Heage, Derbyshire: Emily Matthews

CONVICTED (2022) | Emily Jade Matthews, born October 1997, of The Bent, Jacksons Lane, Heage, Belper DE56 2AA – for unlicensed dog breeding/pet profiteering.

Emily Matthews pictured with fiancé and co-director of Brook
Working Dogs, Chad Brooks

Matthews, co-director of Brook Working Dogs Ltd t/a Dog Training B.W.D., advertised puppies for thousands of pounds while unlicensed to do so, despite repeated warnings.

She advertised puppies of several breeds on the Pets 4 Homes website over a 12-month period.

Matthews was qualified to breed and train puppies but was not licenced to sell them. However, while she was not paid to advertise the dogs that were for sale, she did so on behalf of both herself and third parties between August 2020 and August 2021.

At a court hearing on Tuesday, September 6, 2022, Matthews changed her previous plea of not guilty to one of guilty to one charge of carrying on an activity without a licence under the Animal Welfare Act.

Annabel Lenton, prosecuting, told the court that Matthews worked for Brook Working Dogs and as part of her work was licenced to undertake a range of activities including scanning, microchipping and breeding dogs.

However, she posted on the Pets 4 Homes website about several border collie and blue whippet puppies being for sale, as well as puppies of other breeds, with Miss Lenton stating that money was received for these.

On September 28, 2020, following a complaint made by a member of the public on September 11, 2020, a letter was sent to Matthews by Amber Valley Borough Council explaining that a licence was needed to advertise or sell puppies, but no response was received.

On April 19, 2021, a further complaint was received after advertisements were seen for fox red Labrador puppies, which Matthews had bred herself, and border collies. These animals were worth a combined estimated total of £10,800.

Miss Lenton said: “She did receive money for both litters. Further adverts were then found a for a German Shepherd, and a part-trained sheepdog, which was for sale for £6,000.

“On April 1, 2021, another guidance letter was sent by the council but there was no response. On April 28, 2021, a further advert was found for German Shepherd puppies, which did not belong to Matthews, but she did advertise them. On June 8, 2021, Labrador puppies worth £4,200 were advertised.”

Miss Lenton said that an RSPCA visit to the Brook Working Dogs site had found multiple puppies, which were on sale both on their website and on Pets 4 Homes in adverts placed by Matthews. However, they found no welfare issues at the site and no charges were brought against Matthews regarding mistreatment.

John Last, representing Matthews, said that the defendant was simply unaware that a licence was needed and placed the adverts for friends and associates “out of kindness”. He added that “dogs are her whole life” and that she was now expecting a child with the owner of Brook Working Dogs, where she had worked for some time.

“This defendant has always accepted that she placed adverts for the sale of dogs on various websites. That has never been an issue.

“She was not told that [she needed to be licenced] in the letters, which she ignored, we can’t get away from that. She explained that she did not receive payment for, in effect, being someone who with administration for people who had puppies for sale.

“She got no money from it. She was not doing it for money, she was doing it because her whole life has been dealing with dogs. She trials nationally and internationally with German shepherds – dogs are her life.”

Sentencing, District Judge Jonathan Taaffe said: “I have to say to you, that I do take the view that you knew full well what you were doing throughout this period of time, and you ignored, deliberately, the correspondence from the council, burying your head and carrying on with these activities.

“But I have to accept that this is a case where there are no welfare issues before me. You face one charge and that is basically carrying out an unlicensed activity. I will sentence you on that charge.”

Sentencing | ordered to pay a £1,000 fine, £1,267 in costs and a £100 victim surcharge. Judge Taaffe stopped short of banning Matthews from keeping or working with dogs, despite a request from the prosecution for a disqualification order, due to there being no animal welfare concerns.

Derbyshire Live

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