Eston, Middlesbrough: Daniel Simpson

CONVICTED (2024) | backyard breeder Daniel Simpson, born 5 August 1978, previously of South Drive, Ormesby and now 18 Sleights Crescent, Eston, Middlesbrough TS6 8HF – kept 38 dogs and puppies in faeces-smeared pens and crates.

RSPCA prosecution of Middlesbrough backyard breeder Daniel Simpson for cruelty to 38 Italian greyhound dogs and puppies

Simpson admitted five offences contrary to the Animal Welfare Act 2006 – including one of breeding dogs without a licence – following an investigation and prosecution by the RSPCA.

The dogs – all Italian greyhounds – included several nursing females.

They were discovered in the garage and conservatory of Simpson’s property in South Drive, Ormesby, by the police, who called in the RSPCA.

The adult and juvenile dogs and puppies, who ranged in age from three to 14 weeks, were living in nine wire pens on urine-soaked bedding with no food or toys, and only one of the enclosures had water available.

RSPCA prosecution of Middlesbrough backyard breeder Daniel Simpson for cruelty to 38 Italian greyhound dogs and puppies

All of the breeding females had severe dental disease, one had a broken front leg, and six of the 19 puppies were malnourished.

The dogs were removed from the property on September 12, 2023, because of concerns for their welfare.

RSPCA prosecution of Middlesbrough backyard breeder Daniel Simpson for cruelty to 38 Italian greyhound dogs and puppies

In written evidence to the court, RSPCA Inspector Clare Wilson said: “I went through to the conservatory and found a number of dogs and puppies in crates around the edges of the room.

“There were also dog pens in the garage outside containing more dogs and puppies, and there was a strong smell of ammonia in these areas. I counted 38 dogs and puppies, which were all Italian greyhounds.

“The small crates in the conservatory and the pens and small crate in the garage were all against the walls and most were next to each other. They were all dirty and smelly and had faeces smeared over the bases.

“Only one pen of nine puppies in the garage had any water available. The other eight pens had no water and some didn’t have any bowls in them at all.

“There was no food or any toys available in any of the pens for the dogs or puppies. Any bedding was dirty and soaked in urine and not every enclosure had bedding. I saw the dogs eating their own poo and fighting amongst themselves in the crates.

“Many of them appeared underweight and I was particularly concerned about one of the smaller puppies who seemed very lethargic. One dog had an obviously broken and hanging right fore leg.”

RSPCA prosecution of Middlesbrough backyard breeder Daniel Simpson for cruelty to 38 Italian greyhound dogs and puppies

Four female greyhounds and 15 puppies were being kept in four pens in the conservatory, while a further five pens containing 19 greyhounds were found in the garage. Despite the side door being open, the smell of ammonia and excrement was almost overwhelming, the court heard.

The greyhounds had been provided with bath mats that were sodden with stale urine and excrement. Many drank copiously when offered water.

A vet called to the scene confirmed the dogs were likely to suffer if their circumstances didn’t change and they were all taken into possession by the police.

In written evidence to the court the same vet who later examined them said that six of the puppies – who were given body condition scores of 1/6 – had been suffering for at least two weeks because of an inadequate diet.

Five adult females had been caused to suffer ‘for at least months,’ because of advanced dental disease which Simpson had failed to seek veterinary treatment for.

RSPCA prosecution of Middlesbrough backyard breeder Daniel Simpson for cruelty to 38 Italian greyhound dogs and puppies

One dog, Daisy, had been caused unnecessary suffering for at least three days because of an untreated broken leg.

The vet concluded that Simpson had failed to meet the needs of all 38 greyhounds by failing to provide them with a suitable environment, diet, the ability to express normal patterns of behaviour and the need to be housed with, or apart from, other animals.

Simpson signed over all of the dogs into the RSPCA’s care during the course of the investigation, and the charity paid for their treatment and neutering.

Most of them were cared for and rehomed at four RSPCA branch centres – York, Harrogate and District, Chesterfield and North Derbyshire, Derby and Southport, Ormskirk & District. Two were fostered by veterinary staff before being adopted.

The court heard in mitigation that Simpson was ashamed and embarrassed about what had happened and needed help for a drink problem. He was said to have been previously licensed as a ‘four star’ establishment to breed French Bulldogs but that had ended following the breakdown of a previous relationship.

Speaking after the case Inspector Wilson said: “The enclosures and conditions these greyhounds were kept in fell far short of the legal standards for a licenced breeding establishment.

“It was a large number of animals to rehabilitate and care for, but thanks to our network of branch centres and the help of fosterers we were able to quickly rehome them all, and it’s fantastic to see the dogs looking so happy with their new families.

Sentencing | 18-month community order with 12-month alcohol treatment requirement and 25 days of rehabilitation. Costs of £990 and £114 victim surcharge. Disqualified from keeping, dealing in and transporting animals for 10 years but may appeal after six years (expires June 2034).

Northern Echo

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