Hayle, West Cornwall: Sharon Gladwell

CONVICTED | breeder Sharon Jeannine Gladwell, born c. 1973, of 23 Mount Pleasant, Hayle TR27 4LD – caught on camera physically abusing a dog who was nursing her new-born puppies.

RSPCA prosecution of cruel breeder Sharon Gladwell from Hayle, West Cornwall, who was caught on camera physically abusing a nursing dog.

The RSPCA launched an investigation after a member of the public reported Gladwell, who breeds dogs under the name Jotars Collies & Australian Shepherds, to the animal welfare charity for kicking and hitting a dog who was temporarily in her care to give birth to puppies.

RSPCA prosecution of cruel breeder Sharon Gladwell from Hayle, West Cornwall, who was caught on camera physically abusing a nursing dog.

The dog, Trust, was purchased as a puppy from Gladwell in 2018 on the agreement that when the bitch was three she’d be returned to the breeder to have a litter of puppies.

In May 2021, Trust was put to stud and her owner returned her to Gladwell’s home to give birth in July, alongside another dog who was also due to have puppies.

Trust’s owner had access to a video app on which she could view Trust and her puppies.

The witness said in her statement: “I saw Sharon enter the room where Trust was with the puppies. She placed a bowl in the whelping box and I saw Trust cower away. This wasn’t at all like her and it concerned me.

“At 17.58… I saw her get into the whelping box with Trust and the puppies. I was watching it live as it happened. Sharon straightened out the bedding and then kicked Trust hard in the chest with her right foot. She then leant over her and Trust [didn’t] move.

“She then hits Trust to the face causing her head to move backwards.

“She then continues to lean over her before hitting her again to the face.

“She then picks her up by the scruff and the fur on her rump, and holds her off the floor for around eight seconds before throwing her to the back of the whelping pen.”

RSPCA prosecution of cruel breeder Sharon Gladwell from Hayle, West Cornwall, who was caught on camera physically abusing a nursing dog.

One puppy died from suspected leptospirosis but the others were all sold and Trust was returned to her owner.

The witness added: “Sharon told me that Trust had been kept inside the house but she stank and her stomach was covered in dirt which took me about a week to get off. She had also lost weight.”

Gladwell appeared at Bodmin Magistrates’ Court on June 18, 2024, to be sentenced after pleading guilty to two offences under the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

Sentencing | fined £733, ordered to pay £400 in costs and a £293 victim surcharge. No mention of a ban.

Falmouth Packet
Daily Mail
Companion Life

2 thoughts on “Hayle, West Cornwall: Sharon Gladwell”

  1. Why no ban …. as she is a confirmed animal abuser she has done it in the past and will continue to do it in the future … why should any animal have to put up with this type of treatment. I hope the owner of this poor bitch reports this behaviour via this video to appropriate dog societies and will not be able to show again.

  2. If I’d seen that I would have been banging on the door of the breeder’s house.I would have dealt with it , taken the pups home and no way would the poor dog have stayed with that woman,since I would have told the RSPCA and Police that night.

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