The sun tarot forum

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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So what would the Sun have in common with the Lovers? With the aid of Jodorowsky's new book, we can make out features of the Sun card of the Jodo-Camoin Tarot de Marseille deck that are not evident on a casual look at the card. If the Queen is air, and The Sun fire, then the feeling is of fanning the flames; hence the surge effect The Sun Tarot card in an upright position also signifies good luck. So the Empress came card came up in a relationship spread in regards to what attracts the female to the male, and the Sun card came up for what attracts the male to the female. There is a child depicted in the card, playing joyfully in the foreground. Around the frame are the sun's rays. These features are vague or debatable in the imagery of the Bibliothèque Nationale 1760 Conver TdM. The Gemini I dont mean to be a pessimistic person here LOL but SUN bothers me a bit sometimes it feels "too shiny-blinding light" u know what i mean not the kind of "blindness" the moon indicates but sth like that; i can't really do the wording. We invite you become a part of our family and read with us! Many ancient religions worshipped the sun in that way like Druids, Egyptians and others, just like the opposite the Moon. Sun and AP as where A stands in terms of B suggests to me that A is happy (Sun) and is working on establishing a new foundation/friendship (AP), which suggests that B isn't thinking about A, especially since as you said that friendship can't be salvaged. HEAT for bad - fever, anger, losing your temper, sunburnt, exposure, etc. (since the Sun is hot and the Devil can mean that too. Today I saw a kangaroo a shield with an eagle painted on its face the helmet of a knight I interpreted the last two as insights for the meaning of knights (see the Using Tarot Cards forum and thread on knights). Prev. As an inherently good influence, finding the Sun is a positive development. Apr 23, 2024 · Other associations of the Sun include fatherhood, ego, sunlight, and warmth. The Sun card presents an feeling of optimism and fulfillment. They are standing under the sun, in the garden of innocence, rather than in a grassy fenced off area. one part of the spread through came out with the following: The Sun + The Empress + Knight of Swords. My very simple take on this is "a happy surprise". The tree strikes me as being in its prime. Think if there might be a person standing in your way. He might see you as a sibling (Sun = Apollo who was closest to his PAMUYA. Sun tarot card as Personality types. in a relationship reading i am trying to understand the page of swords with the sun as if someone has been able to fully let go of another in their mind and emotions. Although I'm not as comfortable with this equation, you can connect the opposite god of darkness, Dyonisius, with the Sun is lovely yes, but not always cause it can't be always Sun's turn. the sun. In the Fool's Journey the Sun comes directly before Judgement. So the person may say, "I will not let my emotions get the better of me," but he will also say, "I will allow The BOTA deck also features two children - a boy and a girl on the Sun card. The Sun is an immensenly pleasurable experience but it will end and things will return to the ordinary. The Moon card is mysterious, but the Sun card has direct power. This card symbolizes the forces in the world coming together to create something great in the near future. Upright, Yes or No; Reversed, Yes or No; The Sun Upright for Love, Yes or No The sun was coming over my shoulder so the light was focused into the ball. The Queen of Cups is a water lady ~ Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. Normally, i'm not a Sun girl. ETA: Another thought: the Sun "conceals by revealing;" you are seeing what they want you to see. The Sun is showing a great attraction from your side, which is beautiful, falling in love. Green Light. Now would be a good time, to get things done, interact with others, but do not get too emotionally envolved, or make decisions based on emotions (keep emotions in check). . The Sun card follows the Tarot de Marseille iconography closer than the RWS in this case. The opportunity to pursue one’s passions. That is a powerful dream in my opinion There are many interpretations on what the sun means, but one thing most agree on is that it symbolizes energy. This is a beautiful card, with a slight warning for the future: pay attention not to make X "the sun of your world", neglecting other areas of your life. Good luck with machinery. A balance of stability and growth. The Hierophant is a teacher, passing on the wisdom and the rituals of the past to the generations of the future. the page of swords to me doesn't bode well. The Sun and Queen of Swords combination is a powerful symbol of balance and harmony, representing the union of creativity and intellect. So the Sun has been for me mostly positive like burst of energy, success, self-confidence, new beginnings, clarification, power, optimism. If that position were negatively phrased (faults, bad habits, worse that can happen, etc. All that luxurious wealth, people to dress you and even wipe your behind. Her partner's withdrawl was/is obvious -- but what's with the Sun? The Ace of Wands and The Sun tarot cards represent powerful energies that when combined, can signify a time of new beginnings, growth, and success. The King of Swords is a loyal friend who would be upfront and honest about their feelings, they are not the warm and fuzzy, romantic type of person, with the sun, you brighten his day. As a feeling card could mean warm happy feelings in some decks it could also denote marriage. ) then the Sun isn't necessarily a positive card. Sun tarot card people are Whether or not the Sun has a positive interpretation depends on the positional meaning of the card in the spread. Maybe something is going on that can't withstand the light of day so it's "hiding in plain sight. On the other hand, 5 of Cups and the Tower make a rather gloomy combination. Any problems you have been experiencing will melt away with the warmth this card brings. The sun is always a positive card, optimism, enlightenment, happiness, satisfaction, blinded by the light. Couple those two things, and you get the idea that, in relationship readings or other readings Tarot Reviews Tarot Forum TAROT REVIEWS TAROT FORUM NEW. Read the threads in Using Tarot Cards, or read more archived threads. Here we see 3 different characters with the sun dominating the skyline in the centre top of the card. It's a kind of staged "performance" for public consumption. An emperor who is in his positive aspect is one who has brought forth and integrated his opposite half. But the 5 of Swords looks more like anger too. The Sun denotes positive feelings, excitement, and a sense of purpose. Also - The Sun sometimes is referring to your father. The Sun isn't just reason, it's optimism. The planetary correspondence for Tiphareth is the sun and the color is golden yellow. Those sunspots and solar flares can wreak havoc with communication and navigation satellites, which can lead to frustration and delays here on the planet. 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Enter Your Email Below & Get The 7 Essential Tarot Spreads FREE! Tarot Forum Home. #10. The green rocking horse in the corner is cute, just like the 5 Daisies on the ground. From The Tarot by Paul Foster Case: "The children represent consciousness and subconsciousness, and they are dancing in a fairy ring, their hands clasped, to suggest the perfect union and rhythmic synchronization of the activities of the two modes of human personality I tend to see the four of swords as a card meaning you need to examine your emotional state, take care of yourself, meditate, etc. I'd say you're looking for that color). After about an hour or so I went back inside, taking the deck with me. Hi all! I'm new to tarot, my sister is a reader and she's been helping me out a ton. The Sun kuvastaa sitä tunnetta, kun kaikki on yksinkertaisesti niin hyvin, että tanssit 3 of Wands, the Sun, the Tower. i use a one or two word description of each card as i lay it down to get a feel of where the reading is going. The Sun also puts a "sunny" shine on this. Photosynthesis - a clever process. Yellow Light. I would live to know what the other cards in the spread were to be more accurate. Suuri arkana on tuonut eteesi monenlaisia haasteita, ja nyt olemme saapuneet Narrin matkan (The Fool’s Journey) viimeisille metreille. The Moon is a reflection of solar energy, but the Sun is the source of life giving power. danieljuk. I love the interpretation that 'the sun is just behind the clouds'. Fire is associated with energy, passion, and power. I think that for purposes of "charging the cards" that controlled direct sunlight is the source of power, with moonlight being a reflective effect. " Think of a bright, disarming smile with a devious heart (con man, used-car-salesman, purveyor of snake oil). Jan 25, 2019 · In general, though, I would say that the Judgement card is about rebirth, absolution or retribution, reward or punishment for what has come before; and the Sun represents triumph, glory, and light - a new day. Sun and Justice (& ) --- A unique individual. The Ace of Wands symbolizes creative potential, inspiration, and the spark of a new idea or project, while The Sun represents happiness, vitality, and success. Think of the negative aspects of the sun: sunburn, headache, increased thirst, the sun without rain will cause crops to die. 3. So beside happiness, Sun can symbolize anything that is light as opposed to dark: Things that are obvious and out in the open, like reason and intelligence, (public) virtue, and even creativity (Apollo as the father of music). I'm wondering if another possibility is that he views her only FOR fun, or perhaps as a little WalesWoman said: There is a line from 'Juno', where her dad is telling her how to recognize when a guy really loves her. For me it doesn't represent God but it is one of my fave cards! Richard The Hermit, king of Cups, and love cards surrounding my ex? what card represents a poet? Is the Queen of Swords always "cold"? What Kind of Career is represented by the Moon? The card meanings and symbolism, and the many ways of reading Tarot cards. Not necessarily despair, just the usual familiar. Hope this helps. I thought the 3 of wands means I shouldn't insist, no time to be needy or clingy, so I did just that. Last weekend I sat in the garden for a while, enjoying the sun, and I had brought my new World Spirit deck with me. Easy come, easy go. This is the time of the year (in the northern hemisphere) when we've got to let sun go for a while it'll be back though. There is a temporary darkness, depression, negativity but it is only short term! The Sun Hi folks, I just need a few questions answered and your thoughts about the Sun. That seems a little overdramatic, but the Sun IS the center of the universe (well, long believed lol) and I think the Devil amplifies this. Home. This issue comes up for me relatively frequently and has been nagging at me. Alan PAMUYA. if reversed it would be "unknown or cloudy future". He holds his left palm out and holds his right fist to his chest. Turns out I realized I felt really hurt and betrayed in a situation, but I realized that I had a choice--I could either feel sorry for myself and hit that bottom and make things even worse or I could force myself to try to stay positive until I could ride it out. It’s an invitation to bask in the glow of love, nurturing our connections with warmth, honesty, and openness. But the Sun and Tower? Could it be some kind of technical malfunction? The heat of the sun - as in electricity, could have burned something? Sun and Hermit (& ) --- Wealth in an active sense. Which means that however much this man may enjoy your company, he doesn't necessarily feel romantic or passionate about you. The Sun is a tremendous card for positivity, thus is a YES card. (Any idea what these gestures mean?) The left hand is usually indicative of the receptive/feminine, while the right is usually representative of the active/masculine. As such, the nineteenth Major Arcana is often associated with the accomplishment of important tasks. You just ‘know’ everything is either going well or has the potential to turn out that way. then i go back and I got the ten of swords clarified by the sun as my first of three cards from my day (had to pull a clarifier for such a scary card). It's the most harmonious sphere on the tree. Ethereal. I would consider the possibility that the Sun is indicating an opportunity Welcome to Tarot, Tea, & Me - The Tarot Forum! TT&M is currently the largest active Tarot Forum on the web, and we are so happy you are here! Come join us in learning card meanings, browse our growing tarot library, or participate in reading exchanges with other members. When I first looked at this card, it reminded me of the Thoth Sun and then I realized that it wasn't the Thoth Sun I was thinking of--but rather the Lovers, with the marriage of light and dark. Wells 'The Time Machine'. Probably due to the RW version with a baby on a horse - i dont do babies, i dont do horses. They could mean the sense of touch or emotions, or even private thoughts, but they are always personal in the first instance until they are shared. I have seen two major interpretations of The Devil in love. Knowing one's place and enjoying it. " Now every time I see the Sun, that line pops into my head. It is also the number of Tiphareth, the sixth sphere on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. I'm wondering if I'm missing something about the card. Today I thought I'd do a repeat prior to posting. ? The image strongly reminds me of the Morlocks in H. The Sun, could be telling you to take a more positive attitude on board and to stay within your limits, you may be a person of ideas and energy put these qualities to work for you. It reminds women´s breasts and it brings motherhood, fertility and procreation to the picture, which is very fitting for a Sun card. depending on the reading, you can then dive deeper into the actual significance, of the card. I think feelings are one of warmnesses, and friendliness. Strength is action without emotion. Thus, rx could mean children being illogical, unreasonable, fiery rather than "sunny" and not harmonious. It uses the energy provided by the sun to drive the chemistry behind its growth. The Sun + 3 of Wands Reversed can also mean that the querent is free to enjoy himself in the moment, but that sooner or later he has to leave the In a reading for a friend today, I pulled the sun card as the way in which the querant is viewed by a new love interest. I know the Sun means joy, success etc. In fact, of all the Sword cards, this is a good one to get for emotions, as the King is one who, being very smart, knows their value. You could hardly have posted your question at a better time of the year with the sun in Leo, its natural home in August. Again 2 majors, as it usually happens with this man, a lot of majors. now there's a job!) Maybe this person is pretty happy with themselves. Burnout has the word burn in it, and the sun can burn. Take advantage of the fact that the sun is shining into your life at the moment. It looks to me to be a banner of a helmeted skull, relating to the RWS death card, and the white horse relates both to the RWS death and sun cards. Part of a larger spread using The Golden Tarot, the position here was: Where is she headed? As a combo, The Queen of Swords and The Sun seem to speak of a surge (solar flare?) in clearer thinking and deeper understanding. Sunlight fills the card and shows up the well-tended gardens. Be it Moon for example. The Sun I see as very warm feelings, true love and joy. Kind of a stretch . Sun King. This is because the moon cannot be seen when the sun is out but at the same time, requires the sun to be seen as its surface reflects the light. The Sun is a card that makes me feel very strange every time I see it, I am generally new in tarot and I prefer to use my intuition than the books and the given meanings of the cards. Nov 4, 2017 · The Sun + 8 of Wands can mean that you will enjoy a burst of great luck soon, but that it would only be fleeting, so that the querent must try to capitalize on it while she can. The Sun is the luminary of this quest. ) The Sun is supposed to be about safety and enlightenment, so seeing the Devil with it might mean maybe I mix them up a bit during this time. The Spear King comes to you in Spear Nine and continues your watch for you. Five of Wands. I was wondering if anyone has some insight into the banner that the knight on the Sun card is holding. It's about accepting the wisdom of the past and growing because of it. Sun and Hanged Man (& ) -- An egocentric individual. Together, these cards connote a time samantha. #1. His right fisted hand is not just upon his chest I've just started working with this deck, as a ODW or IDS until the Solstice. We see the lower two-thirds of it or so. Barleywine. I was reading the other thread about the Hermit + Emperor, and found it really interesting with regard to their 'solitary' and controlling aspects. Boy this card i LOVE. The Sun represents enlightenment and positivity, while the I've been pulling a few cards each day and two cards keep coming up in the past week or so, the empress and the sun. G. After seeing the 8 of Wands rx yesterday, I think I'm being told through the 9 of Wands rx that the sooner that I'm able to let go of the frustrations from the rx 8 of Wands, the sooner things will to get better – a lot I could also say that A will want smt more serious with B in the process, cause of the EMperor - 9 pentacles as a state of fullfilment and the Sun as the progress, clear emotions and optimism. And as for the Magician card, does it signify that he will put on a "performance" to try and win her back or could it also mean that he sees it as an opportunity to Aug 4, 2001 · The The Sun thread was originally posted on 05 Aug 2001 in the Using Tarot Cards board, and is now archived in the Forum Library. its like he would be up for a challenge and very immature communication-wise. Seeing the best. A naked youth rides up and greets you, offering you a ride on his white mare. In this opening post to the thread, two such features will be discussed. Do this right now. The sun rises and sets. It seems like I'm going to have some struggles, nothing major but things to look out for, and that I need to trust my instincts and be prepared for them. The Sun tarot card as feelings. The Six of Cups can represent stability and security, while the Sun represents growth and expansion. . the star, the sun and two of cups. A time to really soak up the energies of the sun and to relax whilst doing so. and sometimes i see the sun as being "too much of Yes, the Sun means that you make someone feel "sunny"--warm, optimistic, youthful. But it sounds as though you would like to repair the friendship if you could. However, understanding the meaning behind these two cards is crucial to interpreting the message they're conveying. Case: "The child is the Ego, set free from the limitations of matter and circumstance, which are symbolized by the wall behind him. I feel that as a whole, the reading perhaps shows an alignment of the world, the moon and the sun and signifies the reaching of a point which it has been heading towards for some time interesting…. I had a similar reading with the sun high priestess and the 6 of cups. Rodney Amanda. If the Emperor is an Outcome card, then the Sun also has a position. It can also indicate travel to a country with a warm climate. Se edustaa vapautta, iloa, onnellisuutta ja itsevarmuutta. SA12. In the story, a time traveller goes forward in time and discovers that the human race has Naturally, we can only assume so much until we have concrete proof. And the Sun is a double-espresso, a shot of energy and enthusiasm. I took this to mean he perceives her to be bright, energetic and full of fun. A healthy family. The Sun often speaks of falling in love, and sometimes this is falling in love over and over again with the same person. contradiction. I am a little baffled at this because the Empress would relate to things of a feminine nature, and the Sun seems more of a light hearted yet strong When I think of how the Sun could be an obstacle, "Too hot, too fast" comes to mind. Tarot Readings. Sometimes there's a sense of vanity, maybe even a certain arrogance and self-satisfaction in the Sun - think the Sun King. There would be no life and no procreation on Earth without the warm and loving energy from the Sun. Queen of Wands is a fire lady ~ Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. Leo personality would be the Sun card. He is the season of spring, the awakening of As you say, back to the basics. For the combination of the two, I would see it as a message that you need to take care of yourself, and that once you do so good things will come out Jan 7, 2019 · The Sun Tarot Card’s True Meaning: Love, Health and Money The Sun (XIX) represents hope, energy and unbridled optimism. I know that The Emperor is often seen as a bad, egocentric tyrant, but really the poor bloke is just Aries through and through. Any ideas? Enlightenment, totally alive, joy and perhaps even vindication of daring idea'sthese are all the emotions or feelings I would put to SUN as a stand alone card. I don't see the Moon as such a bad I asked a question about someone's romantic feelings for another and got The Sun clarified by The Devil. #2. Not dependent on outside help or direction. As an angel number, it shows expansion and growth spiritually, moving forward and upwards. We have the two twins like in the TdM. So good health and vitality, are well represented in this card. *. Jul 11, 2023 · Immersed in the joyful energy of the upright Sun, our romantic life too, is illuminated with promise and potential. Both are strong cards. at first, it got me really suprised as normally, the sun and the empress are associated with pregnancy On one hand there is The Sun, so happy, positive feelings for the other. "He'll think the Sun shines out your ass. The Six of Cups can indicate a time to reflect The Sun eli Aurinko on tarot-pakan kortti numero 19. It is suggestive of personal gain, and that personal goals and joy are within reach, if you are willing to invest the effort to actualize them. Like in the TdM, there are touching each other. " That doesn't leave much room for the reflection inplied by emotions. Sunflowers are alright but still not enough for me to really like a card. he waits to see what might come next I drew the reversed 9 of Wands and the Sun card as a clarifier. After having looked through it for a bit, I put it aside. energy and optimism Element: Fire Planet: Sun Astrological sign: Leo Key dates: No key dates, ruled by the Sun Visual Elements and The Sun Tarot Card Description. Page of Swords. If this is what the card means, then you may not be able to do a lot to change that outcome. The sun on the Death card is setting, but you know it will rise again. In Alchemy, he is often shown with the sun on his chest and in his right hand. I think we should appreciate the darkness as much. The dude to me looks like hes been hidden for a Does the Sun as feelings means he feels like he's been burnt? I feel the sunny disposition of the card means that he is not at all affected by the rejection and he will try again. If the outcome is that you are "burnt out" then you can likely change that. But then I think with the sun being a 'yes,' and being success, maybe this does mean having too much of a good thing and being overweight. This card represents the dawn which follows the darkest of nights. Be careful/weary of this. But the Sun is also about seeing things clearly, reason not instinct. Do you have any thoughts how can that be related? A huge, fabulous sun shines in the upper center of the sky. The ground looks funny. But the Sun is also about children, about logic and reason and harmony. in a general defination, the sun is a "good omen". And I always thought the Sun is more about this world, not the next. You see him as a partner, a friend- but also considering the Sun's influence, someone you wish would make you a little more important in his life on an emotional level. In the evening I used the deck again and it Moonbow. If you want to use the cards for yes or no answers, pick a card you label "NO" and one you label "YES", shuffle your deck, then start going through the cards. TAROT REVIEWS FORUM STORE NEWSLETTER. Sunrise with sunrise colors? Noonday all white in a bright sky? Sunset, large and amber and red? Maybe we're talking about jaundiced eyes that are also bloodshot? (Taking this seriously--kinda--there are people with light brown or amber colored eyes. OMG, that is so perfect! Now how the h*ll can I ever forget that line, now! Perfection! It's been said that where the Sun is, that's where we want to "shine. I had the sun in a reading as the present problem in my life, and it was right to the point because I am on a sick leave for burnout. With the Sun as a positive card in a 'negative' position, the first thing I would do is to look around me and see who might fall into the astrological aspect of the Sun-Leo (and then the other Fire signs, Aires and Saggitarius). Around the face is an ornate gold frame, which matches the baby's crown in style. I tend to by past the card. And I agree the Sun can suggest "too much heat" and fear of getting burnt on the part of your friend. The Sun gives you the warm environment for things to grow and flurish. You mount up and ride easily into the golden heart of the Summer Country. One being an addictive/unhealthy aspect and the other being lust/sexual FalchionQueen said: I agree the 7W suggests a defensive stance on the part of your friend. When these cards appear together in a reading, they suggest a time of growth and renewal, where we are able to access our highest potential and express it in a clear, rational way. (its true. Depends on what Sun we're talking about. #4. The royal butt-wiper. I will be full of vibrant energy, full of life, and I will shine with vitality. Things are good. but what does it mean to you? Why is there a girl or boy /both on a horse or playing? Is there a symbolic reason? would be of help Thanks:) Seb I would say that The Emperor represents the initiation of the relationship, while The Sun is the factor responsible for nurturing, sustaining, and maturing the relationship. Sun and Wheel of Fortune (& ) --- Riches as security. Feelings can mean so many things. Here are some examples of how I take it in these type of situations: The Sun's Meaning. The center of the sun is a face, eyelids half open. I see the sun the same way as you, favorable outcome, hope, etc. You proceed upstream a little until the midday sun shines above you. " I don't usually think of the Sun as a card of transcending ego. I don't get the message straight away, I draw a second card. I'm not certain about the six pennants, but six is often regarded as a number of harmony. How can the Sun be something I'm not supposed to do though? Exploring the Tarot Card Combination of The Sun and Five of Wands If you're new to tarot reading, the combination of The Sun and Five of Wands can be a bit perplexing. Thank you very much and God Bless you, as well! The sun god rides the huge King of Birds through the sunny sky. 2. The Sun tarot card speaks of love that is joyful. Its healthy and thriving. Trouble w/ The Sun Hi everyone, Recently I did a reading in which I pulled The Sun amidst negative cards. The Sun. Also, the Sun is the source of lifegiving warmth, but also the source of electromagnetic storms. ana luisa. Maybe the cards are saying that a new day is dawning brightly and shining WhimsicalWon. A court card at the beginning or end of a reading most often indicates the querent is expecting another to make the first contact move. I can see how the Sun makes people feel happier and lighter it brings memories of lazy relaxing days or holidays perhaps. Its eyes look over to the left of the card. #3. In many ways the sun represents knowledge as much as it does joy, combine those two and you get enlightenment in my opinion. Aeric. I mention that the Tower is frequently appearing as his feelings for her and was *clarified by 9 of Swords* - so I guess the person is feeling shaken up by his feelings for the other, feelings So part of me looks at the sun and thinks there is nothing to worry, success will be achieved, along with fulfilment and happiness. The Sun as a persistent shadow card makes me think of the New Moon: it's lost in the glare of the Sun so we can't see it. Love & Relationships (Upright) In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship, The Sun is an indication great joy and The sun is shining, but it's not as bright as it could be, and there might be a chance for rain. I made a reading about how someone feels about me, we dated in the past and I've been seeing him around, he's made alot of eye contact to the point where I'm uncomfortable! Hanged man + 6 of cups + the sun The Sun is usually considered one of the most positive cards in the tarot, so how does the Dark Grimoire deal with it. The Sun however pales all that into into insignificance and says 'yes' to your question ! The Sun can burn you, dehydrate you, and even cause your death. It does have the adverse meanings, too. He sees you as he always has - warm, friendly, funny and he might get a sense of freedom around you where he can just be himself. Weakness in action. Go. I did a reading recently for a friend's relationship -- the Hermit came up in the present position with the Sun as outcome. In numerology, 19 is associated with optimism, success, and good fortune. I am currently favoring the Universal Tarot and last night, I made a 3-month time tree spread that I've discovered in this wonderful forum. But the joy will either renew itself or a new experience will replace it. The Sun is the source of all the life on our planet, and it represents life energy itself. The Sun is a very positive tarot card, commonly meaning joy and vitality. If you are embarking on a new personal venture, such as marriage or beginning a family, the Sun is of The Six of Cups can indicate a longing for the past, while the Sun brings a sense of optimism and hope for the future. #8. The element of the Sun tarot card is fire. Last night we were at friends and we all pulled a few cards from different decks, i got the empress again and then we pulled one last card each and both my husband and i both pulled the sun. Get the 7 Essential Tarot Spreads Book for Easy Answers From The sun reversed. While I'm not saying that The Sun and Three of Swords has proof of meaning he loves me but loves an ex that seems to be how it turned out and I feel it is fairly safe to assume that is what the cards meant. The sun is quite large, taking up a very big portion of the background. 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page. That would be more Judgement-y, I would think. ROTFLMAO. It signals a time of harmonious relationships, mutual understanding, and emotional growth. gh vq xm yo oy on tm ne rd ry