Leyland, Lancashire: Inga Ozola and Arunas Venslovas

CONVICTED (2021) | Inga Ozola, born 15 July 1976, and partner Arunas Venslovas, born 23 February 1969, both of 12 Seven Stars Road, Leyland PR25 1AL – buried a severely injured puppy alive.

Dog breeder and killer Inga Ozola, a Lithuanian national based in Leyland, Lancashire - and the Pomeranian puppy she buried alive.

Spencer, a nine-week-old Pomeranian, was found buried in the ground inside a ripped bin liner in April 2019. Vets found he had two broken legs and nerve damage and put him to sleep to end his suffering.

Backyard breeder Inga Ozola was seen on CCTV walking to the remote spot near the town’s Worden Park wearing a backpack. She later told an RSPCA inspector she was carrying a bottle of water.

She was found guilty of two animal welfare charges when she was sentenced at Preston Magistrates’ Court. Her partner Arunas Venslovas was also prosecuted but the outcome of the case against him isn’t known.

The hearing was told how the terrified puppy had been found by a member of the public on 27 April 2019, buried in the ground in a remote location by a couple and their dogs, which had sniffed it out.

RSPCA inspector Alison Fletcher said: “The spot where Spencer was found was far off the well-walked track and deeper into an undergrowth area.

”The ground the puppy was buried in was very much hidden away and the fact that he had been spotted was extremely lucky. In my opinion the area was chosen to ensure that no one was likely to see him.”

Spencer was taken to the RSPCA Greater Manchester Animal Hospital in Salford for urgent treatment where despite the best efforts of the vet team to save him it was decided the kindest thing to do was to put him to sleep to end his suffering.

Pictured is Pomeranian puppy who was found buried alive in a field.

Inspector Fletcher and Inspector Susie Milcallef were then able to track down Ozola and interview her about what happened.

Ozola said she had bred a litter of Pomeranians and Spencer had injured his leg whilst playing with the other dogs.

The seven-week-old dog had been taken to the vets in 8 April 2019 and an X-ray revealed he had a fracture of the right tibia. Pain relief was administered and Spencer was confined to a cage to allow his leg to rest and heal. Later on 23 April, Spencer was returned by Ozola for a follow-up examination and a further X-ray showed that the fracture had been displaced.

The owner was given the option of surgical repair at a cost of £2,000, or amputation of the limb, or euthanasia. The court heard how Ozola had returned home with Spencer to consider her options and had subsequently applied for financial assistance to help with the costs but was unfortunately not eligible.

The court also heard how Inspector Fletcher had been told by Ozola that Spencer was given away on the morning of 27 April, 2019, to an acquaintance from Lithuainia. However, no surname or contact details for the man who had taken Spencer was ever provided.

Dog breeder and killer Inga Ozola, a Lithuanian national based in Leyland, Lancashire

But CCTV footage of Ozola, which was shown in court, showed her walking – with a backpack on – towards the area where Spencer was buried on the morning of 27 April, 2019, and returning to her house 30 minutes later. When asked what was being carried in the backpack she was wearing, she told the officer it was a bottle of water.

Inspector Fletcher added: “This was a tragic case in which a young puppy suffered, by not receiving the vet treatment he needed for his injuries and then by being subjected to being buried alive.

“This distressing case had a profound and lasting effect on all those involved from the members of the public who found Spencer, myself and my fellow officers involved in investigating and the RSPCA vets and staff.

“I take some comfort in the fact he was found and not left alone to suffer and die – but was surrounded by love and people trying their best to help him.”


For burying the puppy Ozola was handed 18 weeks’ detention, suspended for 18 months.

For causing unnecessary suffering by not taking the dog back to the vets for treatment, she was sentenced to six weeks in jail, also suspended for 18 months, to run concurrently.

Ozola was ordered to pay £2,000 in costs, as well as carrying out 120 hours of unpaid work and 10 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

A confiscation order was also made for her two pet dogs and arrangements are being made to transfer the ownership and responsibility for the dogs to an appropriate person.

She was banned from keeping all animals for just 18 months*.

Chorley Guardian
Liverpool Echo

Update March 2022

*Ozola appealed against her sentence but this backfired and she was ordered to pay a further £2,000 costs. Her18-month disqualification order was extended to a lifetime one.

ITV News

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