Reddit aita pregnant. I feel awful but things are what they are.

My mom was a traditional “helicopter mom” growing up and even though I’m almost 30, continues to struggle with control issues and not having as much of a say in my life as she used to and struggles that she is not my go-to person Not for not congratulating them but for insulting them. Same thing with cravings. Your compromise was all about what your wife would want. Thats a long story, the basics are it was What I did say is that pregnant women's livers metabolise caffeine more slowly, so it hangs around in the body for longer, so you need a reduced dose to achieve the same effect. I had never met her before she moved in. As a woman who has been pregnant i agree with this. Throwaway, some details changed, mobile so formatting, etc. By this point we had already been invited to the wedding of a couple of friends, 'Jack' and 'Jill'. OP shares how he cut off his sister who abused him and his wife, and refuses to help her financially. Losing a child, a child you wanted and were readying the nursery for, is fucking traumatic. Her reasons may have been important to her, and ultimately they were more important than having kids (even if that was something she also wanted). I’m pregnant with my 2nd now and I left my cell phone in the fridge for some reason the other day. She’s currently 6 months pregnant and wants me to do more for her Boyfriend should be banned from stepping into the house. AITA? Rant. My daughter is 23 (I'm dad btw). We have: a pregnant woman stealing food, man taking care of someone else's baby/pregnancy, super special food, throwaway account, and a weirdly involved parent taking the opposing side! Now we just need an obviously poorly behaving parent and their spoiled child and an extreme age gap relationship. This has been a really tough pregnancy Also "she says Im mean for calling a pregnant woman selfish" Fuck absolutely all of that nonsense. I wished she'd say something else. Wishing you, your husband and your baby all the love and good vibes. While women have been pregnant throughout all of history, it is only relatively recently that twin pregnancies weren't a likely death sentence for mother and children. Waste-Independent-21. I work five days a week and wife works part time - two days with the kid and three days at work while the kid is in childcare. The baby’s birthday was estimated to be 08/13/2022. But I knew what she was going to say. This is the price you’ve paid for a peaceful pregnancy, don’t lose sight of the fact that it was worth it. note the trashcan was placed in the corner near the closet. a have impulse getaways. It would probably get people talking for ten minutes but then the conversation would change and it’s back to the wedding or food or dancing or drinking or talking. My sister (31F) and her husband conceived just a little while It's not technically dress code, we are supposed to wear more business dress but understandable as she's pregnant she wants to be comfortable. As soon as we found out, positive test at 5 weeks, we shared on our family chat because we were very excited! The family chat includes my dad, my brother (22M) and his wife (21F). It doesn’t MAKE you selfish, it just gives you an excuse to toss out to cover your behavior. Sister is upset due to complicated family dynamic. She should have booked another seat she wanted herself or not gone on the flight. OP, your family is beautiful, your husband is absolutely a saint and your 'family' and your trash ex-friend are totally the AHs here. Our whole family is excited for them of course, and since I am close to both of my sisters they gave me their gender My 2nd pregnancy was horrible as far as my hormones! My husband was the only person that understood. Send cards to say you’re thinking of them. Some back story. I was also very quiet and well behaved while my sister was wild. AITA for not eating, despite being pregnant? My fiancé and I have been together for 6 years and I'm currently 8 months pregnant. Nope. You are better off concentrating only on yourself and your son. My sister has not spoken to me since, despite apologies, so clearly this hurt her deeply. We lost the baby right before 17 weeks. S. We had just arrived about 20 minutes prior. My boyfriend (28) moved in with me because of it, it wasn’t expected but we’re making do. I had "morning" sickness all day every day for my entire pregnancy. Even though we are pregnant again and hoping for the best outcome, my wife has shared that she senses August will be emotional. I’m not particularly looking forward to sharing a house with a screaming baby, but it’s her house too and she has every right to be here and raise her kid. I45f have a 27 year old daughter. In March of this year, when my wife was 16 weeks pregnant, we learned the fetus had a fatal genetic defect known as trisomy 13. ESH. First things first, I want to thank each and everyone of you who commented, voted, and gave their feedback and advice. My wife lost it, told me she was carrying Maybe she gets pregnant, maybe she doesn’t. I currently own 4 rental properties with my fiancé. She offered an alternative of staying in our country for a break away together but the country we live in is notoriously expensive to holiday in, I would rather spend the same amount of money on a sunny holiday. ADMIN. A few years ago my wife (not her mom) took her to get a birth control implant, and she was always happy on it. Take a meal over. Scary-Moment-8975. I (32F) grew up in a low income household and was determined from an early age to start investing and owning real estate. Instead of admitting fault she threw a hissy fit and tried to defend her actions by claiming her pregnancy should absolve her of her bad behavior. Weve been trying for a while and IVf was thankfully successful finally. The cost of allowing women just to keep their positions for 6 weeks after giving birth (not paid leave, just not allowed to be fired anymore for having a child) was supposedly going to bankrupt companies in the U. Practical_Special365. I (43f) and my wife (42f) have been together for 6 years now. If it was me I’d be happy for my best friend and then get on with my wedding. Seems she just assumed she wouldn't have to pay for it, since some sucker was going to move. She announced to us that she was pregnant with her boyfriend’s child. It is a major medical ordeal to gestate multiples at the same time. Reply reply. The overwhelming opinion on AITA was that the babysitter shouldn't have let their own mother in. AITA for kicking my daughter out of my house for being pregnant. Pregnancy is NOT a disability unless the Doctor specifically put her on bed rest (even then you can clean around her) The Noise from the vacuum is not stressful for the baby at all, in fact when my baby was first born she wouldn’t sleep without white noise we used the vacuum or hair dryer. First off, you did nothing wrong. I (33m) have a 6 month pregnant wife (33f) and kid (1. This is like aita bingo. Mild antianxiety drugs or therapy, even meditation or yoga would help. Sam and I went to a party for his family. Cut them all off. r/AmItheAsshole. I (16f) swap houses between my moms (35f) and dad's. I would logically conclude women who want to be pregnant and want to have the baby would take at least some healthy measures, i. I put the kid to bed every night and put him back to sleep if he gets up in the middle of the night. not drink energy drinks. Asking her to step down because of the idea of a potential pregnancy seems ridiculous. NTA. Totally up to you and your partner when, where, how, and why you tell them. Can’t come to any other conclusion than abuse. This concern takes place at my mother's house. This surprised us a lot as they could barely afford food, were skipping paying on bills, live in a 1 bedroom flat, they’re heavy smokers and are really bad with money a. I'm a fifty-five year old woman and my son D [26m] and his wife J [30f] announced to me over thanksgiving that they are expecting their second child in six years. He just got a raise and wants to blow a good chunk of money on stuff for the house, namely a computer desk for him because he needs his gaming computer set up ASAP. Fast forward about a year and she meets a guy (he's 28) online and "falls in love". You can't whip out the pregnant card to guilt people. " I didn't mean to say it out loud, but COME ON. Domestic violence and cheating both hugely increase in odds when a woman gets pregnant. They’re not the source of your misfortune and even though you’re grieving, what you did was nasty. AITA for telling my SIL I will disown her if she gets pregnant? Not the A-hole. Had her boys, same age as your husband, on the same property their whole lives. She’s still in high school, doesn’t have a job, and is living our mom (who also doesn’t have a job either). AITA for announcing we are pregnant too early? So I (26F) and my husband (30M) decided to start our family. You shouldn’t have to prove you’re not pregnant, she should take your word, and even in the face of a pregnancy test, she refuses. My pos inlaws literally helped kidnap my three year old for two weeks and I couldn't get a court to mandate no contact with them. Especially since they weren’t the ones to tell you because they most likely didn’t want to hurt you. So my (29M) wife (29F) and I are expecting our first child in about a month, and I’d like to emphasize before getting into any of this that we are both very excited and love each other very much. They both knew of our pregnancy, and were very happy for us. Banning him from the house is step 1. . Pick up meds for them. No momentous occasional just a normal family get together. Both kids can be cling ons though and I'm not sure NTA- to be honest first 3 months is the “getting to you know” phase of a relationship much like the 3 month probation at a new job. e. AITA for refusing to rent to my pregnant friend. On phone. My sister is 15 and pregnant with a 31 yo man's kid. (Not usually a problem if it is contracted prior to pregnancy or after. Their pregnancy announcement wasn’t about you. It’s been an incredibly exciting time and my partner and I are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our first child. If a pregnant person cannot perform their normal duties, the company must find them a suitable alternative. His name is John (fake name). NTA- your sisters a walking headache and your parents are enablers. This can extend to family who is trying to juggle work and taking their loved one to chemo/Md appts and such. more replies. We currently have two children and a third on the way. Also solo therapy, a psych evaluation and maybe family therapy. Literally the next day after I got to work, I got tons of calls and texts from my inlaws "congratulating" me for my "pregnancy". My brothers gf started to lose her mind about us “parenting” her kid for her, resulting in my husband getting loud with her about how the kid is a brat and needed it. AITA for making my pregnant wife get up at 3am. They are both married and are both also pregnant. We had been married for 4 years, together for a total of 9 years. AITA for not telling my ex wife that my fiancé is pregnant? My ex wife Carly (39F) and I (40M) got divorced 10 years ago. My daughter got pregnant the second year into college, it was not a good time. If nothing else OP should be teaching his daughter to have more self respect than to be with a boy who knocks her up and doesn’t provide for her AND wants to leach off her parents. Throwaway because I have too much personal stuff on my main. I tested all my childreb and 3 were mine, but my oldest 10yo son was not. I F24, BF Harry M24, SIL Leah F27, and her bf Greg M27 were hanging out and they announced to us that they were going to try for a baby. So, I got me one of those fake postive pregnancy tests and threw it in the bedroom's trashcan. I moved slow in the relationship, although I had ADMIN MOD. NTA- pregnancy may screw with your hormones and make you somewhat irrational and more emotional but it doesn’t generally out and out change your personality. And now half of my family is mad at her, and the other half is mad at me. Me and my husband 30M have been trying for a baby for the last few years with no luck, however we've now found out I'm pregnant which is incredible, but the due date is around my sisters wedding She's really unhappy about it since I'm going to either be heavily pregnant and ready to pop any moment, unable to go because I'm in hospital, or with There was a thread last week where a babysitter let her own mother in the house for like 15 minutes and the homeowner saw it in her ring doorbell and went off at the sitter and fired her. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. I was on bedrest. Everyone went dead silent until I said "bruh. Last week, I can’t help as much as everyone expected, she gets angry and accuses me of ruining her entire pregnancy. Talk to them about the emotions. I think AITA because even though Kelly announcing her pregnancy was inappropriate and her demands are ridiculous, calling her out in front of everyone wasn't the best way to handle it either. I was mad, but. In the same vein, morphine metabolism occurs faster in a pregnant woman, so women will need a higher dose than non-pregnant woman to achieve the same effect. Heal yourself, help your son. I told her that she was only 14 weeks along and the other woman was extremely pregnant and also had a pram and toddler with her. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ AITA for screaming at my sister after announcing my pregnancy. We had a high risk pregnancy and didn't tell anyone. She has 6 kids, between the ages 10-11 months. As my wife is 29 weeks pregnant, she would be unable to fly, so I said that I would go alone. At first everyone I including me was excited about having a new niece or nephew. Seriously, someone nominate this man for knighthood. The vulnerability during pregnancy is intense and primal, I never judge pregnant women for feeling insecure. They were both friends with my husband at university, and I became close with them. AITA for thinking my mom is trying to force me into teen pregnancy? There is a long background for context, sorry for the large amount of text. AITA for telling my pregnant wife being pregnant isn’t as bad as having cancer. No, the likely thing based on the information is that she's hyperanxious due to the pregnancy and is fixating on the dog. . Things have been fine to a point, and I definitely appreciate them taking me in during my time of need. I would snap one moment and cry the next. My doctor told my husband to hang in there. He said to give him a little while and we’d go get one. Read the comments to see who is the asshole. My (30F) sister-in-law (32F) is 8 months pregnant with her and my brother’s (32M) first child. Absolutely great kids, though the youngest does have hyperactive ADHD. My pregnant friend “Anne” (24F) asked if she could have the car seat since I was “just throwing it out anyway”. when the extremely basic FMLA (Family medical leave act) was being debated in the early 1990's. Lol. So Angela had her boys and husband go around in the middle of the night AND KILL HER WHOLE FAMILY. She just graduated and just got a job. It's a super normal part of fucking nature - she is not that special. It can take healthy couples a year to conceive! That being said, if she does end up pregnant and her due date is around your wedding timeframe, then it would be perfectly acceptable to ask her to step down. All have great friends and, of those in relationships, solid partners. UPDATE. I (26F) have a one year old daughter. I graduated from pharmacy school with minimal debt and bought my first rental property. She is still using her infant car seat. eventually got over it and did not want to trwat him separately than his siblings at first. Toxoplasmosis, which lives in cat poop, is pretty much only a risk for healthy people if it is contracted while a woman is pregnant. k. The flight attendants are at fault for not mediating. •. 5m). OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I announced my pregnancy to my parents at my sister's wedding, which is usually socially unacceptable, despite that being the original plan. She consistently came up with new reasons not to have kids. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Growing up, I was always closer to our mother since we were closer in age and had similar interests. My other friend’s, Nick, wife saw. The blatant disregard for your daughter’s safety and comfort are upsetting and disgusting. Right off the bat, it was made known I had fertility issues and likely wouldn’t ever be able to father a child. You’d be wrong to try to force yourself to stay in a relationship that your heart isn’t into. My husband I (30M) are expecting a baby via surrogacy later this year. When my sister was pregnant with my niece, she refused to let us throw her a baby shower at all because she was so scared. In Australia, we have safe work laws for pregnant people. That's not enabling. "I'm pregnant!!!" She would say. They successfully stole one kid but the next woman was smarter and moved out while pregnant bc she knew what they were going to do. " I'm just imagining some poor pregnant lady with a button up blouse for the office Like dude, I don't think they even make blouses for huge pregnant people, and yeah that would be uncomfortable as fuck Pregnant and husbands single sister takes dibs on baby names. AITA for telling my brother that his wife was "faking a pregnancy". It's called revealed preference - you show what you want by what you choose to do, not by what you say you want. A wedding is a whole event and a pregnancy announcement isn’t. We went to fertility doctors after the first year r/AmItheAsshole. ADMIN MOD. AITA for crying and asking my boyfriend to leave over a burger? I (21F) recently found out I’m pregnant (woo…/s) getting to the 6 month mark, it’s a complicated pregnancy and I’m exhausted. Refusing to get you a pregnancy test is abusive. Ask how you can help. While we were at the party I told Sam I was craving a slushee. We all got our food and his wife, Caroline, went and grabbed the plate that was for my wife. Her name is Sarah and she is pregnant. About 2 years into our marriage, we started trying to a baby but no luck. Pregnancy isn't some magical shield against any and all criticism and things you don't wanna hear. In turn, my brother and husband had quite a large argument that most of our family witnessed. These 7 months have been hard, her mood has changed to her being incredibly and easily irritable and emotional, starting to eat an increasing amount of junk, wanting For the record, no pregnancy tests and no doctor's visits your brother's aware of + her behavior makes me think you're not wrong for asking. It doesn’t suddenly turn women into assholes. Time to tell them a job is 100% not optional and they need to be able to raise and pay for this child or adoption. We were all chatting and enjoying dinner together when Kelly stood up to make an announcement. Twin pregnancy is significantly higher risk and metabolic demand than a singleton pregnancy. AITA for getting angry when my partner announced she’s pregnant? My partner (34f) and I (28m) have been together for 5 years. I’m only telling you this because I want to reassure you that a better life is both possible and likely thanks to the decisions that you are making. The wedding was in early December. AITA for trying to bond with my pregnant sister during my surrogacy journey? Asshole. There are 3 different fathers, she receives child support from 2 of them, and she is still with the 3rd one and they have been for 5 years. AITA for saying not again and not being happy for my daughters pregnancy. Not the A-hole. Lol, the daughter is just as bad. I (33f) live with my brother (32m) and his new wife (34f). AITA for confronting my pregnant sister in law over a cruel Instagram post. Tldr: I didn’t know sister was pregnant and made the first pregnancy announcement. The last and smallest bedroom is a guest room. 1. If they can't, the pregnant person must be paid their full wage for the remainder of their pregnancy. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. Obviously, they baby will need a bedroom sheramom4. OP I’m sorry you’re dealing with this crazy. YTA. " ADMIN MOD. I live in the dorms and got a new roommate this semester because my old one went home. Reply. AITA for choosing my pregnant wife over my mom. I hope you’re proud of your little display of power and control and I hope the anxiety you caused your daughter was worth it. Her boyfriend’s been living here for a while and she recently told me that she’s pregnant. AITA for not letting my pregnant daughter move in with me? Not the A-hole. We have a ton of the basic furniture needs for ourselves (dining room table, couch, tv stand, bed, etc). I (25M) have been with my wife (29F) for about 6 years, she’s 7 months pregnant with twins and they’re our first children. Trailsya. The mostly likely thing to kill a pregnant woman is her partner. She said she didn’t want the food that was made and wanted my wife’s food. When my son was 10, I caught my wife cheating and got a divorce. AITA for making my pregnant wife cry? Not the A-hole. Secondly, your SIL cheated and got caught. My sister had 6-7 miscarriages before she was able to have a successful pregnancy. At some point they should have told her to go back to her seat. ) That is why pregnant women are advised to not scoop litterboxes for the duration of their pregnancies. This wasn't abnormal so I didn't think anything of it, until my sister said she had some exciting knews. Sierra has been trying to get pregnant for many years while this will be Selena’s second child. NTA, her choices don’t make sense Throwing out birth control while being sexually active is also insanely irresponsible and dumb. They shouldn't rehome the dog, but there should be help for her. That is not lost on me, I recognize AITA for causing a scene when my sister (26) stole my pregnancy announcement? My sister Lila (28F) and I (34F) are both the children of a single mother. Your mother wants to go to her favorite restaurant on her birthday and eat what she wants. Sort of, but pregnancy brain makes you do things more like put the milk in the pantry instead of the fridge. AITA for being more excited for my daughter-in-law's pregnancy than my daughter's? Not the A-hole. It will only end up toxic, bitter and unhappy for all of you. Run errands for them. My brother and I have never been close, so my SIL haven't been either. By this point I was nearing 6 months pregnant. My oldest two (4f) (2m) are super excited to be having another sister. You decided your wife was the priority, your mother's fiance decided his future spouse was his priority and not you or your wife. The problem is at the moment she can not We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. In reading your explanation it’s completely understandable, but you had to know it wouldn’t go over well. She’s having a high risk pregnancy during a pandemic and already has a high risk for anxiety. I 29 male have 2 sisters Sierra who is 33 and Selena who is 27. About 30 minutes away. I feel awful but things are what they are. My daughter works part time, and her fiancé is a chef full Yeah, the appointment was organized under the assumption that I was pregnant (I got an ultrasound), but literally one of the first things the nurse did when I got there was a pregnancy test "because if I haven't had a period in 2-3 months, I'm either pregnant or there's something else wrong. We already were upset because this was supposed to be Opal’s special moment and Kelly announcing her pregnancy was completely inappropriate. just had my gender reveal - we are so excited that it’s a girl! immediately afterwards, my husband (24 y/o)’s twin sister, whose a committed virgin till marriage and not dating/barely ever dated, sat me down to let me know what girl names she has “reserved My wife is upset because she said I shouldn't have forced her to give up her seat, and that the seat was for pregnant people and she was pregnant, therefore entitled to it. Yep, the sad reality is that OOP isn't going to be able to exclude the grandpa from the baby's life legally. However, we were hit about a month ago and while we weren’t hurt, I no longer felt like her car seat was safe so I replaced it. These are her texts : when I think back on my pregnancy I think of all the ways you hurt me. However one day after coming to a luncheon with our family she announced she was pregnant. She has a daughter (8) from a previous relationship. During my pregnancy I have had intense cravings. We were very fortunate and got pregnant on the first try. They recently had a baby shower which my SIL asked me and my mother (65F) to help organize/decorate/and cook for along with her own sisters and ADMIN MOD. He came in to the relationship with 2 kids (11f, 8m) that he has full custody of. AITA for not helping my pregnant roommate with everything? Not the A-hole. You just sat there as this all unfolded so I can't see how you're at fault at all. My husband and I stepped up so she could finish college, which she did. My sister is 6 months pregnant and I’ve come to visit her and my mom for a couple of days. The problem was John and Caroline only made enough for Jane and not The fact that your mom refuses to believe you is bizarre. My husband and I just moved into a new house. funzies86. pf gu fj yl bn eo vh ul hb aj