Gateshead, Tyne and Wear: Cameron Brunning

CONVICTED (2024) | Cameron Brunning, born c 2002, of St Cuthbert’s Court, Bensham, Gateshead NE8 2LL – routinely subjected a young dog to horrific violence.

Animal abuser! RSPCA prosecution of Gateshead man Cameron Brunning, who was caught on camera beating his dog on multiple occasions

Brunning pleaded guilty to two offences under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 in relation to a two-year-old Old Tyme bulldog called Biscuit.

The thug, who apparently has “mental health issues”, was prosecuted by the RSPCA after lift CCTV cameras captured him attacking the dog on multiple occasions.

Animal abuser! RSPCA prosecution of Gateshead man Cameron Brunning, who was caught on camera beating his dog on multiple occasions

In various video clips he is shown kicking and punching the terrified dog and holding her by the throat against a mirror before dropping her to the floor. Brunning’s gratuitous and unprovoked attacks had left the little dog in a state of sheer terror.

Brunning admitted inflicting physical and mental abuse on Biscuit as well as an offence of failing to meet her needs.

In a statement presented to the court RSPCA Inspector Keogh-Laws said that she attended at the flats where the concierge showed the video footage which captured multiple attacks on the dog stretching over a period of nearly a month between September and October 2023.

“The defendant can be seen kicking the dog throughout the videos, stamping on her head and legs with force and punching her in her face,” said the inspector.

“He is seen picking her up and slamming her to the ground where she lands on her back.

“In one clip he picks the dog up and holds her up against the mirror of the lift by her throat. He holds her around three feet off the ground for around 10 seconds and then drops her to the floor.

“His body language is aggressive and he is right in the dog’s face pointing.

Animal abuser! RSPCA prosecution of Gateshead man Cameron Brunning, who was caught on camera beating his dog on multiple occasions

In another clip he pins the dog in the corner of the lift. The dog looks terrified and she cowers and tries to move away to the furthest corner of the lift.

“The dog didn’t appear to be doing anything leading up to or during the beatings which were completely unprovoked.”

Animal abuser! RSPCA prosecution of Gateshead man Cameron Brunning, who was caught on camera beating his dog on multiple occasions

The RSPCA inspector, accompanied by two police officers, went to Brunning’s flat on October 11, 2023 and identified the defendant from the CCTV. The bulldog who was in the sitting room was seized and taken into RSPCA care.

Inspector Keogh-Laws said that during the visit, Brunning told the officers that “he needed to teach the dog how to behave”.

Biscuit was examined by a vet who said she had suffered for at least four weeks.

The vet said that although the dog was clinically healthy there were minor health concerns about her eyes and ears and blood tests showed raised levels of an enzyme, which could have been linked to muscle trauma.

“Given the dog’s demeanour of shying away from touch, along with the CCTV footage of her being beaten and the blood results suggesting muscle damage it is evident that she has suffered from physical abuse that has taken a mental toll on her as well,” said the vet.

“Although the impact of this was not obviously evident on the clinical exam the emotional and mental strain on this animal is significant.”

In mitigation, the court heard about Brunning’s supposed mental health issues.

Speaking after the sentencing, Inspector Keogh-Laws said: “Biscuit was subjected to vicious, violent assaults over a prolonged period. The only reason this defendant’s horrendous treatment of his pet was discovered was that the flat’s concierge was examining the CCTV footage from the lift to try and identify someone who was coming into the building without a fob.

Biscuit has thrived in the care of the RSPCA, which has included time spent at RSPCA Felledge Animal Centre. Now the charity will look to find a loving new home for her.

Sentencing | 12-month community order with 20 days of rehabilitation activity; court costs of £200 plus £114 victim surcharge. FIVE-year ban (expires July 2029).

Northern Echo
Companion Life

3 thoughts on “Gateshead, Tyne and Wear: Cameron Brunning”

  1. Is that all the ginger scum got. I’ve got mental health and In the 2 years I’ve had my girl for I’ve never hurt her. She’s what keeps me going I do positive training. Not beating her. Scummy oxygen thief

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