Finsbury Park, North London: Prescilia Bameko

CONVICTED (2024) | Prescilia Bameko, born 11 September 1995, of Havering House, Woodberry Down Estate, Finsbury Park, London Borough of Haringey N4 1QQ – starved a banned-breed dog to emaciation.

RSPCA prosecution of Prescilia Bameko, who starved a banned pitbull dog to emaciation.
Single mother-of-four Prescilia Bameko is banned from keeping animals after starving a banned breed dog to skin and bone.

The dog – a pitbull named Haze – was taken to an animal hospital on January 21, 2024, in an emaciated condition and suffering from pressure sores. A vet scored him with the lowest body condition rating possible – one out of nine.

RSPCA prosecution of Prescilia Bameko, who starved a banned pitbull dog to emaciation.
Haze was nursed back to health in the care of the RSPCA, but was later put to sleep because of his breed.

In a statement to the court the vet said that she had found and removed a corn cob from Haze’s stomach, one from his small intestines, a plastic fork and extensive food packaging. She also said his stomach looked like ‘the contents of a bin’, concluding that the dog had been starved and forced to scavenge for food.

RSPCA prosecution of Prescilia Bameko, who starved a banned pitbull dog to emaciation.

She said Haze would have suffered from starvation for several weeks, telling the court: “The dog’s condition on presentation showed severe neglect. Even if chronic obstruction was the underlying cause, veterinary intervention should have been sought at a much earlier stage.”

While Haze made a slow recovery, a later assessment found that he was of the banned pitbull breed, and he had to be put down in line with UK Government legislation.

The court heard in mitigation that Bameko was “a domestic abuse survivor”.

Sentencing | 12-month community order with 15 days of rehabilitation and 150 hours of unpaid work. Banned from owning animals – duration unspecified in source article.

My London

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