Chelmsford, Essex: Mark Randall and Demelza Kellow

CONVICTED (2020) | Mark Randall, born 28 September 1977, and Demelza Jane Kellow (aka Dee Hunter), born 23 July 1988, both of New London Court, New London Road, Chelmsford CM2 0GG – filmed kicking a helpless dog and hitting him with a plank of wood

Convicted dog abusers Mark Randall and Demelza Kellow, and their victim, Prince.
Convicted dog abusers Mark Randall and Demelza Kellow, and their victim, Prince.

Demelza Kellow , who’s originally from Camborne in Cornwall, and partner Mark Randall both admitted causing unnecessary suffering to the dog, a Staffy/Mastiff cross known as Prince, by inflicting physical violence.

The court saw mobile phone footage showing Prince being hit by the pair while tied by a very short lead to a post.

In the video he is agitated and turning around and straining on the lead. Randall appears and kicks the dog and later hits him. He then proceeds to hit the dog on the head and back with a plank.

Demelza Kellow

Another clip shows Kellow roughly dragging Prince by the collar and lead in order to tie him up to a post. Again the dog is tethered on a short lead. Throughout the process of being dragged and tied he lays cowering on the ground and shows no sign of aggression.

Once he is tethered, Kellow kicks him.

The RSPCA attended with the police and took Prince into their care.

Convicted dog abusers Mark Randall and Demelza Kellow

A vet who examined the footage said it showed that Prince experienced fear and distress and pain and injury as a result of being hit and kicked.

Mark Randall
Backyard breeder Randall’s Facebook profile shows him with a number of different dogs. Their fate is unknown.

RSPCA Inspector Adam Jones, who investigated the incident, said: “The vet report stated that the body language of Prince throughout both videos is submissive and at no time did he react with any sort of aggression.

“Prince cowers and lays still not willing to move in fear of aggravating the defendants further.”

The court made a deprivation order regarding Prince, who is doing well in RSPCA care.

Randall – 12-month community order of 120 hours of unpaid work and 20 Rehabilitation Activity Requirement days; total of £395 in costs and charges. Disqualified from keeping all animals for 10 years with right of appeal after five years.
Kellow – 12-month community order with community sentence treatment requirement, 40 Rehabilitation Activity Requirement days; £435 in fines, costs and charges. Disqualified from keeping all animals for 10 years with right of appeal after five years.


21 thoughts on “Chelmsford, Essex: Mark Randall and Demelza Kellow”

  1. People such as this, shouldn’t have Dogs, if you haven’t got the patience with Training, you cannot just beat them up.
    Pity someone doesn’t do the same to them.
    They won’t be Backyard Breeding now for a few years, with the Ban they have received.

    1. I wish I can get my hands on this fucking Cowards.I would beat the living fuck out of them I would take that board and shove it up their fucking ass! I think they need a good ass whopping. If I saw this they would not make it alive. Peice of Shit Scumbag filth. They need to have the Shit
      Why beaten out of them.

  2. What will happen to prince will he be rehomed poor boy if I didn’t have my boy I’d have him this made me cry so much

  3. These scumbags need to have the same treatment as what they did to poor prince and feel the pain what this little dog went through!! God knows how long this little dog went through this before anyone noticed 😢 let’s hope 🙏 prince will be happy in his new forever home and get the love and best care he deserves ❤

  4. I will take prince and give him an amazing home. Im a great Animal lover and fun raise for the dog rescue. Lead me in the right direction please he will be truly well looked after . He will never experience ill treatment ever again.

  5. Haha demelza finally Karma has got you been waiting years for this day after you plastered me all over social media for being a theif I never stole your dad’s car and that stigma still carry on but hell there’s actual footage of you beating a helpless dog maybe if you stopped the cocaine and all you won’t be such a violant disgusting humanbeing poor innocent dog

    1. Looks like heroin users to me..eyes glassy and pinned. You actually know them..,.please keep an eye open for any new dogs. They will try …

      1. Heroin? 😂🤔 Eyes glassy/pinned are u for real? 😂 would never touch the evil shit! Sorry your badly mistaken! Only drugs I’m on is prescribed by a doctor! Get your facts straight! An keep eye out? Get another dog! Oh shut up! U don’t know me so keep your opinion to yourself 🤨

    2. Troy u silly little rat! My father whom u stole a car said u put one place when my father went there the car was no where to be seen! Was my father that slatted you for the thieving little rat you are! An street drugs pfft please don’t touch any of it for your information an drugs was always your style of life! Remind me again why u was homeless wasn’t allowed to even stay ya mums 😂 got anything else to say then grow a pair and inbox me u stupid fucking ignorant Mong! Oh wait u won’t your to busy doing you mdma! An puking your guts up everywhere!

      1. Haha Demelza I have been clean of drugs for three years now as moved away from Cornwall and have a fucking great life and career.. I’m exactly where I want to be in life… and it’s fucking good mdma if you puke a couple times from the rush lol…. didn’t hear you complaining that night tho hahahaha

  6. Disgusting human beings tie them up on a short length of rope by their necks and we can all kivk them vile scum

  7. Should be locked up for 10 years never mind banned for owning a pet for 10 years. They should NEVER be allowed near an animal ever again !!!

  8. What a pair of bastards they should be hit with a piece of wood and kicked fuck out of . It’s fucking cruel, they should be banned for life not 10 years. Let’s hope they get what’s coming to them. People in that area please ok out for them. What an evil pair of no good scumbags. Glad the dog will have a better life now.

  9. These lowlife pieces of filth need to meet up with my baseball bat who has a fondness for kneecaps and sculls. Let’s hope some animal lover gets hold of them both and gives them a bloody good hiding so that they remember NOT to harm any living being ever again!

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