Tag Archives: Gloucester

Quedgeley, Gloucestershire: Alastair Chambers

CONVICTED (2024) | puppy farmer Alastair Chambers, born November 1980, of Manor Farm, Manor Farm Way, Quedgeley GL2 2ZT – for selling dogs without a licence.

Quedgeley puppy farmer Alastair Chambers is now banned from dealing in animals for the next 10 years but is allowed to keep pets
Alastair Chambers is now banned from dealing in animals for the next 10 years but is allowed to keep pets

A police raid of Chambers’ home in July 2020 found between 25 to 30 dogs inside three “poly tunnel” style structures. The court heard how Chambers was later warned he must not operate as a dog breeder until he had a licence.

Chambers, an independent councillor (previously Tory) with Gloucester City Council, admitted to two Animal Welfare Act offences for breeding and selling dogs without a licence after appearing in court in June 2022.

On December 20, 2023, Chambers was given an 18-month community order with 150 hours of unpaid work and ten days of rehabilitation activity.

He was also disqualified from dealing with or being involved in dealing or transporting animals for ten years. Chambers is still allowed to keep pets.

At a further hearing on June 12, 2024, he was ordered to pay £49,823 to Gloucester City Council within six months or risk a prison sentence of up to three years.

A confiscation order under the Proceeds of Crime act 2002 was made at Gloucester Crown Court by His Honour Judge Lawrie.

In July 2022 Chambers was acquitted of three charges of fraud relating to the sale of a deaf cross-breed dog called Casper.

Stroud News

Bream, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire: Jon and Stacey McDermott

CONVICTED (2023) | Jon McDermott, born 4 October (year tbc), and wife Stacey McDermott née Stacey Avery, born 14 August 1969, of New Road, Bream, near Lydney GL15 – kept six badly neglected dogs and a bearded dragon in poor conditions.

Convicted animal abusers Jon McDermott and Stacey McDermott from Bream, near Lydney, Gloucestershire. Picture: Facebook
Six dogs and bearded dragon found ‘living in faeces’ at the home of Stacey and Jon McDermott

A warrant was executed on Thursday, February 9, 2023, by Forest of Dean District Council animal welfare officials with the assistance of the Rural Crime Team and Local Policing Team from Gloucestershire Constabulary at the home of Jon and Stacey McDermott.

Six dogs and bearded dragon found 'living in faeces' at the home of Stacey and Jon McDermott

Four cavapoo-type dogs were found in an upstairs bedroom in squalid conditions. The wooden bedroom floor and en-suite floor was covered in dog faeces and urine, and the dogs were unkempt with long claws and matted fur. Two further dogs of similar breed were kept in the downstairs kitchen, with the floor of the kitchen containing dog faeces and all dogs having very little bedding.

The dogs were seized and rushed for treatment at a local vet practice. They were found to have various health conditions, badly matted coats, and were covered in fleas.

Meanwhile, the bearded dragon was found in the conservatory area in an appropriately-sized vivarium. However, he had no heat or lighting, and the substrate was full of faeces and there appeared to be no fresh food or water.

Stacey McDermott and Jon McDermott appeared at Cheltenham Magistrates Court on October 16, 2023.

Six dogs and bearded dragon found 'living in faeces' at the home of Stacey and Jon McDermott

Prosecutor Alex Kirk described the scene to the court describing the master bedroom in which the six dogs were kept as being “in a shocking state”.

He continued: “The quantity of faeces was overwhelming and the amount of it showed that the room hadn’t been cleaned for a number of months.

“The dogs were seized and were found to be suffering from a number of conditions.

“One had an infection in its eye which had to be removed by a vet while another was significantly smaller than the others.

“Another three dogs had otitis (a middle ear infection) in both ears while the remainder were suffering from long-term skin inflammations causing them animal’s pain, itching and overall long-term suffering.”

Mr Kirk explained that the house was in a cluttered state with an “overwhelming stench of ammonia and fleas”, while the garden, which was mostly concreted over, was full of building materials and trailers.

Mr Kirk added: “Inside an outbuilding there was a cage that contained a bearded dragon lizard which, because of the lack of ultraviolet light, was not the sandy-yellow colour it would normally be.

“When the cage was opened the lizard did not move or react. The lizard was seized and ultimately taken to a reptile sanctuary.”

Six dogs and bearded dragon found 'living in faeces' at the home of Stacey and Jon McDermott

Mr Kirk added: “This was a long-standing period of neglect where the animals suffered badly, contracting severe eye and ear conditions along with skin inflammation. The amount of faeces discovered showed this was not a recent occurrence but had been going on for some time.”

Stacey McDermott pleaded guilty to two counts of causing unnecessary suffering to dogs in her care and two counts of failing to meet the needs of the dogs and a bearded dragon in her care.

Jon McDermott pleaded guilty to two counts of failing to meet an animal’s needs for the bearded dragon and all six dogs.

Prosecutor Alex Kirk said: “The master bedroom was in a shocking state as six crossbreed adult cavapoo dogs were kept inside.

“The quantity of faeces was overwhelming and the amount of it showed that the room hadn’t been cleaned for a number of months.
“The dogs were seized and were found to be suffering from a number of conditions.

“One had an infection in its eye which had to be removed by a vet while another was significantly smaller than the others.
"Another three dogs had otitis (a middle ear infection) in both ears while the remainder were suffering from long-term skin inflammations causing them animal’s pain, itching and overall long-term suffering."

Mr Kirk explained that the house was in a cluttered state with an "overwhelming stench of ammonia and fleas", while the garden, which was mostly concreted over, was full of building materials and trailers.

Mr Kirk added: “Inside an outbuilding there was a cage that contained a bearded dragon lizard which, because of the lack of ultraviolet light, was not the sandy-yellow colour it would normally be.
“When the cage was opened the lizard did not move or react. The lizard was seized and ultimately taken to a reptile sanctuary.”
Mr Kirk added: “This was a long-standing period of neglect where the animals suffered badly, contracting severe eye and ear conditions along with skin inflammation. The amount of faeces discovered showed this was not a recent occurrence but had been going on for some time."

In mitigation Holly Burton told the court the couple were in financial dire straits and owed more than £10,000 in various debts.

She added: “Both of them have mental health difficulties and were living themselves among these poor living conditions.

“The couple did not deliberately mistreat the animals, but had become neglectful, mainly due to the deterioration of their mental health.”

The prosecution was brought by the Street Warden Team at The Forest of Dean District Council with the assistance of the Counter Fraud and Enforcement Unit.

Sentencing | eight weeks in prison each, suspended for 12 months; contribution of £750 each towards the council’s costs; victim surcharge of £154. Disqualified from keeping dogs for five years (expires October 2028).

ITV News

Gloucester, Gloucestershire: Eamon Bohan Sr and son Eamon Bohan Jr

CONVICTED (2022) | puppy farmers Eamon Bohan, born c. 1970, and son Eamon James Bohan, born 10 August 2001, of Allendale Close, Gloucester GL2 0AF – sold two poorly dogs, one of whom sadly died.

Money grubbing puppy farmer Eamon-James Bohan and his equally vile namesake father sold poorly puppies online.
Money grubbing puppy farmer Eamon-James Bohan and his equally vile namesake father sold poorly puppies online.

The Bohans, who are travellers, were prosecuted by Tewkesbury Borough Council for offences relating to the Animal Welfare Act 2006, Animal Licensing and Fraud Act offences.

Money grubbing puppy farmer Eamon-James Bohan and his equally vile namesake father sold poorly puppies online.
Money grubbing puppy farmer Eamon-James Bohan and his equally vile namesake father sold poorly puppies online.

The pair bred and sold dogs from their home address. The dogs were advertised on various selling sites during 2019 and 2020.

Money grubbing puppy farmer Eamon-James Bohan and his equally vile namesake father sold poorly puppies online.

Two witnesses described buying dogs from the pair in 2021. Very sadly, one of the dogs died from leptospirosis shortly after purchase, and another dog was suffering from Giardia – both illnesses are linked to contaminated drinking water or a poor environment.

Court records show that the charges against Bohan senior were of failing to take steps to ensure that the needs of the puppies were met and breeding dogs without a licence. He was also charged with making a false representation to Mr Anderson that the puppy was not underweight snd did not have worms.

Money grubbing puppy farmer Eamon-James Bohan and his equally vile namesake father sold poorly puppies online.

Bohan junior admitted aiding and abetting the puppy breeding and animal welfare charges.

Both travellers pleaded guilty to all offences.

Sentencing | the travellers were each given an 18-week custodial sentence suspended for one year. Bohan Snr also received 25 rehabilitation days and Bohan Jnr received 120 hours of unpaid work. Full prosecution costs were awarded to the council and a compensation order was awarded to the two victims.

Tewkesbury Borough Council

Matson, Gloucestershire: Paul Fowler

CONVICTED (2021) | Paul Fowler, born c. 1981, from Matson in Gloucester – seen attacking his dog in public on multiple occasions

Dog beater Paul Fowler from Matson, Gloucestershire, UK and victim of his abuse, Jawzie

Fowler was seen attacking English Bull Terrier Jawzie by a member of the public, who reported the incident to police.

Officers were called to the Matson area where they seized the dog under the Animal Welfare Act before she was taken to kennels.

Abused dog Jawzie

Jawzie was checked by a vet where it was discovered that she had other injuries thought to be caused by abuse.

She was rehomed at Christmas and is now being properly cared for by a family who has owned dogs for a number of years.

Dog beater Paul Fowler from Matson, Gloucestershire, UK

Fowler pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal.

Police say the incident has led to other witness accounts of similar abuse by Fowler.

Dog beater Paul Fowler from Matson, Gloucestershire, UK

Investigating officer Phil Powles, of Gloucestershire Police, said: “There was lots of social media attention about the incident, so much so that a woman contacted us as she had seen Fowler beating his dog months earlier in Kings Walk.

“In total we had six witnesses to Fowler’s actions and we hope that this conviction shows how we will not tolerate animal abuse here in Gloucestershire.”

Sentencing: two-month custodial sentence suspended for 12 months. Lifetime ban on owning animals


Gloucester, Gloucestershire: Derrick Dawkins

CONVICTED (2019) | Derrick Daniel Dawkins, born 1962, of Clement Street, Tredworth, Gloucester GL1 4JW – left two dogs outside continuously during the ‘Beast from East’ snowstorm.

Dog abuser Derrick Daniel Dawkins from Tredworth, Gloucester, UK
Derrick Daniel Dawkins

Bull terriers Dessa and Diesel were found in a snow-covered yard without shelter as temperatures dropped below freezing. One of the dogs was tethered by a chain and had become entangled. Both had untreated painful lesions and sores on their legs and bodies.

Dogs left outside in freezing weather Callous Derrick Daniel Dawkins from Gloucester
Callous Derrick Daniel Dawkins from Gloucester left two dogs outside during the freezing Beast from the East snowstorm of winter 2018

Now the dogs’ cruel owner Derrick Daniel Dawkins, has been given a suspended prison sentence and banned from keeping any animal for 10 years.

Investigating RSPCA Inspector Phil Mann said: “As temperatures dropped below zero and snow covered the country, Dessa and Diesel were outside day and night without appropriate shelter.

“When I saw them locked outside, I feared that if I didn’t help them straight away there would have been two dead dogs in the following morning.

“Simply leaving pets outside to fend for themselves without shelter should never be seen as an option.

“Dogs must have constant access to a suitable shelter, and owners should also ensure bedding and sleeping areas are warm, dry and away from any draughts.

“It is shocking that Dawkins left these dogs outside during such horrendous conditions and even more heartbreaking to discover they had been left to suffer with painful, untreated sores.”

Dessa and Diesel have both now recovered from their ordeal while in the care of the team at the Cotswold Dogs and Cats Home.

The team is working with Diesel to prepare him for rehoming, whereas the RSPCA has said five-year-old Dessa is already looking for a special someone to give her a second chance.

Dogs left outside in freezing weather Callous Derrick Daniel Dawkins from Gloucester
Beautiful Dessa has recovered from her ordeal at the hands of Derrick Daniel Dawkins and is looking forward to being spoiled in a loving new home

A spokesperson for the RSPCA said: “Dessa loves nothing more than spending time with people and playing with toys.

“She would be best suited to a home with no other animals or children and is looking for an experienced owner with time and patience.

“She hasn’t had as much life experience and can find new environments overwhelming, although she is slowly learning that it is okay to snuggle up on the sofa.”

Sentencing | 18-week prison sentence, suspended for two years. £750 in court costs. Banned from keeping any animal for ten years.

ITV News

Gloucester: Alice Jones

CONVICTED (2017) | Alice Mary Louise Jones, born 25 August 1997, of Saintbridge Road, Longford, Gloucester GL2 9FN – starved a pony who was found collapsed in a barn

Animal abuser: Alice Jones from Gloucester, Gloucestershire UK

Jones, previously of Raleigh Close, Gloucester,  was found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to a pony, named Blue, after failing to investigate the cause of his weight loss between February 19, 2016 and March 3 2016, contrary to Section 4 of the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

Emaciated horse Blue was found collapsed in a barn after being starved by Alice Jones from Gloucester
Emaciated horse Blue was found collapsed in a barn

The RSPCA was contacted by a concerned member of the public who had spotted Blue in a collapsed and emaciated state in a barn at Packthorn Farm, Whitminster Lane, Frampton on Severn.

Inspector Mark Lewis said: “Sadly Blue had been starved to the point when he was incredibly thin and unable to stand.

Alice Jones. Picture: Facebook

“Unfortunately he was in such a terrible state that he had to be immediately put to sleep to ease his suffering.

“The post mortem showed his condition wasn’t because of an underlying disease – it was simply down to the fact he wasn’t given the food he needed.

“Owners have a responsibility of care to their animals. To allow an animal to get into such a shocking state is inexcusable.”

180 hours of unpaid work; total of £660 costs and charges. Disqualified from keeping horses for five years (expired January 2022).
