Maltby, South Yorkshire: Stephen New

CONVICTED (2020) | Stephen New, born c. 1986, of 7 Seymour Road, Maltby, Rotherham S66 7PH – locked his two dogs in a cage to starve to death

Stephen New left his loyal dogs Ruby and Bruno to starve to death in a crate
Stephen New left his loyal dogs Ruby and Bruno to starve to death in a crate

New pleaded guilty to one offence of unnecessary suffering to boxers Bruno, aged 2, and Ruby, 18 months. The two dogs were found dead and curled up together in a crate by police.

The lifeless bodies of the young dogs were found curled up together in the crate.
The lifeless bodies of the young dogs were found curled up together in the crate. Vets believed New would have seen them getting weaker and thinner but did nothing to save them

RSPCA inspector Vanessa Reid was called to the property on July 14, 2020, after officers became concerned about the welfare of the animals in the house after seeing flies at the windows.

“I arrived to find police officers had already been granted access by the owner to find the dead bodies of two boxers in a crate in the kitchen,” she said.

“When I entered the house I could immediately smell a strong aroma that I know to be the smell of rotting dead bodies.

“The house was quite dark with all blinds closed, and had very little furniture inside.

“I had walked past several bags of dog food, some opened, some full and sealed, along with other dog items such as toys and leads.

“The kitchen was cluttered and grimey.

“On the side, there was a jar full of dog chews, a large bowl full of dog food, and a smaller bowl containing a small amount of food and some faeces.

“In the centre of the kitchen was a large training crate containing the remains of two dogs.

“They were laid together, tucked up beside a bowl which was on its side.

“I’m not sure whether it was a food or water bowl but it had been licked clean.

“There was a layer of thick faeces in and surrounding the cage.

“I tried to move the bodies, which had begun to decompose, and saw there were maggots present.”

Stephen New with Bruno
The court heard that New was mourning the death of his girlfriend … even though he (allegedly) had a new girlfriend at the time of the dogs’ deaths

The court heard how New had “struggled to cope” after the death of his girlfriend and failed to care for the two dogs during this period.

Vets believed the dogs had been left for up to five days with only a single bowl of water and food, and expressed concern that New saw them getting weaker and thinner but still didn’t take action.

Dog killer Stephen New
Dog killer: Stephen New is now banned from keeping animals for life

Professionals were unable to conduct a post-mortem due to the decomposition of the pets’ bodies but concluded that the dogs had died due to a lack of food and water and would have suffered greatly.

Victims Ruby and Bruno
Vets concluded the pair had tragically died due to a lack of food and water, and would have suffered greatly.

Inspector Reid added: “These poor dogs were left to starve to death inside a cage – with jars full of dog treats and open bags of food just metres away.”

Sentencing: 12-week prison sentence, suspended for two years; £400 in costs. Lifetime ban on keeping animals.

Sheffield Star

8 thoughts on “Maltby, South Yorkshire: Stephen New”

  1. What A Sad Heart Breaking Case.
    How them 2 Dogs must have suffered,
    Also absolutely no need for this at all.
    As It States: several bags of dog food, some opened, some full and sealed, along with other dog items such as toys and leads. On the side, there was a jar full of dog chews, a large bowl full of dog food, and a smaller bowl containing a small amount of food, and obviously the Dog Crate.
    I think this Scum needs help big time.

  2. This is very sad, the man needed help not prosecution at a time of grief and mental anguish and the once loved dogs suffer as a result.

    Why did no one, neighbour, friend, acquaintance or relative, step in sooner ? someone must have known these large young dogs had not been walked or been taken out of the house for days…………..

    This is a result of human neglect for another human, that could easily have been prevented if people cared.

      1. with the dog pictures from his social media the new “someone else” was clearly aware he had these young dogs and is equally guilty for not preventing their death.

        This sad event happened because of human selfishness and the dogs paid the price.

  3. These sentences are not good enough …. they should be sent to prison not given suspended sentences. Defenseless animals need to be protected from heartless arseholes who sit and watch their supposed pets starve to death. I agree with a previous poster. lock them away in a prison cell and starve them.

  4. They were his girlfriends dogs, when she died in a car accident he left them to starve. I hope she haunts him for the rest of his life. They were claires babies

  5. R u for real, he was a monster didn’t give 2 shits about these dogs, he was offered help with people wanting to care for them but he refused

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