quite an old photo of her and that she looks quite different.

Innes was found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to tri-colour spaniel Toby, 7, and 11-year-old crossbreed Scamp.

She is said to have failed to provide adequate diet or veterinary treatment for the two dogs and has been admonished and given the ban following an investigation by the Scottish SPCA.

Photos of Toby and Scamp when they were rescued from Rose Innes. Both dogs were very thin and poorly.

Concerns were raised by a member of the public about the condition of the dogs in December 2017, leading to the Scottish SPCA visiting Innes’ property to check on their welfare.

Commenting on the investigation, Scottish SPCA inspector Emma Sergeant said: “After we opened our investigation, we tried our best to work with the accused but were denied entry to her house.

“Innes eventually took Toby and Scamp to a veterinary practice and upon inspection both were given a body score of 2/9 with their hips, bones and spine clearly prominently protruding.

“Innes was given clear feeding advice by the vet and the practice raised concerns with us about the conditions of both animals.

“She failed to show for a follow-up appointment later that month, leaving the Scottish SPCA with no choice but to secure a warrant to remove the dogs from her care. At the time they were removed Toby and Scamp were malnourished and severely underweight.”

Toby and Scamp were then taken to the SSPCA animal rescue and rehoming centre in Lanarkshire.

Sadly, Scamp developed lameness in his right hind limb in October and scans revealed a tumour in his leg, as well as malignant bone cancer which had spread, and he had to be put down.

SSPCA staff say it’s highly unlikely Scamp’s death was related to his physical condition.

Toby has made a full recovery and following Innes’ sentencing he can now be re-homed.

Sentencing: five-year ban on keeping animals (expired December 2023).

Scottish SPCA
Evening Times

Carluke, North Lanarkshire: Margaret Forsyth

CONVICTED (2018) | Margaret Thomson Forsyth, born 1962, of Unitas Crescent, Carluke ML8 5AP – breached a 15-year ban on keeping animals imposed in 2006 following a case of appalling dog neglect.

Margaret Forsyth from Carluke breached a 15-year ban on keeping animals imposed on her in 2006
Margaret Forsyth from Carluke breached a 15-year ban on keeping animals imposed on her in 2006

In August 2006 Margaret Forsyth was banned from keeping animals for 15 years after admitting to causing suffering to three toy poodle dogs, two of whom had to be put to sleep.

Forsyth kept the dogs locked in her kitchen and refused to walk, groom or clip them. The poodles were described as being “in a terrible state” when found living in squalor. All of them had advanced dental problems: their teeth were loose, one poodle’s jaw had disintegrated and another had a hole in the roof of hear mouth. Two of the dogs had to be euthanised to end their suffering.

Forsyth pleaded guilty to causing the dogs unnecessary suffering by failing to provide grooming and veterinary treatment.

Twelve years on and Forsyth was found to have breached her ban after Scottish SPCA officers discovered a 12-year-old Jack Russell dog, a 15-year-old female domestic short haired cat and a budgie at her property.

In December 2018 she was ordered to pay a £360 fine. An additional 21- month disqualification order was added to her existing 15-year ban, which will now expire around May 2023.

Scottish SPCA news