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Can you help solve animal crimes?

UK Animal Cruelty Files recently started working in partnership with an established firm of animal crime investigators and will be passing on any referrals we receive here to them.

The investigation team, whose identity we cannot disclose due to the covert nature of their activities, have many years of experience in investigating organised animal crime. Their work is focused on the following areas:

  • dog fighting, cock fighting, and other animal fighting;
  • illegal puppy trade including the sale of unwell puppies;
  • ear cropping and other forms of mutilation;
  • wildlife crime including badger baiting, digging out, and sett interference;
  • hunting including red coat hunting offences and hare coursing;
  • snaring and trapping of wildlife and non-target species such as pets;
  • persecution of raptors including trapping and poisoning;
  • breaches of disqualification orders.

Unfortunately, due to limited resources, they are unable to investigate reports of domestic pet cruelty and you should continue to contact police, RSPCA, local authority, etc, with any concerns of that nature.

In the first instance, please complete the form below with as much detail as you can and we will pass this onto the investigation team.

All referrals will be handled in the strictest confidence.

Please note, you may not receive a response unless the team requires further information from you.

    We collate data on animal cruelty convictions in the UK