Kingswood, Bristol: Shane Sims

CONVICTED (2024) | Shane Paul Sims, born 20 August 1988, of Gilpin Close, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 4TG – left two horses to starve in a muddy field.

RSPCA prosecution of Shane Sims from Bristol, who abandoned two horses to starve to death.

Sims pleaded guilty to two animal welfare offences in relation to horses Denz and Soul, following an investigation and prosecution by the RSPCA.

Concerns were raised about the horses’ welfare by callers to the RSPCA, who reported that one horse had died while the other was very underweight.

RSPCA prosecution of Shane Sims from Bristol, who abandoned two horses to starve to death.

When the charity’s officers arrived at land in Westerleigh, South Gloucestershire, they found Denz dead on the ground, while Soul was underweight with his bones visible. There was no evidence of supplementary feeding and no evidence of any hay out in the muddy field.

RSPCA prosecution of Shane Sims from Bristol, who abandoned two horses to starve to death.

The vet who examined Soul described his condition in their report. They said: “This poor body condition score demonstrates that Soul may have been on an unacceptable diet, especially for a young horse.

“This will have led to hunger, muscle breakdown, lethargy and potentially poor development. It is estimated that this weight loss and associated suffering caused by the aforementioned will have occurred over a period of approximately two months.”

RSPCA prosecution of Shane Sims from Bristol, who abandoned two horses to starve to death.

Further examination by the vet found that he had thrush in the deep, narrow crevices of the hoof caused by standing in wet conditions and lack of routine foot care.

Further tests found he had a worm burden but showed nothing abnormal to account for the poor body condition, aside from prolonged starvation.

A post mortem examination carried out on the dead horse, Denz, showed that he was starved and had a high worm burden.

The vet said: “It is in my opinion that Denz had suffered and although it is impossible to say a specific time, I do not believe an animal could have reached a state of such emaciation within less than one month.

“In terms of what suffering Denz would have felt, I am confident that this would not have been a comfortable experience.”

RSPCA prosecution of Shane Sims from Bristol, who abandoned two horses to starve to death.

RSPCA Inspector Dan Hatfield, who investigated for the animal welfare charity, thanked members of the public who voiced their concerns over Soul’s welfare, enabling his rescue.

He said: “There is never an excuse to leave animals to suffer. Owners have a duty and responsibility to ensure the needs of their animals are met, this includes making sure they have a suitable diet and the care they need to stay healthy.

“When Soul was rescued he was in a shocking state. It was heartbreaking to see him in such an awful condition alongside his dead friend.

“Thankfully he’s now recovered and looking amazing after getting the help and care he needed.”

Soul was given care by the charity HorseWorld Trust where he has made a full recovery.

RSPCA prosecution of Shane Sims from Bristol, who abandoned two horses to starve to death.

In mitigation, the court heard that Sims had not been deliberately cruel to the horses. Despite his partner and mother of some of his children, Mollie O’Connor having a horse of her own, Sims claimed he had no knowledge of horses.

Sentencing | 18-week prison sentence, suspended for 24 months; ordered to pay £200. Banned from keeping equines for ten years but can appeal after eight years (expires August 2034).

BBC News

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