Wishaw, North Lanarkshire: Conran Connor

CONVICTED (2020) | badger baiter Conran Connor, born 01/12/1998, of 61 Gateside Road, Wishaw ML2 7SB – forced dogs to attack wildlife.

Conran Connor was jailed for 5 months after making three pets brutally attack badgers
Conran Connor was jailed for 5 months after making three pets brutally attack badgers

Conran Connor was sentenced to 21 weeks in prison and given a 15-year ban on owning and/or being in control of any animal after admitting to keeping and training his three dogs for animal fighting.

A Patterdale terrier was discovered with horrific injuries
A Patterdale terrier was discovered with horrific injuries

Connor was caught when a Patterdale terrier was discovered with horrific injuries consistent with being caused by badger baiting.
The dog’s injuries were so severe that he had to be put down by vets.

Knives were then found in Connor’s home with badger blood and DNA during a Scottish SPCA investigation.

The probe revealed Connor had direct links to badger baiting.

Wildlife abuser Conran Connor from Wishaw, Scotland

He dug up badger setts in woodland in Motherwell, Lanarkshire, in preparation for illegal and bloody fights where the animals are set upon by dogs.

Connor's dog had injuries consistent with animal fighting
Connor’s dog had injuries consistent with animal fighting

A Scottish SPCA undercover inspector said: “We became aware of Connor following an enquiry into an abandoned Patterdale terrier, found in the Carnwatch/Carluke area, which had injuries consistent with badger baiting and fighting.

“The dog had to be euthanised due to the extent of his injuries.

“Our investigation led to the home of Connor and with a warrant, we discovered evidence to suggest he was engaging in animal fighting.”

Conran Connor

The inspector added: “We recovered proof that Connor had held conversations specific to purchasing dogs for, and discussing, animal fighting.

“Other items recovered from the house included numerous magazines and books relating specifically to hunting and fighting dogs with wild animals, hunting clothes, devices used to lure foxes called fox callers, a torch identical to one found during the excavation of a badger sett and knives, many of which were subsequently found to have badger blood and DNA.

“We were able to gather the DNA evidence thanks to Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture (SASA).

“Multiple items found matched those in Connor’s possession of him posing with dead wild animals and his three dogs”.

Image recovered from badger baiter Conran Connor's phone showing him in a hole in the ground with his dog

The SIU inspector added: “Other images confirmed his presence at badger baiting sites and showed his own dogs at the entrance to a badger sett.

“There were also men digging into the ground at night in woodland. This is an activity carried out as part of the badger baiting process. Other pictures include a dog with injuries consistent with badger fighting.

“We welcome the sentence handed down to Connor. He engaged in depraved acts that showed his complete disregard for animal welfare.

“He caused extreme levels of suffering to the wild animals involved and put his three dogs at great risk of injury or death, and failed to get any veterinary treatment when they were injured.”

The Scottish SPCA’s special investigations unit are experts in investigating animal fighting offences and rely on information from the public to continue to put a stop to this horrific activity.

Sentencing: 21 weeks in prison. Banned from owning any animal for 15 years.

Scottish Sun
Motherwell Times

Update 11/09/2020

Connor’s prison sentence was overturned by the Sheriff Appeal Court in Edinburgh. He was given 130 hours of unpaid community work instead.

Connor’s lawyer Jackson Bateman of Charles Ferguson Solicitors had urged the court to “stop short” of jailing Connor.

He said: “He was only 18 at the time and comes from a family who viewed that sort of behaviour as acceptable.”

Daily Record

5 thoughts on “Wishaw, North Lanarkshire: Conran Connor”

  1. What A Mentally Disturbed young man, absolute Scum, at least now his Face Is Out There, and every one knows who this scum is. I feel sorry for this Young Scums Parents and Family, they need to Disown This Evil Scum once and for all, otherwise they will be Tarred As The Same Brush. What a Sad Life this young Scum of a Pathetic Human Being Has Lead. Such a Short Prison Sentence for such a Horrific Act Of Animal Cruelty, he will only Serve Half The Time for good behaviour. I hope Karma catches up with him real soon.

  2. Also shows what he thought of his Dogs, to Abandon it with such Horrific Injuries, and that it had to be Euthanized.

  3. Only just found this but hopefully the twisted, evil scum was incarcerated with Animal Rightists, who would have taken great delight in making his life hell.

  4. (Bit Of Work) These Scum Need, they wouldn’t have the energy to go out lamping, or what ever else they are up to in the nights.
    What A Sad Life.

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