Norton, Stoke-on-Trent: Marie and Steven Richards

CONVICTED (2016) | Marie Richards, born c. 1968, and husband Steven Richards, born c. 1965, of Triner Place, Norton, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 8LE – left their pet dog to suffer with a broken leg for so long he had to have it amputated

Marie and Steven Richards left their small dog in excruciating pain with a snapped femur

The Richards claimed West Highland terrier cross Charlie just had a small bite wound on his leg.

But when the RSPCA found his femur was snapped in half, they admitted Mr Richards had fallen on Charlie, but said they had no money to take him to the vets.

The RSPCA said it became involved after being alerted by a member of the public who was concerned about the Charlie’s welfare.

Charlie's injuries were consistent with a road collision
Charlie’s owners lied about the circumstances surrounding the dog’s significant injury, which was consistent with a road traffic collision

Inspector Charlotte Melvin, said it had been obvious the dog’s injury was more serious than the couple had said.

“Charlie was on three legs and couldn’t put any weight on his fourth leg,” she said.

“When we took him to the vet an x-ray revealed that his femur was completely snapped in half an injury that was consistent with the force of being hit by a car.”

The couple said they had given him paracetamol and thought he was okay because “he was still wagging his tail”.

But a vet said Charlie would have suffered excruciating pain from the injury, which was at least a week old, Ms Melvin said.

“Charlie has since been successfully re-homed and is “very happy”, she added.

Sentence: 12-month community order;100 hours of unpaid work each. Banned from keeping dogs for 10 years (expires November 2026).

BBC News

One thought on “Norton, Stoke-on-Trent: Marie and Steven Richards”

  1. So sad and heart breaking.
    If you cannot afford a large Vet Fee when something like this happens. The PDSA can help if they are near by and you are claiming any benefits. Even if you give the RSPCA a Ring and explain, maybe you can get him Signed over to them, so he doesn’t suffer in the long run. Or see if you can work something out and Pay By Instalments, with a local Vet. Or if you have a Credit Card, and Pay some on the Card.
    Failing which: this is the result.

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