Ayr, South Ayrshire: Paul Hill

CONVICTED (2021) | serial rapist Paul Hill, born c. 1965, of Kings Park Drive, Ayr – killed family pets to exert control over women

Serial rapist and animal abuser Paul Hill from Ayr, Scotland, UK

Sadistic monster Paul Hill drowned a former partner’s pet parakeet, killed another’s tiny kitten, threw a third girlfriend’s cat out of a window, and threatened to harm his own Alsatian bitch when a fourth woman told him she was leaving him.

The former bouncer was convicted of raping four women and physically assaulting eight women.

His offending took place between 1987 and 2009 throughout the Tayside, Grampian and Fife areas.

At the High Court in Glasgow, judge Lord Mulholland told Hill: “You used coercive and controlling behaviour. You abused and belittled them. You harmed their pets as a way of punishing them.

“Your behaviour was cruel and despicable.”

Serial rapist and animal abuser Paul Hill from Ayr, Scotland, UK

Hill was ordered to be monitored in the community for three years after his release from jail.

Defence counsel John McElroy representing Hill said: “He continues to maintain his innocence.”

Hill denied committing a string of sexual and violent offences against former partners in Aberdeen and Dundee over a 22-year period and claimed any sex was consensual.

He claimed he acted in self-defence when he strangled a 59-year-old grandmother at a Christmas party until her face turned purple after drunkenly shouting, “I’m a killing machine.”

His victims said that Hill was an evil “psycho” who verbally abused, beat, strangled and raped them. One said he attacked her after she put a CD in his alphabetically arranged collection in the wrong place.

One terrified mum-of-two sobbed as she told how she took her children to her mum’s after she caught Hill having sex with another woman in their bed.

Later he phoned threatening to kill the family’s 18-year-old pet parakeets if she didn’t return.

She said: “I went home later on that night because I knew he wasn’t in the house.

“The kids went into the house and they saw there was only one bird in the cage. They found the other parrot drowned in the kitchen sink.

“He drowned it, because the sink was filled up with water.”

Another ex-girlfriend told how Hill wrecked the Tayside apartment he shared with her after she left him because of his violent behaviour.

She said. “I had a kitten. It was only a little wee kitten. He killed my kitten.”

Hill was also convicted of throwing another woman’s cat out of the window of a flat in Kincorth, Aberdeen.

The woman said that several times when she’d said ‘no’ to sex Hill started to strangle her. She said: “His whole face – his eyes – would change, he was like a completely different person. His eyes would go really dark. He just looked really evil.”

Hill, who appeared in court via a video link, was placed on the sex offenders’ register.

Sentencing: jailed for 15 years.

Daily Record

3 thoughts on “Ayr, South Ayrshire: Paul Hill”

  1. This monster should be put to sleep!!
    Evil barbaric bastard

    A huge danger to women , animals and no doubt children

    1. Really they all done Wats app group oh he stabbed her through hand no scar beating round house no hospital records he was set up they made £70.000 out it court appeal asked his defence to show proof no Clare’s law aloud so he was not in country one the bullshit stories and the mother 4 th man jailed rape am a survivor this trial was bad no defence they called Clare’s law appeal courts overturned maybe apologies and his kids want him not mum strange

    2. Put to sleep I laugh court appeal is granting not guilty oh the Wats app group that asked his partner for photo of him are due jailed good liars poor kids want dad yeah listen to serial rape crier 4xs same story oh but victim absolute rubbish he was outside my home when he was in Dundee beaten a woman but was standing in AYR

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