Rednal, Birmingham: Victor Stokes

CONVICTED (2016) | Victor Stokes, born c. 1962, of Devon Road, Rubery, Rednal, Birmingham B45 ONP – failed to get medical treatment for an elderly English bull terrier with huge infected jaw tumour.

Desperately ill English bull terrier Lenny was left to suffer by his cruel owner.
Desperately ill English bull terrier Lenny was left to suffer by his cruel owner.

Stokes was convicted and sentenced for causing unnecessary suffering to his English bull terrier, Lenny. He neglected to get treatment for Lenny’s tumour and weight loss but also failed to provide a suitable environment for his pet.

RSPCA inspector Boris Lasserre was called to Stokes’s home in May 2016 after reports the animal was in an emaciated state with a large growth.

He said: “Lenny was being kept in the hallway of a property with a dirty, damp duvet in a dog cage as his bed.

“The stench of rotting flesh from the untreated tumour hit you as soon as you walked into the house and the hallway stank of urine and faeces from where Lenny had been confined.”

Lenny endured extreme suffering and was euthanised on welfare grounds.

The ten-year-old dog was rushed to the vet and was found to weigh only 12.7kg – half of a normal adult dog of his breed – dehydrated and covered in ulcers and wounds to his legs and chest where he had been lying in bad condition.

“The vet’s x-ray showed Lenny’s lower jawbone had disintegrated due to the tumour and he had to be put to sleep to end his suffering.

Mr Lasserre added: “Mr Stokes explained to the court he had not taken the dog to a vet because he knew Lenny would be euthanased, and could not bring himself to do it.

“This dreadful case shows the importance of checking your pet’s health regularly and seeking veterinary treatment the moment you think something is wrong.

“There is no doubt that Lenny could have been spared months of suffering if he’d been taken to a vet. It is never an easy decision to make to have your pet put to sleep when the time comes but, to allow suffering to continue for selfish reasons, is inexcusable.”

Sentence: jailed for ten weeks. Banned from keeping animals for life.

Bromsgrove Standard
Vet Times

One thought on “Rednal, Birmingham: Victor Stokes”

  1. Such A Sad Case.
    As the Dog was Elderly and obviously had been looked after through his life time.
    Its a shame he couldn’t ask a Neighbour or Friend to take the Dog to the Vet, or Call the RSPCA and ask them to possibly get the Dog Euthanised. You simply cannot allow any Animal to Starve. We all have to know when the time comes to call it a day.
    Failing which this is the result.

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