Eccles, Greater Manchester: Mark Blackburn

CONVICTED (2021) | breeder Mark James Blackburn, born c. 1986, of 17 Swanage Road, Eccles, City of Salford M30 8NJ – starved dogs, cats and rabbits to death.

17 animals starved to death in the care of Mark Blackburn from Eccles

Blackburn was banned from keeping animals after the decomposing bodies of dead dogs, cats and rabbits were found in his home.

He pleaded guilty to four animal welfare offences when he appeared before Greater Manchester Magistrates’ Court on 14 September 2021.

17 animals starved to death in the care of Mark Blackburn from Eccles

The court heard how the RSPCA were called to Blackburn’s house by the police on December 8, 2019 and found 17 dead animals in the house.

They also came across five underweight Akita dogs.

Inspector Danni Jennnings attended the scene and said when she arrived at the address the front door was already open.

She said: “Before I entered the property I noted an obvious smell consistent with dead bodies.”

During a search of the property she then discovered the bodies of decomposing animals in various rooms.

She said: “In the living room directly off the hallway on the right, there was a dead, black adult rabbit in a wooden box.

“This box contained no food or water.

“Under the window, behind a bed head was another dead, black adult rabbit.

“In the middle of this room, was a decomposing, what appeared to be a pug type dog. This dog appeared to have been scavenged as parts of its legs and face were missing and there was a heavy maggot infestation.

“In a dog crate at the back of this room were two more pug type dogs. These too were in a state of decomposition. There was no food or water visible in this crate.

“In a room off the kitchen was a filthy room conditions in this room were deplorable. Filthy dog crates with no bedding, food or water, three of which contained the decomposed remains of Akita dogs.”

In the kitchen she found a kennel containing a decomposed Akita and in another cardboard box was another dead rabbit. During a search of the hallway, Danni came across two cardboard boxes with the lids shut and when she opened these she found two dead rabbits with no food and water present.

17 animals starved to death in the care of Mark Blackburn from Eccles

Upstairs the decomposed body of another Akita was found in a crate in the main bedroom and in another bedroom the bodies of four dead and decomposing cats were found.

Five live Akitas were found in the property and were taken for veterinary treatment. All were underweight and three needed drips inserted as they were dehydrated.

Four of the rescued Akitas were owned by other breeders and have been returned to their owners and made a recovery.

One was owned by Blackburn and was signed over into RSPCA care for rehoming.

An expert vet said that the decomposition of the animals suggested they all died at various times from dehydration as no drinking water was present at the house. He added: “All would have suffered from mechanisms of pain, headaches, disorientation, intense thirst, weakness, fatigue, eventual collapse, organ failure and death for a period of at least five days, possibly longer.”

In mitigation the court heard Blackburn was suffering from depression and anxiety.

Sentencing: four months’ custody suspended for six months for each offence to run concurrently; 12-month community order including a 15-day Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement; ordered to pay £900 costs. Ten-year ban on owning animals (expires September 2031).

Lancs Live
Manchester Evening News

6 thoughts on “Eccles, Greater Manchester: Mark Blackburn”

  1. Depression and anxiety 🤣🤣, typical justice for the UK ….hang your heads in shame the solicitor who defended an animal abuser. Let’s hope karma gets him and you ….Depression? How’s about dying of thirst and hunger? Disgusting. Community order….well send him to Eccles to serve it! Hope these animals get justice.

  2. Another Evil Mentally Disturbed Scum.
    He needs to be placed in a Mental Institution.
    Absolutely Heart Breaking for those poor little Animals.
    There Is No Excuse for such lack of care.
    Also what was he doing keeping 4 Of Other Peoples Dogs, that did not belong to him. This doesn’t make sense if they belonged to other people, when he has Starved and Dehydrated his Own Animals To Death. For Instance, You don’t just loan your Dogs to other people, not unless they are A Registered Pet Sitter ect. It makes you think. Are these other people fit to keep Dogs.

  3. yeah just blame your sick vile disgusting ways on mental health … what an absolute disgrace of an individual he deffoo needs putting down scum bag i hope everyone see this n gets him in their own ways thats would put a smile on my face

  4. This guy needs to.go through the treatment of the poor animals. Vile disgusting B.
    You need straving.
    Lethal injection electric chair springs to mind.
    Although this is to go for you. You know right from wrong.

    Disgusting piece of shit.

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