Brain recovery reddit

Brain recovery reddit

You don't need to worry about permanent damage from smoking weed, you'll be fine. Some will resolve quickly, but other will take longer. Be ready for relapses and don´t let them get you down, they are part of the process. To formally diagnose “brain death” in a patient who has suffered cardiac death (stopped heart), it is necessary to first restart blood circulation and perform neurological tests TBI Recovery Advice, From Personal Experience. We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non These brain training schemes operate like cults, there is a grain of truth that hooks you in (e. Sleep deprivation primary mechanism of damage is by NOT clearing up reactive oxydant species (ROS The short answer is yes Covid-19 has been shown to cause long-term brain damage in chronic Covid-19 patients. After four weeks abstinence I was tested with Psychometrics and had severally impaired cognition on 4/5 domains: executive function, working memory etc (10th to 25th percentile). I also found a meaning and stuck with it. However, people who have recovered from depressive episodes are at greater risk of further episodes, so there may be residual changes which contribute to this risk. 1) Onset. Exercise, healthy food, meditation. Neuroprotective. Like it puts them in a rut that is severely under stimulating, which would decrease neuroplasticity and thereby changes in the bodies processes. A lot of the repair work happens within the first couple months of sobriety, but it can They told me at detox once you hit 2 years clean your brain is completely "reset. My tips…Plenty of green leafy and crunchy veg to get things moving after pain relief - you can get backed up. Alcohol kills brain cells. Currently researching the topic. Day 3-21: Gets easier and easier. This is revised after good feedback from /u/brandonscheurle . TeachingAtKnight. Stop grading your dizziness, accept it, befriend it, live with it, talk to it, don´t be scared of it. When they would ask what that was, I would say the closest thing that is easily identifiable is the feeling of being really hungover. Luckily when I started high school in 10th grade, I signed up for beginning theater classes. Sleep resides back to normal after 2-4 months. Especially the fatty/oily fish. Porn reduces gray matter and stunts cellular growth. I've been in a recovery setting for about 5 years now, and continuously sober for 2. So, essentially, yes, a brain-dead patient is decomposing, albeit much more slowly throughout the body than if not kept on life-support. Can take 200mg as a mood boost, or 600mg before bed. I’m about 4 months into recovery from a 4-year long heavy adderall addiction and things feel like they’re geting worse and that there’s very little to hope for in the future. Hope you’re well. The idea that the brain cannot repair itself is based on old disproven science. I would say I am about 75% recovered at this point. CONCUSSION KIT: SLEEP MASK, EYE PATCH, EARPLUGS, HEADPHONES, SNACKS, BARF BAG. Go to Coronavirus. -migraines. So from now, full recovery took me about 4. kennycakes. I made an infographic to explain why so many recovery posts cite brain retraining, despite the fact that it doesn't directly address the major underlying pathologies that researchers are pursuing (Viral persistence, immune dysregulation, gut dysbiosis, etc). Undiagnosed aneurysm ruptured 8/4/22, coiled on 8/5/22. 5K votes, 182 comments. Golf ball sized at the moment. Sleep is an essential need of all liveng organisms, so it's very ancient, there is a reason why it's so highly conserved throughout evolution, it's necessary for survival. You cannot get it in pill form, stomach acid would destroy the beneficial peptides. I had headaches, ringing in ears, and sensitivity to bright lights and loud noises for many months post surgery. Solved at 10 months: chronic fulminating Vitamin B6 'toxicity'. It's getting better but the depression and anxiety is most definitely getting out of control. The studies didn't include many patients ~30-40 in the studies I evaluated but there was an My head 1 week after brain surgery to repair an aneurysm (50 staples). We understand that its side effects can be life-changing, and we want to provide a safe space for people to share their story and find solutions while doctors are still unable to help. I'm mostly recovered from partial right-side paralysis. It takes me about a month of sobriety to feel my head and anxiety and foggyness clear up. I've read and heard a lot of conflicting information about the chances of recovery after a severe Anoxic brain injury. 2. This subreddit is not for questioning general health/anxiety on possible brain aneurysm. 2020) My symptoms were: -zero libido. 3. I'd be groggy as anything, but walking really helped get the blood away from my head. Many ophthalmologists offer vision therapy; just google one in your area. r/Coronavirus. A porn addiction and compulsive sexual behavior recovery peer support forum. Liver depends on a lot of issues such as diet, weight and abstinence of alcohol. *Do not use with SSRIs*. That's the worst issue for me right now. Honestly, just give it time. I felt sore, sick, couldn't pee, and was really tired all the time. There is not enough known about TBI's in general, and research is ongoing. I know the fatality rate of these things are very high, and each patient is The key for recovery though is that you have to push yourself, once you’re past around the 4-6 week mark. Also oranges (vit c), red peppers (vit c, quercetin), unripe bananas (b6, magnesium). Is full brain recovery possible after consuming heavily weed for years and starting as a teenager? If someone has started consuming weed as a teenager, and has continued using for at least 15-20years, and feel has succesfuly recovered enough brain functions after stoping to consider themselves fully healed, i would love to hear your story. We are not exclusive to or trying to “force” recovery on anyone. Hospital 5 days (3 in ICU), outpatient rehab for 3 months, no surgery. We strongly encourage you to take actions against the potential harm it may have caused you. _speak. I’ve tried meeting up with m friends and family but when I do I can barely talk about This is a sub about recovery from many things, eg trauma, drugs, pills, injuries, negative emotions like depression/anxiety, etc. 1. 5-htp is good, but make sure you take it with green tea extract. Depends on the drug, but paws for some substances can last months. If youre a dude herbal tetestrone booster. Nicotine patches and vapes etc are still going to have the same effect as smoking on the brain( but significantly less dangerous for the lungs, mouth and Kept feeling very fatigued, lots of PEM with minimal exertion, awful brain fog, hair fell out. This subreddit exists to serve as a community support group to keep eachother strong on the journey through discovery (of cause) to recovery, as well as to serve as a congregation of community brainstorming & useful resources. I picked what I see as a meaningful career path and pursue it, I picked a social meaning too. I’m curious if the disheartening affect of learning they’ve been failed by the system slows down the brain and bodies’ processes in recovery. So when you first stop drinking you will feel way worse. I’ve been 4 months off SSRI’s, and the recovery is much slower than I was told by my doctor, who This is a recovery-oriented community for sharing triumphs (no matter how small), coping skills, experiences with therapy protocols, the science of PTSD, and resources like apps, books, articles, etc. You can recover: Even if drugs caused damage, your brain can grow new cells as long as you get exercise, enough sleep, nutrition, etc. . I had hopes that maybe eventually the depression would ease up, the complicated grief would ease up, that i would feel better etc. 5months of abstinence later there has only been marginal to no Good news is yes, there is a good chance, but the bad news is it may take a long time, and recovery may be slow. This sub is a community for people in recovery to share their experience, support, and hope with each other. COVID raises risk of long-term brain injury, large U. Trying to come off other meds this early in recovery might be adding to the paws symptoms as well. • 1 yr. My mom had cerebral hemorrhage september 2009, so its been almost 13 years ago. Share your experiences, ask for advice, offer support, and discuss recovery. I was on heavy meds for a bunch of years and after I weaned myself off them, I still just didn't feel right. Don’t be scared of things that cause your symptoms to spike, and don’t fear setbacks. All pointing to brain damage. I just hit a year clean and sober earlier this month and I still feel like my brain is in the process of coming back. I didn't know I'd have to write a description. It improved my mood, reduced my social anxiety, and reduced brain fog significantly. Welcome to r/science!This is a heavily moderated subreddit in order to keep the discussion on science. This can vary. After one month of abstinence, the patient’s brain is clearly Now, I know porn and alcohol are different on a physiological level but addiction effects the brain the same way. So it will be more of an educational perspective for anyone else who has all the strange "LC" symptoms minus fatigue, exercise Nope, you inject it IM or use a nasal spray. Thank you. I myself was cleared up and feeling better than ever in 3 months of sobriety and regular exercise. Recovery from adderall addiction - feeling brain dead and very lonely. Mine was the result of long term micro-dosing psychedelics in addition to stressors that just broke my brain. " I felt pretty clear headed at 6 months, but I feel like it's something that continues to gradually gets better. Aerobic exercise in particular encourages regeneration of dopamine terminals potentially reversing any damage caused by amphetamines. I still have some memory issues, but as time goes things like motor issues and such have gotten much better. Craniotomy recovery questions. I recovered from major clinical depression. So it will be more of an educational perspective for anyone else who has all the strange "LC" symptoms minus fatigue, exercise 36 years coiled and still going. Brain function/ chemistry and nervous system recover takes longer. However, we recognize that many people want to discuss how they feel the research relates to their own personal lives, so to give people a space to do that, personal anecdotes are allowed as responses to this comment. It takes 3 weeks for your brain to even BEGIN to have the capacity (late gene effects) after sobriety to change. They've also been able to show that, in sobriety, the brain can regain both gray and white matter, and it can grow new neurons. A recovery-related subreddit for recovering benzodiazepine users. Much like an Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous group, we offer emotional support and harm reduction but no encouragement of furthering ED behaviors. ) -really bad tinnitus (screeching that changed pitch) I'm sorry you had a stroke, and I'm happy you're still seeing recovery after 5 years or so. CozmoTech-. It takes time but yes. Brain recovery from not drinking? Not seeing it. In the last few years I made it to 64 or 65 days sober *once*. The solution is obvious: cut out the crap causing the damage. A place for people diagnosed with a brain aneurysm, or caring for someone with one, to support each other following diagnosis or treatment. Exercise will only speed this process up as it rebalances its dopamine sensitivity. My experience (with more relapses than I can count) shows I don't really start to recover without two weeks sober. r/Drugs. Give_her_the_beans. Exercise increases blood flow and with it nutrients from food and sleep can help the body and brain repair. I also enjoy the way my brain seems to be working better. Source: Just asked a pathologist in the hallway (I'm reddit'ing while waiting at the hospital). kdangles • 1163 days • 9 mo. I enjoy being stoned. Brain Recovery. Let's provide one another with support, advice, whatever might help. (and went to an alternative school for 5th and 6th). 5 years. -Cold penis/ (top half was painful/numb and turned different white. You can even recover from bigotry (eg if you grew up in a bigoted culture), or selfish philosophies. While bpc-157 is a fantastic compound for injuries, I don't see why people talk about it from brain issues. It’s been a long, long road to recovery and I wanted to document what worked and what didn’t, for people who perhaps are earlier on the journey than I am. Aww, cripes. I get 2mL ampules and use it as a nasal spray for two weeks, then discard and clean the nasal spray and take a short break or use the next ampule. Lion's Mane is a highly dangerous substance which causes brain damage. Masturbation in moderation is healthy, but porn addiction and compulsivity aren't healthy. If the nerve issues went away or recovered to some extent, it would help a lot. After about a 2 year stint with SSRI’s, my brain seems to have been damaged. This sub is about recovery from many things, eg: trauma; drugs; injuries; depression/anxiety; bigoted upbringing, etc. Researched different supplements, learned about pacing, rested alot. Goodluck! What has helped me is: getting a good night sleep, 8-9+ hours, taking brain breaks throughout the day (10-20 minutes, eyes closed dark room), and pacing my cognitive energy. g sit to stands, wrist extensions etc) 1. For heaven's sake though: do not start taking benzo's again, or you'll have to restart the whole process from the beginning. Great advice! I’ll add exercise, consistent sleep (sleep hygiene) and better food choices. She recovered fully, had to learn how to walk again, Read and write ( still struggle a bit with reading, writing), but shes doing wonderful now. I was on a heavy dose of benzos, and I’m still feeling the effects of paws almost a year later (although much much less so than I did in the first few months). " Brain recovery after drinking for 3 years I was drinking at least 200ml every week for 3 years now, after 2 years of drinking I started to realize that I'm experiencing a heavy short memory loss, but unfortunately I continued to drink for another year. There are loads of supplements that could help but rest and frequent brain breaks has gotten me close to full recovery. They say it takes like a year for your brain to reset or recover from alcoholism. This sub is not a place for those who are not trying to recover. Therapy, diet and exercise and making an effort to socialize more were my main fixes. They aren't really linked, except I suppose if you use both to cope with some kind of mental health trauma. This led to significant improvement in brain fog, but when I tried supplementing b6, it had a big effect on me. Only people who actually box very often and over a very long time should worry about effects of brain damage. The neuroscience of addiction recovery is an exciting and emerging area of research. They are not dangerous and will will disappear on their own. -nausea and sometimes vomiting on getting home. • 3 yr. It will definitely heal with time. I'm hoping to finally obtain some closure. Your endogenous opioid production will recover faster than that, while your tolerance reduces due to non use. Edit: I was gonna ask her for her number (she was cute) but then I thought such a first encounter would be creepy. Brain recovery after taking antipsychotics. The brain has a scientifically proven and incredible power to heal itself. Yes your brain will recover. Reply reply. Chance of seizures significantly reduced after 2 weeks. . My experience with surgeries had me pretty miserable right after them. Hey all, I’ve been suffering from what I can only describe as dizziness (no spinning), brain fog, and the feeling of my brain being delayed from the movements of my body since April 25th. Semax, cerebrolysin, cortexin, uridine, bacopa, nsi, and more all come to mind much more readily and with more data than some hyper-extrapolated studies on BPC attenuating amphetime sides in rats. I guess I’m what you’d call a survivor of brain fog, so I figured I should share my story. The expert opinion is brain plasticity is at an all time high 1-3 months immediately after the stroke so I learned I can potentially make giant recovery during these first few weeks. They are also described as side effect of stopping Ssris. Stay away from sugar, alcohol, and drugs and try and get some sun. I was homeschooled for 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th. I know that it's very likely, given my past alcohol abuse, and I'm dreading what the brain imaging will show. For those of you who successfully quit drinking, how long did it take for you to feel like your brain had recovered? When did your motivation, cognition, attention, and memory recover? I’ve read it takes 14 months of complete abstinence. Read, write, exercise, eat better, challenge yourself. I was super duper, painfully shy. Aneurysms can occur elsewhere (such as Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm— massive artery behind your spine that feeds your lower body, common to rupture for smokers), but with a brain one its most common form results in subarachnoid (surface of brain) hemorrhaging (brain bleed), or (less common) intracerebral hemorrhaging (within the brain). When it was happening everything I experienced felt real, like a beautiful and rapturous religious experience. Foods like this helped me a lot. Stimulate the hell out of your brain in a healthy way. Also, PAWS can last a year or more. Each leading to your brain not functioning at its maximum potential. Walk if you can. Yes, hemorrhagic stroke to the left basal ganglia in 2019. But when your brain starts feeling really crappy it signals to start making the Based on subjective user recovery reports, the recovery timeline is something like this (with a lot of variation): Day 1-5: Acute withdrawal stage. Earlier this year I binged heavily on powerful cocaine 2-3 grams per week for 3 months. That's the only way you're going to improve any neurochemical imbalance or deficiency without medication, and supplements are usually poorly or under studied. Award. Physical symptoms subside but some withdrawal effects still linger. It took nearly a year of therapy though but it's definitely possible. There is evidence that the brain does recover over time; this image below shows the brain of a healthy control on the left, and a patient in recovery from methamphetamine use disorder on the right. That is, the tiredness, feeling off-balance etc…. because in the beginning alcohol makes your brain pump it out. Vestibular Neuritis Recovery Stories. Reading and crossword puzzles or challenging your brain helps with cognition and recall. I have embraced sobriety ever since March, so I've been sober for about 5 months now, and I Hi everyone , This is my first ever post on Reddit but I feel I owe it to everyone to let you know my journey with Brain Fog, constant fatigue, shortness of breath, headaches at base of skull , spacing out, horrible anxiety (especially when talking to people), on and off emotions and weakness (also I should mention terrible dandruff through this time period) But something I know from my training is that when you drink alcohol your brain slows down production of "good chemicals" dopamine serotonin etc. However, the idea that our brains will recover from a stroke with the mere passage of time is wishful thinking. 5-HTP: Seretonin replenisher and mood booster. Recovery from PPPD is really hard. If you have done any permanent damage it’s too late to change that now. Ranges from mild to extremely unpleasant. Hi, everyone. Also, for those saying its like being stoned, its not. Magnesium. We do not tolerate vultures, drug seekers, trolls or toxic assholes. 76 upvotes · 69 comments. There are "eloquent" areas of the brain, and if those get affected by the surgery itself or by post-surgical swelling, you're going to have symptoms. Skin takes several months. • 6 mo. I had: -Headaches that would worsen throughout the day and by the end of the working day would be very bad, difficult to drive home. We're talking residual measurable damage 6 months later. Everyone in contact sports gets brain damage. The vision therapist gave me exercises to do at home that quickly helped a lot. Hi all, My dad was diagnosed last week with a primary brain tumor in his right frontal lobe. There is a center called ATMC in Sedona Arizona which helps people taper and has much holistic information on their site along with links to videos they created. As form and function in the brain are tightly linked, we would assume that there is some natural recovery of the physical changes which cause the pathology. -constant worrying, anxiety, dread. Please keep discussions civil, and carry the message to the user who still suffers. Basically, I made a bad decision and became terrified Yes, dopamine releasers like MDMA and meth typically cause degeneration of dopamine terminals, the neurotoxicity is more apparent with continued redosing. I had an hypoxic brain injury (brain injury from lack of oxygen) in 2013 due to carbon monoxide poisoning. I have honestly dreamed of making a post aboutlike this so many times, and I think it finally happened, I am starting to feel normal again. The brain zaps are normal because of the unbalance of serotonin in your brain. In December 2019, a novel coronavirus strain (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in the city of Wuhan, China. Patience is very important, the recovery will be slow. • 6 yr. My ENT told me last week that I had a “textbook” case of vestibular neuritis, and Studying the work of David Goggins was probably responsible for 95% of my recovery alone. Like, my brain feltsluggish. It didn’t completely rupture but was bleeding and close enough to. We welcome brainfog of any kind and severity here. •. Researchers have been able to demonstrate that, over time, drinking causes the loss of brain mass - it actually shrinks the brain. But I quickly went to work on fixing it. Do math, play fast paced video games, read, do cardio, learn something technical, learn a new language. 23M subscribers in the mildlyinteresting community. It was in the frontal lobe, some of her executive functioning is effected and emotions are not typical she rarely cries but doesn’t often recognise I’m bored or upset or annoyed with her, before my parents spectated my father mentioned she wasn’t the same person After some thought, I just told them it was brain fog. This is a subreddit devoted to Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). We can fully recover but it may take an aggressive approach and several different types of therapy. I started taking adderall when I was 23 and am now 27. Anything from activities, exercise, to foods, rest and even like items to make her recovery more comfortable. positive outlook/ less stress aids better health outcomes) then its dressed up to make it a "12 step programme that will cure your whatever" that you can sell. Many people work out in boxing gyms that never spar or enter a fight. I don't want to go back. While everyone's road to recovery is different, we want to help each other find a new normal while managing the challenges of PTSD! I eat at least 30g a day. ago. 5 intense months. HereticHousewife. Where the tumor is determines a lot about the recovery. When we have been unable to give our selves adequate minerals and nutrients our body’s ability to adjust and make the correct judgments is often delayed but is certain to return. NAC: 1 scoop per 3 days till symptoms feel better, dont use everyday, makes you a robot. I used to wake up with blue lips and cheeks even after only sleeping a couple of hours. It just takes a consistent effort to reach your goals. S. There's also this expression I don't like, but which does apply: "one day at a time. However supplements can be a double There is nothing known yet that can reverse the damage of sleep deprivation. I feel no better than before. I developed a little kit to carry around with me in case of brain crash while I was out. This subreddit is not officially associated with the support group Eating Disorders Anonymous. I'm sure its made worse by the fact that I suffer from the health anxiety. Reply. Exercise and diet help immensely. Yes brain recovery is possible, I’m witnessing it right now in real time with my loved one. It is crucial to raise awareness about this PasquiniLivia90. This sub is a good place to start. Addiction: You might have underlying issues you need to talk about. I know this is a little lengthy, so feel free to skip the first couple sections. 🤞🏼. I took around 80-120mg per day almost every day during that time, going without sleep for usually one day a week. PFS recovery. Remember the brain is a muscle just like any part of the body and can be “worked out”. The way this was evaluated was using MocA assessments and FDG-18 PET studies. study finds : r/Coronavirus. Plus I was highly irritable, emotional, and brain fatigued most of About 1 month in the stroke unit in hospital a few hours per week with PT & OT, then from there into rehab as inpatient where Therapy happens every day (except weekends though excercise scan be practiced on your own in your room e. Long story short, issues with cognition, balance, hearing loss, slurring and mumbling words, and memory issues. You'll probably be unable to do any serious physical activity, but walking will help drain the blood from your head. *If you are going through hell 3. Both the nicotine drug and alcohol afrect the brain and the body very differently. Recovering from 4 year heavy adderall addiction. This subreddit seeks to monitor the spread of the disease COVID-19, declared a pandemic by the WHO. In medicine, brain death refers to an irreversible loss of all activity of the entire brain, including brain stem, in a patient being maintained on life support. GI tract normalizes early. (I stopped fin in DEC. ADMIN MOD. I enjoy the way that my feelings are working, because I can feel them. This community was instrumental The longest part of my recovery was really internalizing that what I had been experiencing was psychosis. My mother had an aneurysm when I was 2 she survived. Try to get a bit of outdoors time every day if you can - fresh air will help. ICU for one week, in hospital another two weeks for observation. I have anhedonia, although not as bad anymore, it’s still there, Irritability issues, depression, anxiety, loss of IQ, brain fog, PSSD (Getting better), SIBO, etc. 14. They don't just make ADHD meds for fun. I have been sober almost 7 months now. I'e used these drugs for so long, I literally don't understand how to function without them. Actually start USING your brain and the side effects will go away quicker in my experience. A psychiatrist at that time told me I might be in "early stages of partial recovery". So this will be a mostly mechanistic recovery post because I was around 90% recovered after around 10 months after overt symptoms became highly unusual. Feel free to come and introduce yourself! Top surgery recovery. You have to stay positive and be strong. g. Also stopped overworking myself to death. Our heart and lungs have the ability to function well then our brains analytical abilities will come into place. Ginseng: healthy for your brain. Just getting hit around occasionally shouldn't be much of a problem. CreepingTurnip. And if it isn't enough, see a doctor. I still do rehab every day; as they say, recovery is a marathon not a sprint. I feel similar kinds of 'brain damage when I am drinking - Unfortunately I don't feel 100% better unless I'm 100% sober, so even that once a week drinking fucks me up. I've been on this sub for a while now and I'm very surprised when I see pics of people right off surgery who can stand, smile and look not halfway dead XD. He’s scheduled for a craniotomy on Monday to biopsy and remove as much as they can - it’s currently entwined with an artery so tbd on how much can be removed. We host challenges in which participants ("Fapstronauts") avoid porn & sometimes masturbation for a period of time, generally 7-30 days. It definitely got worse. Recovery from antipsychotics can take time. 3 wk is the length of time it takes for your brain to register change and do something different. Currently, the patient in question hasn't been awake for 3 days but has reflexes according to my sources. Try to do some grounding exercises, distract yourself with reading about recovery, find some NA meetings and support. Rest and sleep are important, but pushing yourself is critical as it forces your brain to rewire itself. I work in addiction/am in recovery and this is all really normally. My fog was triggered by a highly stressful experience in 2017 while staffing a summer camp. io rc qt jp kz wv vj fq ch jc