Clevedon, North Somerset: Nigel Streater

CONVICTED (2015) | Nigel Streater, born c. 1964, of Hurn Road, Clevedon BS21 5AF – for the “inexcusable” starvation and neglect of a young German Shepherd who had to be put to sleep

Dog abuser Nigel Streater from Clevedon, North Somerset, UK, and his neglected German Shepherd Kai
Kai was so badly neglected by his cruel owner Nigel Streater he had to be euthanised for humane reasons

An RSPCA inspector that attended the home Nigel Streater shared with wife June and adult son Nathaniel and noted that the German Shepherd dog, known as Kai, was suffering from chronic starvation and a severe skin condition.

Very sadly Kai had to be put down days after being rescued because his injuries were so extensive he could never be re-homed.

A veterinary surgeon said Kai had been suffering for at least five to six months and was in obvious pain.

She believed the skin condition could have started with a simple flea presence which had been left untreated.

She also reported that he had suffered ‘chronic starvation’ and that he was ravenous when given food.

Streater told the hearing he was trying to treat Kai himself as he could not afford to take the dog to a vet.

RSPCA inspector Sarah Kenward, who discovered Kai, said: “I was appalled at the condition that I found Kai to be in.

“He was a beautiful, young German Shepherd and despite the pain he was in, he loved people.

“I understand that animals can be costly, particularly when an issue arises which needs veterinary attention. However, it is unacceptable that Kai suffered for such a long period of time. There were options available which could have helped Mr Streater and the fact that he chose to leave Kai in that condition is inexcusable”.

Sentencing 12-week custodial sentence, suspended for two years; 12-month community order with 150 hours of unpaid work; £1,080 costs and charges. Banned from keeping any animal for five years (expired 2020).

Source: Bristol Post (article removed)
Included in this court case round-up

2 thoughts on “Clevedon, North Somerset: Nigel Streater”

  1. Absolutely Heart Breaking.
    A Good Bath with Flea Shampoo and a De Wormer.
    A Large Bag Of Complete Food from the Super Market.
    Would Not Have Cost Much.
    Some people just have Not Got A Clue.

  2. Biggest bunch of bullshit going ,this article is far from the truth of the situation

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