Finaghy, Belfast: Marcus McMillan

CONVICTED (2022) | drug dealer Marcus McMillan, born 13 June 1995, of Benmore Drive, Finaghy, west Belfast – kept 10 dogs with horrendous facial injuries in outdoor pens.

McMillan pleaded guilty to one charge of causing unnecessary suffering to five dogs and one charge of failing to meet the needs of five dogs under the Welfare of Animals Act (Northern Ireland) 2011. He was prosecuted by Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council.

The 10 severely injured terriers were discovered in kennels during a drug raid by PSNI officers of McMillan’s farm yard in Drumlough Road between Royal Hillsborough and Anahilt.

Police immediately called animal welfare officers and a vet, but when McMillan was asked to sign over the animals to their care he refused.

The dogs were then seized over fears they may suffer further harm. When McMillan was cautioned by animal welfare officers he admitted he was the sole owner of the animals.

The court was told that one of the dogs was so severely injured she had to have her jaw surgically reconstructed while another was missing her nose.

Another had its his ripped off by force, a second had a staple lodged in his head in a suspected attempt to hold a tissue wound closed and another was missing his nose.

Many of the dogs had active infections, with one found with a hole between the inside of her mouth and the outside of her chin which appeared to be a recent wound.

The prosecution lawyer said there was no evidence of any of the dogs being given treatment or pain relief, with one of the animals found with injuries that would cause pain “with every lick and bite”.

She added that all of the dogs had since been re-homed except for two which were stolen from the sanctuary where they were being held.

Police also found a combined total of more than 100 tablets of pregablin (also known as Lyrica) and temazepam.

Just under £4,400 in cash was also seized with McMillan admitting at the scene that the drugs belonged to him.

McMillan was charged with two counts of causing unnecessary suffering to animals, failing to take reasonable care of the dogs, two counts of possession of class C drugs and one count of possession of criminal property.

He pleaded guilty to all charges bar the one relating to criminal property charge, but was convicted of that as well.

The costs of treatment and care of the animals came to £5,814, according to the lawyer.

Describing the images of the dogs’ injuries as “horrendous”, Judge Watters asked if it was known what caused them.

An animal welfare officer said they were caused by hunting but couldn’t say for certain if they were caused by foxes or badgers.

McMillan’s barrister said he claims the injuries were sustained by hunting foxes and not badger baiting and said he has since expressed “genuine remorse” for what happened to the dogs.

For causing unnecessary suffering to the 10 dogs McMillan was jailed for five months, along with five months for failing to take reasonable care of the animals.

On the two charges of possession of class C drugs he was sentenced to three months in prison, with five months for possession of criminal property.

McMillan will serve the terms concurrently and will have to pay a total of £6,048 in council costs.

Sentencing | five months’ imprisonment. Lifetime ban on keeping animals. Lisburn Council was awarded full costs of £6048.

Northern Ireland World
Sunday Life

Additional Information

Older Facebook profile here.

One thought on “Finaghy, Belfast: Marcus McMillan”

  1. Absolutely Heart Breaking.
    It is obvious they have been used for Fighting and Killing Other Animals. It also makes you think, how long has he been doing this type of thing before he was caught.
    Scum won’t have no luck for what he has been up to.
    Bit of work the scum wants, he wouldn’t have the energy to go out Hunting or Killing Animals, or Digging or whatever else the Scum has been up to. Absolutely Appalling.

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