How i knew i had a brain tumor reddit

Went to work yesterday as normal. [deleted] •. One of my best friends for +14 years was diagnosed with a benign - yet big- brain tumor. I had insurance and I knew the doctors info. The doctor describes it as a “bloody tumor” and it took them 7 hours to remove it. It's a routine screening test for bowel cancer in men over 50, or if you have colorectal cancer in the family. In the decade since its inception, Brain Tumor Network has evolved into a prominent and highly valued resource for individuals nationwide grappling with a primary brain tumor diagnosis, offering personalized support and navigation expertise to patients, their families, and caregivers. Tell them that the doctor is optimistic and so are you, and you hope that they will join you in this optimism. In my experience headache pains and symptoms are only made worse with stress and anxiety. I have a hypothalamic tumor called a Pilomyxoid Astrocytoma that is pressing on my optic chiasm which has caused me to be partially blind in both eyes. areeda623. For over a year, he had horrible headaches and was consistently told by his PCP that it was just sinus infections. AMA. As much as a tumor is something to worry about, and I can fully understand that freakout, Medicine knows a lot more about tumors than most people realize. I was just diagnosed with a brain tumor. I'm not who you are replying to but I have a friend with a brain tumor which altered his behaviour for a time. Once you get the facts, then you should tell the kids. I’ve tried every natural remedy in the book, including nutrition, herbs and acupuncture, and prescription drugs, including OTC; Aleve, Tylenol, ibuprofen, Excedrin, and propranolol and a muscle relaxer. The pain in my head is a constant dull ache on my right side, my eye socket also hurts. I want to emphasize that your tumor may or may not be cancerous and you will likely need a biopsy to be sure. If you'd like more information about the different types of seizures, the epilepsy foundation website is excellent, and we have r/epilepsy. The hospital staff performed X-rays and an MRI scan. went to multiple doctors and finally got a brain mri which showed nothing wrong. 😩. The brain cancer River is only a foot wide, but a mile deep. I'm thinking the largest, most prestigious Edmonton hospital or cancer center is probably your best best. anxiety can manifest as any possible symptom and it really sucks. I kept thinking what if this or what if that. You wouldn't get chemo because chemo can't cross the blood brain barrier. My sister had a tumor removed 3. Changes in concentration, attention, memory and alertness. Brain tumors are rare. Those are shared symptoms with a number of things. My surgeon thinks it has been there for at least 4 years. She was 27 only(((( I barely recovered from the shock I knew one of my relative has got rare tonsil cancer and another relative has got suspicion brain tumor or stroke. Take care of yourself during this, you will be tired and may be stressed aside from the beating you are already taking emotionally. I was coping okay before but the nausea has made me terrified because that's a common brain tumor Reply. Google. When I fell on my face my cervical spine jammed into the tumor, triggering the “tremors” (twitching). <3 Shorzey. So about a month ago I posted on here my fear and dread of possibly having a brain tumor. It will take a full team of medical professionals to help you get your treatments planned and sorted out, but they absolutely will. , sometimes they remove part of the tumor to test it further. Even non-cancerous brain tumors are typically very serious and you need to seek out the best care possible. Hi all, I recently had to euthanize one of my cats (A) about a month ago, and the vet left me a voicemail today saying he had a brain tumor, a very rare one that she had not seen in her 20 years of veterinary practice. At least that's what they told my dad, and that was back in 2014. They realized I had a tumor the entire time, which had grown. AMA : r/IAmA. The scans revealed 3 cracked ribs, a fractured spine and a brain tumor. Go to a doc on Monday. She tells me the tumor is responding to treatment, but she is still struggling alot health wise. Brain tumors cause seizures and such things, and they do not get better, than worse than better again. Some of the anxiety symptoms I get mean I eventually end up scared of this. The local neurosurgeon mentioned the risks to his mobility because of the proximity of the growth to the part of the brain the controls movement. I just turned 17 and I have had a brain tumor (low grade glioma) known for 3 years. Hey, I experienced the exact same thing about 4 years ago, and it was absolutely miserable. It's a vicious cycle but the less amount of the sleep the more symptoms arise and exacerbate. So, it makes sense that it came out with the strongest, outermost layer, the "dura mater," leaving the brain itself behind. It is not a brain tumor. Fatigue and occasional dizziness/light headedness. The surgeon went in there, cut out the tumor, and my dad went on to live a long life. If you lose the ability to do things, then worry. The difference in situations though is that he and his family knew he had it, and knew there was the potential for pretty extreme personality changes during the course of the tumor's progress or treatment. 3. So she took her there. This is not the place for diagnosis advice, you should seek a doctor if you are concerned you have MM. My wife called and said my daughter was acting funny shaking a little and walking like she was drunk. Yes. Still have nerve issues by from the cerebellum craniotomy. I couldn't prove that he was a threat, so I couldn't even get a 72 hour psych hold. My surgery was removed this morning and it went very well. I had a friend with a brain tumor she had constant headaches and other issues, but the thing that made us all know something was wrong was when she couldn't function right. I am currently worried sick myself & awaiting testing. Inner ear infection, sinus problems, low vitamin numbers, dehydration, and yes anxiety, migraines, and brain tumors ( along with a whole bunch of other things). I am also experiencing quite a lot of nausea but haven't actually been sick. Brain surgery was back on the table. •. Most are treated just fine with cyberknife or left alone if they arent cancerous or causing bodily harm. This is abnormal beating of the heart. Drug companies really want to find one that works on solid tumors like glioblastoma or lung cancer. I had to learn how to walk, get dresses, brush my teeth, and to get up off of the floor in case I fell while at home. Limb weakness: Losing strength or weakness in an arm or leg may be a brain tumor symptom. I don't have a definitive answer, though. I wanted to make sure you saw this, six months ago I was in the same situation, they thought I had a brain tumor. Seizures. Headaches: “But most headaches are Neck one had some bulging discs, which in hindsight contributed to the start of it all with headaches and dizziness. I have had a headache for nearly 4 weeks now which came on quite suddenly one evening. 5 weeks ago. I’ve convinced my myself I have a brain tumor and need help my symptoms are brutal. Reply. My chemotherapy did not work and I was put on erdafitinib (balversa) for the next 5 years. There are a lot of solid tumor CAR T studies but results have usually been disappointing. After having migraine issues in the past I’ve had several MRI’s and CT scans, and I know that I don’t have any physical brain problems. This is also aside from the fact, in the words of my neurosurgeon and neuro oncologist: your brain is no longer r/StopEatingSeedOils. Went for MRI came back with single white matter T2 signal on left frontal lobe. It could have been a brain tumor, it could have been some mental health issue. Honestly, the only stats you need to know is that your situation 100% sucks and we have your back. I've had difficulty speaking/reading for several months, which I chalked up to stress. I have developed a lazy eye due to brain tumor. Also, some less specific symptoms are observed in the case of brain cancer. Actual type cannot be determined without a biopsy. I hesitated for a long time to post on this Reddit sub. Waiting on neurological report. The reason why this study is a big deal is that CAR T therapy currently only works for liquid tumors such leukemia or lymphoma. But also episodes of confusion where i barely can understand others, numbness and tingling in the back of my head and ears, light and sound sensitivity, brain fog, and this weird thing where my color vision in one eye sometimes cuts out. The symptoms will come and go, but she does seem more depressed even though she still wants to walk and eat. Surface tumors are generally easier to remove, and leave less damage. Brain tumor in cat. Started to develop some other odd symptoms along with it; vision, cognitive, concentration issues, phantom smells that would hit me out of nowhere, nausea, feeling I had a Brain Tumor removed 3 months ago. BTN is currently in search of an Executive Director who can I could see the tumor at the back of my head and the doctor had said it was a result of cat feces (another weird part) and that sometimes stuff like this happened. It may get bad, it may not be as bad. Low tolerance to noise. “There is no known cure. In the event that the MRI comes up negative, INSIST on a spinal tap. It’s still too early to tell. changes in Rather, this feels like pain, often intense. Another thing that helps me is to remember what symptoms of a brain tumour actually are. Even if it was, the chance of it being aggressive or resistant is also low. Another relative died from brain tumor. I wish you the best of luck. I have a “tumor board” reviewing my case. Hi. MRI with contrast is the best choice if this was a concern. Every patient is different and reacts differently to different tumors and different treatments. To a degree at least. Since then I have been very symptomatic. It's scary, but survival rates for operable tumors are better than ever. If the tumor is growing from the part of the brain your more likely to have significant permanent damage both from removal procedure but also the cancer literally absorbing that part of the brain, although it’s technically possible to have no long term damage but it’s less likely. I want you to know that you aren't alone in your experience. Before and after brain tumor removal. The chance of it being a tumor that is malignant, very low also. I doubt you will feel any relief until you are checked by a doctor. Blurred, double or even loss of vision can be signs of a brain tumor. It is the 2nd most common blood cancer, affecting approximately 100,000 men and women worldwide. It does also seem weird to me that a brain tumor would cause some mild symptoms then go away in two in months. Some of the most common symptoms of a brain tumor include: headache episodes. When I was a kid my dad had a brain tumor. I know someone who had brain surgery and a tumor but she didn’t need any treatment. I just figured it was sort of normal considering my mom and her mom get headaches constantly. . Not remembering how to do things like use utensils or button clothing. The doctors are incompetent. Multiple Myeloma (also known as myeloma) is cancer of the plasma cells in the bone marrow. I have physical chronic illness that impacts my brain and I don’t wish that on any of you. I thought it was stress related as my job is pretty intense The odds of getting a brain tumor are less than 1%. Give them time to process though and be aware that they might freak out for a bit, especially after they use Dr. I went to a family dinner that night but didn't Long story short, I have a golf ball sized brain tumor in the back of my head between my brain stem and the top of my cervical spine. Someone I know faked brain cancer and made a go fund me. The doctors did not know if the tumor was cancerous or not. The migraine became a permanent one, punctuated by confusional states and focal seizures. How much you want to know about the surgical procedure itself is up to you. A reflective attitude is important for lucid dreaming. I just don’t know. It might be cancer, and you can get it treated right away. Nausea and vomiting. Now for the past 2 days I've had nausea. We know so much more than we did even a decade ago. Reply reply. While this does bring some relief because I struggled very much trying to get him healthy, I fear for the Nov 20, 2020 · Convinced I have a brain tumour. IAmA brain tumor survivor. It looks like it's a meningioma, which is an "extra-axial" tumor (which just means that it's outside of the brain, and within the tissues that cover the brain - the meninges). Helpful Tips! Ok so basically I went to the doctors a month ago for shortness of breathe they gave me a chest x-ray and said I was fine but know I’ve been having issues with my head such as headaches, eye floaters, muscle twitching, ringing in Now, I'm having headaches, constant throbbing migraines, like a vein pumping through my head and my neck, lightheadedness, stomach and leg pains, diarrhoea, noises in head, a near permanent sore throat, globus feeling in throat. It could be a lot of things and tumor in your brain is probably one of the least likely. After months of headaches that were so bad, I was begging people to kill me, I discovered I had a brain tumor. I never knew who I was coming home to. Queue more anxiety. Anxiety is mean. The rare cancer is not so rare!!!! I had jaw pain for a week I felt very bad, googled day and night, XR of jaw was okay. Google probably has you really afraid. Then on January 11, I started to get double vision. I wish you the least amount of suffering possible. Health. They made a page claiming they had a glioblastoma and 6 months to live back in 2022. The answer wasn’t encouraging: “about 8 years go”. It was a Schwannoma (or a benign Nerve Sheath Tumor), and it was growing around the 5th and 6th nerve in r/breakingmom. It wasn’t until I knew my MRI was clear that alllll my symptoms went away (aside from some neck pain and headaches). You probably just have tension headaches and eye strain. I know that unless they don't give you brain surgery, they'll do radiation. It sounds like your body is fatigued and showcasing many potential symptoms of lack of sleep. seizures. I started getting really bad headaches all of a sudden in mid-December and didn't know why. Asking the same question repeatedly as if it's an new question. I am a survivor of terminal childhood brain cancer and a former Make-A-Wish kid. They do scans and brain biopsies, etc. I thought I was dreaming and I called 911. Brain Tumor album. One day I woke up with a headache that just never went away. Wife had a feeling something was off and took her to the ER. I don’t know where to start. Brain abnormalities are not uncommon in psychopaths. I suggest getting a calendar and a notebook that you date each day to keep track of your questions and Mom's symptoms and notes from doctor visits. The chances of you having a tumor and living 8 years unknowingly is nonexistently low. A pilomyxoid astrocytoma. First image is June 2019, second image is April 2023. Even though the surgeon had told me beforehand that everything should be fine, I had been having intrusive thoughts. Push for a neurologist further. I think the radiation did more cognitive damage. If this abnormal heart rhythm is bad enough and lasts long enough, the heart can't get oxygen to the heart muscle and a person can die. Testicular cancer has a ridiculously high survival rate, like 95-99%, if you catch it early. Meningioma is more common and extremely slow growing. I got referred to get another mri. Weakness. Yes exactly. Hiroshi Miyano had a brain tumor, possibly linked with psychopathy. Being irritable, less happy, and confused can all be caused by anxiety. The title really speaks volumes. Aura is stuff like visual disturbances or other weird non-headache feelings before the headache. Trouble in speaking. 3 of them in 3 months missed a walnut sized brain tumor in my ex husband’s head. Back in 2005, I was diagnosed with a very rare brain tumor. But my hyper fixation on having a brain tumor manifested in all sorts of symptoms. I’ll have health anxiety about something totally unrelated to the brain, the anxiety gives me dizziness and blurry vision, and suddenly this fear is the most prominent. The police and ambulance came within 3-5 minutes and took me to the hosptial. If Amelia had finally emotionally come clean to Owen about THAT truth, OF COURSE that would’ve changed everything. My life has become telehealth consults with surgeons, oncologists, and radiologist. I had two tumors removed in 2019 (November) one in the right temporal lobe and the other one in the cerebellum took a long time for the nerves to regenerate. I’ve had it all, including panic attacks because of it. Suffered from migraines for 15 years, then developed dizzy spells, seizures, and double vision. Signs of severe memory loss include: Forgetting names of common objects like "cup" or "ball". The MRI's turned up negative and a few months later after a spinal tap they realized that I had a pseudo tumor. Take a breath. 44. I had a CT scan, a chest X-ray, tons of blood tests, and nothing came up. Im not a doctor and obviously don’t know everything but the chances of you having a brain tumour is almost 0. Carrillo says. E. I didn’t need surgery for the ribs or spine but the tumor had to be removed. So far there's no sign of regrowth. I hope you don’t have to wait too long to see one. Difficulty in walking. Stress, dehydration, caffeine, all make my left eye twitch (sometimes both) after having a gross total resection in the right hemisphere last summer after having seizures focused on the left side of my body for years. Hi guys, came here to ask how long recovery took for you or anyone you knew who had a non cancerous brain tumor removed. migraine, tension headache, brain tumor. I pushed for an MRI and joked with friends maybe I had a brain Jan 24, 2024 · This means the survival rate for glioblastoma is low: Data suggest fewer than 7% of patients live past five years, and 1% live past 10 years. you Personal Reddit Stories: How They Knew Many Reddit users have shared their journeys of discovering they had a brain tumor. some days i got so dizzy i couldn’t walk, i got double vision, tingling sensations all over my body, random twitching etc. Most migraneurs (like me) suffer from anxiety and over somatization (meaning they worry about every thing in their body). Hi there, 26F here, otherwise healthy. He was 14. It sounds like a lot of your symptoms are probably anxiety, over life and the potential brain tumor. My dad died from brain cancer. Migraine headaches are extremely common. Now, I am having to go through the similar track for my brain tumor. The tumor was a plot twist created to bury Amelia’s real trauma, while also discrediting her relationship with Owen to make room for Teddy. These personal accounts provide invaluable insights and reassurance to Jun 10, 2016 · Memory loss associated with a brain tumor is more than simply forgetting where you left your keys. I (35F) had a benign meningioma removed from my left parietal lobe in April. Blurry vision or visual disturbances, weakness, dizziness, sensitivity to light or sound, etc. But I wish that I did. Neurosurgeons tend to be the most analytical, skilled, and careful surgeons around. Chances are if you aren’t having symptoms you can watch and wait and nothing will ever happen. The vision in my eye is permanently gone, but the sensation issues might get better in time. Then will be fine. These tumors invariably recur after treatment. Some people feel better knowing details, others don't I can say that I had a slightly modified bi-coronal incision, meaning it goes from above one ear to slightly more than 3/4 of the way to the other ear. And it fucking sucks. Hard bump and pain are two of the classic symptoms of testicular cancer. Erratic and angry wasn't enough. You can't drag someone who's unwilling to go. So you know what to look out for. , a blind spot in your vision, flashing lights that aren't there,etc. Your primary care physician can refer you to specialists if you need one. Sincerely afraid I have a brain tumor. Cancer is a horrible demon. If it keeps bothering you see a doctor but unfortunately they will just say what i said. No brain tumor though:) Scared that it could be MS based off symptoms. More centrally located ones are harder to evict. SilentWalrus92. Update on brain tumor anxiety. Post blogs, science papers, youtube episodes, seed-oil free products, and anecdotes about how eliminating seed oils has helped you. Going to the doc is the best thing to do, and good job in scheduling the appointment. Was in a wheelchair during the summer and “couldn’t work” after state “denied their ssi” they are now able bodied, and work 40 hour weeks. ADMIN MOD. I’ve literally had a headache daily for 4 weeks now. Two weeks ago I developed tinnitus (first in one ear, now both). I've been to the opticians who say eyes look fine. He was taken to the hospital, where they removed a tennis ball size tumor. Brought her to the vet again who thinks this means likely a brain tumor and recommended euthanasia before she continues to decline as the aggression likely means the tumor is within her brain and wouldn't be amenable I had surgery, radiation, chemo, standard treatment. I have no idea why. She is going through radiotherapy and taking cortisone as her doctors are trying to avoid surgery. So did MRI without contrast. I’m just really scared and I’ve been avoiding the internet like the plague to not freak myself out but this has also resulted in me feeling so lonely. My surgeon is optimistic I could live with this long term with constant Panic disorder is not a common symptom of brain tumor, but seizures are suuuuuuper common from brain lesions and are usually the first sign. changes in intellectual capacity or emotional response. 28M, one incidence of brain cancer in my family that I know of (grandmother on my moms side). If you have chronic headaches, you should see a doctor about it, not because it might be a brain tumor, but because headaches are annoying and they might be able to help you. Medicine can definitely induce lucid dreaming, at least Clonazepam did for me. I don't know if my story will help you. I know it's possible that I've damaged my developing brain with all the drugs but now I'm scared. Migraine is extremely common, and the extreme majority of the time there are no underlying disorders causing it. After many tests (some of which make great stories it you want to hear them), they determined I had a benign tumor on my left temporal lobe. Leaving papers on the wrong desk, giving that far away stare, stuff like that. My ex-neurologist suggested I get my ears cleaned - that I had an inner ear issue. I had two operations and chemotherapy for 3 years. She’s doing great now but her sister had an inoperable malignant tumor and died. A forum dedicated to the science of reducing seed oil consumption that contains omega-6 LINOLEIC acid PUFA. I thought about she. It’s 99% likely that’s the issue. More than 20,000 new patients will be diagnosed this year. “This is one of those cancers that even cancer docs will say, ‘That’s a bad one’,” Dr. A simple first step cure attempt is to get plenty of sleep. Sounds like it's possible, I was having extreme anxiety and a I had to leave because I couldn't live like that anymore. Patient. medical woes 💉. At that time the hospital did not have an MRI or CT scan. The modern diet has too much of this oil in it which may cause certain diseases. So if you’re having a headache, or anything of the sorts, and it goes away after a while and then comes back it’s almost certainly allergies, or tension headache from your stressing. Nov 16, 2023 · They may differ depending on the type, location in the brain, and the stage of the tumor. I know how bad it is to read a few symptoms on google and instantly come to a conclusion but I feel like a lot of my symptoms match up with those of a brain tumor? Memory loss, trouble focusing and lack of awareness/perception of reality. If you have colorectal cancer, you will most likely not see blood in your stool even if it's there. Unfortunately, the headaches returned, and now I'm working with my neurologist on treating the migraines. He finally passed of natural causes at the age of 90. Hearing it was benign at first was a ray of hope I held on to I've heard things migrate to other half of brain when there are issues on the other half, brain sort of adapts to missing functionality and compensates it with other half. One day at a time. The symptoms progressed for months before I was diagnosed and then before craniotomy. ”. It didn't come as much of a surprise for me when reading that, at the trial, a brain scan was conducted on Hiroshi Miyano which showed a tumor in his frontal lobe, the part involved with self-control and judgment. I didn’t have any symptoms and the tumor did not grow over the course of a year (it remained around 3mm or so), however I wanted to know if the tumor was benign so I opted to have surgery while I was young and healthy. I woke up and my day was ruined, as was the whole next day. You will find out more about type of tumor, suggested treatment etc in the upcoming However, I don’t want you to suffer. Can’t recall the other, but it was more rare. Age: 37 Sex: F Height: 5'7" Weight: 155 Lbs Race: White Duration of complaint: Few weeks, maybe more Location (Geographic and on body): Head Any…. . But the bad — if you really think it’s final stages — you know what the last stage is. I Yes. The scary words 'brain tumor' can really devastate you. I know these diseases make us feel like we need to, but NONE of you deserve to suffer. Recently I have noticed that my left eye tends to drift downwards when I look at things for a long time or at things that are far away. He would’ve finally understood and he would’ve stuck by her. When I was 15 I was diagnosed with epilepsy after some scary grand-mal seizures. MOD. I now know mine grew over a decade before it started to incur symptoms. Fortunately we are in a city with one of the best children’s hospitals in the country. It does seem to be anxiety. • 4 yr. You deserve peace, all of you. We asked the neurosurgeon when the last time they did pediatric epilepsy surgery. I'm really, really sorry you are having to join the brain tumor club. There are many different types of tumors. i had the exact same thing last year, also triggered by exam stress. Doctors believed that even with surgery and treatment that I would only live a year or 2 more. I was only diagnosed after pushing the Doctor to DO SOMETHING! He referred me to an allergist who then referred me to a neurologist. If you did, you would be throwing up, having seizures, trouble with your vision etc. I believe mine was genetic from my grandmother’s side - she had a slow growing brain tumor. [deleted] The doc likely performed a fecal occult blood test, which tests for small levels of blood not detectable by eye. After brain surgery, I went through radiation Just got diagnosed with a brain tumor (update) Hi guys, I promised an update post surgery and here it is 😀. If you have any questions be sure to ask your doctor, and get a second opinion if you are still uncomfortable with things. Benign brain tumors and cysts are pretty common. Or a combination of different things. I just realized that in a few days, it will be exactly 8 years since the operation. I have recently started having pretty intense dizziness that only subsides a bit when I put my glasses on, headaches (I just take advil and they go away) balance problems, brain fog, and extreme fatigue. I was so anxious and panicked that I might have had a brain tumor despite no symptoms and the dream was a premonition. Went through wrong chemo and everything! Finally, over a year later, got myself to the right doctor, got my biopsy done, and am on the right treatment now. It depends on where the tumor is and what they have to cut in there to get to the tumor and remove it. I had sudden migraine like her, but they thought my tumor was just a shadow on the mri. My advice is to see a neurologist, who in most cases can see physical signs that would differentiate a tumor from migraine. They also found out that I was having up to 10 partial complex seizures a day. I’ve been dealing with headaches that are localized to the top left of my head, & pressure that’s behind the bridge of my nose & left eye. callmethebeezkneez. I went to the hospital was deep in bedded migraines or headaches and I thought I had a brain tumor the CT scan was all normal they didn’t even know what was wrong with me and they said I had tension headaches. It could also be caused by changes in the brain or a side-effect of medication. Clumsiness. It all depends on what types of tumor it is — there are many! Age is a huge risk factor for brain cancer (any cancer, really) however a lot of cases I handle actually involve younger patients. Brain tumours are rare, incredibly rare in younger people. My body imitated having a brain tumor. It can be hereditary. I'm 21f. g. My 5yr Old Has A Brain Tumor. One thing I was always told is that lack of proper sleep is the root of many problems. I am not a neurologist or brain specialist of any kind but I do work for an MRI study so have run into this kind of thing a lot. She is still experiencing trouble with vision, speech and walking. You'll definitely get some sort of radiation though. TLDR; I have some symptoms that I thought was brain tumor, went for blood test came back good. If I had a brain tumor it could explain my problems, when I suddenly can’t string together a cohesive sentence it won’t be from a sudden anxiety attack, it’d be the tumor. If you don’t have those symptoms, it’s highly unlikely that you have a brain tumor. So I made an appointment and went. This type of tumor had only been reported 12 Neurosurgery has come so far. ago. I did it when I was a kid. I knew I was Stage IV Breast Cancer and I knew it had metastasized to my spine, but doctors kept blowing it off. A few years later, I got diagnosed with autoimmune. Think of it like a mole vs skin cancer lesion. When you hear that someone 'died in their sleep', they probably had a sudden arrhythmia due to any number of reasons. Along with numbness and tingling in my face, arms and legs. 2 minutes into his eye exam, his eye doctor called his mom back and told her he could see the tumor. I am convinced I have a brain tumor : (. hk bf qe qq sd nb hs tp zu da