Aita for calling my dad a hypocrite. My (15M) Dad left me and my Mom about two years ago.

124 comments. " Bassically, I feel like my mom wants to throw away her values. 16M subscribers in the AmItheAsshole community. Also your mom got pissed that you jokingly called her a hypocrite because it hit a soft spot for her. I'm still super angry about that, and ever since that incident, my father's behavior toward me has gotten NTA. Gently, your mother is a grown adult with too many kids for her abilities and a long history of poor life choices, so she will probably be emotional from time to time. •. When I was going to pick G up, I had told P this and she was not happy and refused to let this I (22f) am my mom's(39) oldest child. Whenever my sister wears a v neck or low cut shirt or shorts that don’t go down to her fingertips our mom calls Yeah she shouldn't have shit tested you by making you try the soup. Normally, I leave Mia to parent Kat and I parent my son, but I knew Kat was very embarrassed and awkward to ask me to drive her to the clinic, so she must really want birth control. Electrical-Ad-9100. This incident actually made me question some things. It all started years ago when she told everyone about the crush that I had, when she told me she’d stop getting drunk but never did and when I found out she was cheating on my dad. However, this sounds like she is only going with information provided to her from your father and/or grandparents. AITA the asshole for calling my mom a hypocrite? I’m a teenager who’s never had a good relationship with her mother. He helped her out alot in coming out and accepting her identity. We've played together on lots of games ever since. AITA for calling my GF a hypocrite and saying I can have a relationship with her dad if I want to? Me and my GF Corey (both 27) have been together 5 years. I took a partner up on her offer to stay at her place for a month+ to get some money put aside before I moved. AITA for telling my dad I don’t owe him going to an event I hate when he asked me to skip work to attend a car show upvotes · comments r/AmItheAsshole ADMIN MOD. My sister then looks to me once my mom leaves the room and ask me to put water in the pot. Okay before anything, I love my dad, he's the best person ever so don't form a negative image about him just based off of this (humans are not just black and white), BUT I swear he acts like an utter asshole sometimes. AITA for calling out my cousin for being a selfish, lazy hypocrite and not inviting her to my birthday? Not the A-hole I'm (17f) currently in the middle of moving house, in the meantime we have been living with my aunt's family until we can move to a new house, however the paperwork is taking much longer than expected, its been a month now. AITA for proving my mom was being a hypocrite. this is one of those times where you stick to your guns and you tell your father that until he and stepmom apologize to youyou're not speaking to either of them. There was some BIG family drama. 40 votes, 17 comments. The very next day makes plans again and we don't talk on the phone. Honestly, she is a hypocrite, but be respectful: regardless of the situations, she's still your mom. Like I get he has been around most of my life and I never had a relationship with my dad and calling him what I did might be too aggressive. (S has a child from a previous relationship (R). Aita for Telling My Dad The Real Reason. If my friend was just as rich as my uncle and he got his wealth through drugs or human trafficking, I wouldn't want Feb 25, 2024 · AITA for calling my dad a hypocrite and telling him family therapy won't fix us?(YNTA). I said "you're a hypocrite because you're calling me fat even know you have plastic surgery to make yourself skinny". As for her being a Christian, well, of you read the Bible, you see that even Jesus will eventually run out of patience and forgiveness. My sister at the time was wiping down the table. I live in my grandpa’s house we had an agreement I would interit if I lived with him and helped out. I called her a Hypocrite for protecting a cheater and left because if situation was reversed her opinion would have been opposite. My dad didn't defend my honor with them either and left me to kind of flounder alone with my image. Jay found out that we went to the park and started to say horrible things to Anna and me. All of this led to me talking to another coworker and calling Carol a hypocrite because she claimed to be so supportive, but has basically done nothing but make TD's and my lives at work hell over our genders, and has seemingly gone particularly out of the way to (I don't know if this is the right word here) discriminate against TD specifically I think you should reach out to your niece's father to try to build a relationship if you miss her (I know it made me really happy when my dad would read the emails my aunt sent to him for me, at least until my mother put a stop to it. Not her place, not her business. My mom was a vulnerable teenager when she met him and he was a grown man. . MIL is addicted to shopping on Amazon, so a lot of it ends up being cheap third-party plastic shit from China that doesn’t work. I pointed out his hypocrisy as well and he could only say, “Well but that’s different”. And just because my dad made this huge mistake with my mom One drunken kiss when you are 18 is a mistake. It's telling them they're wrong and acting a mess when they need to do better. That's a sycophant. My dad and i are not close at all where as my mom and i are extremely close. Friends hold each other accountable, tell each other hard truths, and tell each other off if necessary. Two years is nothing. I don’t know whether he’s a hypocrite or not since this just happened, and I want to know your thoughts. Anyway, my mom told him about this, and when I saw him a few days later he was kind of miffed and started telling me no more smoking and asking me who I'm hanging with and all that. So he wakes up, me and my sister's AITA for call my mother a hypocrite First time posting so here goes. Never lend to someone who owes you. TL: DR Girlfriend said she didn't want to talk on the phone because of being around people constantly. I help watch my siblings, the dog, and help pay bills. He gets them every other month. He had been cheating on her with a woman from his work (they’re both… Before my cousin married her husband she was one of those “eat the rich” anti-capitalist people who blamed rich people for the world’s problems, especially climate change. Haven't seen my father in years now. ESH - you two really need to reevaluate the trust you have in your relationship. She always taught me never to contradict… The background: My daughter and SIL invited me onto a video call after thanksgiving (we didn't want to go into each other's homes for obvious reasons). Perhaps a few months of no contact will soften your father's bullshit. Me (23M) and my mom (45F) where talking about clothes the other day and she mentioned that male clothes look better than female clothes and I laugh saying "yeah right if it was up to me I'd wear a dress every single day just cuz I think I could Rock them" after that she looked AITA for calling out my step dad on his hypocrisy? Not the A-hole. She hated rich people to the point that You’re going to do the things that your kids won’t be allowed to do, and they’ll question you and maybe you’ll look back at this and understand your dad more. 7. Basically my whole family was in the kitchen doing dishes and my mum made a comment about a… My (m22) friend "Luke" (m29) and I met online in a game when I was 18. When my brother asked my SIL to first move in with us (my dad housed both my brother and I until my brother and SIL bought a trailer and I moved in with my boyfriend) she was allowed to bring along her dog as well. Aita for Telling My Mom and Step Dad. We get to the point where she told me she got a promotion at work. She's a kid dating a kid. She went up to him personally thank him after already giving a speech mentioning him. 42. I (19nb) live with my parents in the UK, not really too uncommon. I love both my parents… Reply reply. For reasons, I am unable to handle being around people for a long duration. Aita for telling my son he was begin a hypocrite by accusing his stbxw of begin a bad mom because she cheated when he loved his father despite him cheating on me? My son David is in the process of divorcing his wife Amelia after he found out she had a one night stand with a coworker, Amelia begged him to try to work it out but he didn’t want I never have a good relationship with my mother, we always argue about different things at different times. I already hate my aunt enough for her betrayal but she has taken things further than that and called my mom a bad mother for enrolling me in an international school. . The fact is that your sister is a hypocrite here, and her going as far as deleting the comment and even blocking you before calling you just to call you an asshole shows that she knows that. Your friend is an absolute hypocrite, and sounds like she is REALLY obsessed with your size. For context, I (15f) and my friend L(15m) have both recently had our mocks, if you’re not in the UK it’s basically just a test to prepare you for a bigger test/see where you’re at. NTA. Calling her out on it might have caused tension, but it's important to address issues like this in a respectful manner. this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post After that I got multiple calls from my uncle because I shouldn’t have disrespected my father like that. But I think it's very important when she's being a hypocrite by boasting about how great forgiveness is while not actually forgiving friends. For context, we both live in and go to medical school in the USA. It was a very heated phone call. I have 4 younger siblings and two other "siblings". We got to the mall, went into the first store, picked out stuff, and as I found the perfect shirt (obvi a shrek shirt shrek is god shrek is everything) last one in my size he realized he forgot his wallet, usually I would be fine with this but I have a really bad habit of forgetting things My full cycle was technically 28 days, but I typically spent 12-16 days bleeding heavily (like changing my pad every hour or two so it wouldn’t leak), and I didn’t know that wasn’t normal because no one had ever told me til I went in for my first gyno exam. And your insecurities aren't on him, they're on you because you're the one who's insecure here and you're the one choosing not to believe him when he says he finds you, the mother of his child, beautiful. I loved both dogs and was happy to be able to She had the same angry, snippy reaction about it, which was when I called her hypocrite, because she and my father have told me numerous stories of being high and doing cocaine when they were my age. I called my mom a hypocrite, and I said, "You hate rich people because you feel like they oppress poor people, but at the same time you want to live off that wealth. But the point of he did raise me and was the only "dad" I ever knew makes me question if I am TA here. That still doesn't give her the right to be talking/gossiping about people & to your gf, no less. AITA: For calling out my dad for spoiling everyone's mood. We just 'don't talk' to my brother and that's it. Maybe I misunderstood something and this is normal behavior. Hypocrisy is illegitimate. Good luck getting her to admit it, but it seems like it's "okay" for her to make such statements because she is a woman, while the friend, a man, doing it My friends Collin and Logan said I should just accept that April may never like me again. Apr 9, 2024 · AITA for calling my GF a hypocrite and saying I can have a relationship with her dad if I want to? “Me and my GF Corey (both 27) have been together 5 years. She wakes up naturally after sleeping for several hours like anybody else, but gets upset when I end up being the one who wakes her up just by However when his ex girlfriend moved in with him she brought her dog and her parrot. Ok, so for some background, my friend Kay and I (both 30F) have been best friends since high school. I trust my gf 110% but last night she said these things which were so out of her character. He was “disappointed” I was dating a Cuban instead of a Black American guy… my mother is half-Cuban. We are rebuilding next year and as it's the biggest diy project we have ever ADMIN MOD. My sister is very angry about this. She met my step dad when she was 19 and he was 27. There is nothing wrong with this, technically. WIBTA for telling my dad he’s being a hypocrite (sorry this is a long one) my (18f) dad (38m) had a breakup from a long term relationship with my stepdad (35m). NAH. Books, candles, art, random phone accessories, clothes, gag gifts, and especially kitchen things - glassware, dishes, one-use gadgets and appliances. I'd bet ten bucks this guy's wife is always the one initiating contact with her mother especially on birthdays and holidays, and she was hoping against hope that just this once, her mother would think of her and remember to check in with her instead, so OOP calling her a hypocrite was just pouring salt into the wound. For context I (21) live with my parents as I'm doing college. The situation is that my brother Josh [M32] is refusing to come to the wedding and I think he is being unreasonable and childish. Based on everything you have said, this is a crazily messed-up situation and your mom has a lot to answer for in terms of how she is manipulatively trying to integrate "your" (read "her") new family situation. I’ve know her family for a long time and have formed a good relationship with her dad. This will be my 2nd time posting here. The original poster (OP) decided to ask the “Am I the A**hole” (AITA) subReddit about her situation. It involves her love life: “AITA for calling my bio dad a hypocrite after he said he’s disappointed that I’m dating a white man?”. I tell her I can’t because I am doing work. All this made me incredibly irked, and I called him a miserable trust fund pissbaby and a hypocrite. It’s not a secret that I don’t like my step dad. Similar_Oven_5202. I love him so even if I didn’t get it I would still do it. AITA for calling my mum a hypocrite and thinking that my uncle is a bully? TL;DR my mum puts more effort in defending her brother from criticism (his racism and ableism) than she does in making small compromises for me, her autistic daughter. ) S had told me that she wanted to include G and R in the birth of our baby and have them in the room. My son has been living with us full time since he was four. You suck for calling this "her fuck up" when this whole thing started because you forgot to pay a major, recurring monthly utility bill -- and ignored so many alerts that you got it shut AITA for calling my sister a hypocrite? Me (f) and my older sister were having an argument I was doing my schoolwork and my mom had asked her to put water in a pot. I think you need to see a therapist to work through some of the things you're battling right now. Facts. The timing wasn't great so that could make me TA. It's calling them out when they need to be called out. Basically whenever said friend sends me… Aita for calling my dad a hypocrite and telling him family therapy won't fix us? #askreddit #reels #storytime #aita #redditstories Elesia. I called my brother a 28 votes, 28 comments. The first day I met her she gave a list of everything I can’t do around her and if I did she will leave of tell me off. Not the A-hole. " 1. My sister is a DD and has curves and a butt and I’m a freaking rectangle and look like a 10 year old boy. This Thanksgiving is the first time we’re able to be public about our relationship because my girlfriend comes from a wealthy family with political ties in a different country, and even though she he Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 16 votes and 12 comments Feb 26, 2024 · When this teenage girl is fed up with her father and risks everythign to call him out, she asks Reddit: "AITA for calling my dad a hypocrite and telling him family therapy won't fix us?" After my dad married Jane 7 years ago he started to get really involved in her daughter Amy's (16f) life. AITA for overthinking like this. Admittedly, I dislike my mom and had no sympathy for her, so I might have approached the conversation like a hurt kid would and been an asshole to her. Of course you look nothing like the porn star, you're you. For the record both my uncle and his girlfriend are employed, and my dad is constantly telling me he does not have that kind of money to spend on me. My DIL has a lot of boundaries, she has high functioning autism. 11 votes, 28 comments. Later that day, Kat asked me about birth control. My stepdad cheated on him. I normally don't retort to my dad cause of his anger issues, but I had enough and called my dad a hypocrite, two faced and walked out on him. But you just need to sit down and talk. You are correct, your father is a hypocrite. I wouldn't continue to be around someone who feels so at liberty to discuss my body like it's up for public debate, who has the gall to go on about "health" while fucking smoking. Hypocrisy is: “a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not : behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel”. My dad thought it would be a good idea to go out to the mall since he got his check and has extra money. Now my girlfriend (25, F, who I will call S) is 26 weeks pregnant and knows about P's birth story. But she’s worried her response might have been out of line. ), although I also understand wanting to keep the peace with your sister and parents. I 27m have been dating my girlfriend “Diana” for 3 years. ESH, you jumped the gun by calling her a hypocrite, that makes you a little bit of an asshole. ephemeriides. I love her but she was annoying about the whole thing a lot of the time and it was almost her entire personality at one point. Fuck that. Either way I'll accept the judgment call. It's understandable that you're frustrated with your sister's double standards and hypocritical behavior, especially when she imposes her beliefs on others but doesn't follow them herself. May 22, 2024 · AITA for calling my brother a hypocrite for refusing to come to my wedding because it’s child-free? “I [F27] am due to get married to my partner [M28] this summer. AITA Some additional context like i stated earlier i dont have any respect for my father he cheated on my mother when i was younger and let the woman he cheated with abuse me and also when i was older he made me take our family dog to go be euthanized after not taking care of her and his reasoning was that he didnt want to be seen crying so AITA For telling my dad he’s a hypocrite? I, (17 F) have lived with both of my parents my entire life. AITA? I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Some of the stuff makes sense other shit just seems like a Posted by u/Difficult-Contract62 - 7 votes and 14 comments Two days ago, I met my son at my niece's engagement party. krabs as a joke So was at a family gathering last week and my cousin who I haven’t seen in around 5 years were talking in the backyard. For the most part our relationship was great, but recently I felt there was hypocrisy and called him out for it. Feeling neglected by your dad after his remarriage, you reached out b Mar 3, 2024 · "AITA for calling my friend a hypocrite when she pretty much insinuated I was using my boyfriend" Throaway_8679. It’s not healthy for you girlfriend to be hypocritical like that but you shouldn’t have said it to her. AITA for calling my dad an asshole? Not the A-hole. My niece is getting engaged to a girl and my son (who is bisexual himself) was the first person she came out too. 8M subscribers in the AITAH community. Again looking to see if I was the A hole or if I was right. Reply. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! The next time she said "Who is my "big" girl". My told us about some stuff even though my dad would prefer that we would be out of it and my mum told us that she messaged my uncle to criticise him and I was so tempted to do the same but u never did but I called him a hypocrite to his mum (my nan) my sister and mum (and the actual writer of this story) Am I the asshole because I feel both The other day I called my Sister-in-law, Jane, a hypocrite for choosing to attend one of her closest cousin's (M 32) coed bridal showers instead of my (M 35) fiance's (F 33) bridal shower. The brother’s only a hypocrite if the rule applies to everyone. To the current issue: My son has been suffering from cluster headaches for about one year now (they run in my family). A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to… I called him a hypocrite since he always forces me to talk to him when I want to sleep but here he said he doesn’t like talking to me. It's fatphobic, imo, especially the "keep eating" comment. So backstory, my dad (60m) has had budgies for most of my (19f) life and he built the aviary for them with his diy handyman skills. Everyone in the extended family has made excuse after excuse for him with these actions. Feb 28, 2024 · #reddit #redditrelationship #redditstories #trending AITA (31M) for calling my partner (42F) a hypocrite on her "need" for sleep? Everyone Sucks. Log in to comment. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. "That's right, Dad. It just seems unfair to me that she should have such an attitude and give me crap about taking drops of a totally legal substance while, when she A soft NTA. I told him that he was being a hypocrite here and that at least I can keep my use moderate, something he's never gotten down. I'm on mobile, so sorry in advance. I call her out as a hypocrite/liar and she doesn't see it all and says I'm wrong/have no right to call her that. He also started to call Anna a bitch for agreeing with my idea and said that I was a two faced snake for going without him. So I'm pretty sure I am but I just want to get an objective view before I apologise. They were married a year later and went on to have my siblings N(18m), A(17f), and T(15f). However I understand that it may be my fault because of my mental health issues. My (15M) Dad left me and my Mom about two years ago. We were chatting about just life and how everybody's doing and things like that. Anyway, I had 23/44, not the best I know; but my cat recently passed and it’s took quite a toll on me. i still call him my stepdad due to the fact that he has been in my life since i was around 9 or 10 and has provided some stability in my messy life. Log In / Sign Up Dec 27, 2023 · Update Aita for Calling My Dad A Hypocrite Update. But they started it by purposefully making you look stupid. My mom is very different with my sister (16) and me (15F). Feeling neglected by your dad after his remarriage, you reached out b Expand user menu Open settings menu. I had a very similar conversation with my father, who is a Black man, when I had been with my long-term boyfriend for over a year. Gotta give you credit for calling her bluff and it was a nice bonus that the soup was good. I called my mom a hypocrite for her past actions and told her she was not important to me like I wasn't important to her when I wouldn't embrace her husband. Our sister is divorced from her husband but she has a boyfriend of almost two years and they have a son. You BETRAYED her, and now you call her a hypocrite because she won't practice the forgiveness she thinks is important. If it’s just for the sister, then he’s just treating her the way she treats others, which by Golden Rule logic must be the way she herself wants to be treated. Mia told Kat no as well, as she wants to stay on the same page as Kat’s dad, but told me she thinks it’s stupid. There is always the potential for a problematic relationship, but a two year age gap doesn't guarantee it. OP and her dad have a unique background Which is entirely untrue because neither of my parents work in the same field as me and I landed the interview, and consequently the job because I got a rank at the exams which I appeared for. aunt said "I was trying to say I'm not calling you fat you're just big as that's not a bad thing". I got mad and called him a hypocrite for expecting us to adjust to him but him refusing to adjust. My brother and his partner have invited our sister and my nephew but not her boyfriend because they are not married and they say they have the same rule as he had two years ago. We both golf and watch sports together, I consider him a friend. My dad calls me mr. AITA for calling my dad a hypocrite and telling him family therapy won't fix us?(YNTA). 6M subscribers in the AmItheAsshole community. Someone who only says yes and blows smoke up someone's ass isn't a friend. She owes you time, she owes you money, she owes you love and affection, and you're not getting it. AITA For calling April out on it? My mum, uncle and his family told me that I am expecting too much from the pair and that I should be nicer. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. A 15yr affair is a pattern of deceptive behaviour. We're both resident doctors, Kay comes from money I don't. Reply reply. Then my friend Matt said how there was no need to bring up April being religious. r/AmItheAsshole. Your stepmother shouldn't be commenting on your mother at all. I only tolerate seeing her at my grandparents' house on my grandma's and grandpa's birthdays, New Year and other holidays. Anyways getting to what happened. I told her "I know you have plastic surgery So why are you calling me fat". 3 people involved, me(24f), foster sister Patty (26f) and my dad Jay(50m) This was a few days ago, Patty came over to see my dad and I which is a rare occasion since she only comes over when she wants The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver On phone so sorry if there's any formatting issues. AITA for calling my DIL a fucking hypocrite and leaving without her. We'll, some things are not forgiveable, and betrayal is one of those things. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if… My wife (43) and I (41) have two kids, a 16yo son from a pervious relationship of mine and a 14yo daughter. rs yo un zb yy sc vv pj ds eq