Chesterfield, Derbyshire: Judy Shaw and Peter Hardy

CONVICTED (2021) | Judy Shaw, born 17 October 1972, and long-term partner Peter Hardy, born 7 August 1962, of 6 Dorset Close, Brimington, Chesterfield S43 1DW – kept horses and cats in appalling conditions

Judy Shaw and Peter Hardy

During an RSPCA raid in July 2019 31 cats in the care of Judy Shaw and Peter Hardy were found in an “oppressive and wholly unhealthy environment” – in a locked static caravan, two lorries and a small shed.

Horses at the same Unstone paddocks where the cats were kept were found emaciated, infested with lice and with overgrown and deformed hooves.

District Judge Andrew Davison told the court Shaw “remained in denial as to her competence and capability to look after animals properly – particularly the numbers she was looking after”.

He said: “She buried her head in the sand for quite some time despite the fact she was not capable of properly caring safely for these animals.

“Hence the dreadful condition of some of these animals and their environment – this is sadly not the first time such a finding has been made against Ms Shaw.”

Shaw’s appearance this week came after she was found guilty in 2018 of causing unnecessary suffering in respect of two other horses.

Defence lawyer Christopher Moran – acting for Shaw – told the judge on Tuesday how she was unable to care for the animals properly due to mental, physical and financial problems.

Steven Higgins, acting for her long-term partner Hardy, 68, said he had been “carried along by Ms Shaw’s desire to have animals”.

He added: “It’s very likely he would not have animals were it not for Ms Shaw’s love of animals.”

During a previous hearing the court was told how in 2019 RSPCA inspectors found a horse – described as “very thin” – lice-infested with dirty skin and coat and mobility issues “because of the state of its hooves”.

Another was discovered with part of its hoof “unprofessionally” removed – not by a farrier but by Shaw herself while another animal – discovered with “visible spine” – was “dull in its responsiveness”.

Twenty-two horses were found in poor state however a veterinary expert told the judge during a December trial how 31 cats and kittens found at the property were kept in “nauseating” conditions.

Judge Davison told the court how the flea-infested felines – some found with “watery eyes” and “breathing difficulties” – were kept in “extremely” hot “greenhouse” conditions in the caravan.

Prosecuting barrister Harry Bowyer told the court on Tuesday this week how during a further raid in September last year while the pair awaited trial seven more cats were found in their static caravan.

One of the felines was dead and another had fighting injuries.

Shaw was found guilty of 10 Animal Welfare Act charges.

Hardy was convicted of 11.

Sentencing: Shaw and Hardy were fined £1,200 each and put under a 24-week 7pm-7am curfew. Both were made subject of a 12-month community order while Hardy was ordered to undertake 120 hours’ unpaid work. Banned from keeping animals for 10 years.

Derbyshire Times

One thought on “Chesterfield, Derbyshire: Judy Shaw and Peter Hardy”

  1. Absolutely Heart Breaking.
    Especially due to the fact that, it is Not The First Time that this has happened. These Hoarders just don’t learn their lesson.
    31 Cats and a further 7 found later kept in a Static Caravan.
    Where is the sense in that.
    You just cannot keep these kind of numbers in those conditions, its just impossible. The End Result Being, they Start Getting ill and Suffering From The Over Crowded Conditions.
    There Is Help Out There. Spaying Vouchers from Cats Protection League and RSPCA.
    So there is absolutely No Need For This, At All.
    The PDSA will treat the odd couple of Pet Cats if you need Veterinary Care.
    I have A Cat Rescue with around 30 Cats, many are Feral, but I have a Few Acres of Land away from the Road, and Out Buildings. I get Spaying Vouchers from Cats Protection League and RSPCA. I also Micro Chips, and Vaccinates Them All, I puts Wormer In The Food Every 3 Months. Pet Food is Cheap from Lidl and Aldi. I leaves down Plenty of Fresh Water. Another Good Buy I have found is, Pets At Home Large Bag Of Wooden Cat Litter Tray Pellets, for £5.99 they go a long way, and work out very economical. I Sells anything and everything on Ebay. If you live near a Tesco or Sainsburys, You (Buy Their Cheapest) and you (Save Up The Loyalty Points) Nectar Card and Clubcard. I also Buy Everything On Ebay, which also (Earns Nectar Points). I Do (Nectar Surveys / E Rewards Surveys / Life Points Surveys) All These I Collect Nectar Points From. For The Sake Of A Couple Of Hours A Week, while I am relaxing in front of the Tele in the evenings.
    (This Is How I Feed, All My Cats For Free).
    You will really be surprised at what you will Earn In Nectar Loyalty Points, this then you Can Spend At Sainsburys On Their Cheapest Pet Food, which is really good quality.
    I Buys Fresh things Cheap, before it goes Out Of Date, from the Super Markets, at the end of the day. This they love as Treats. You can also Freeze, and use later. eg. Cats love Cooked Chicken, and it will encourage them to Eat, and keep them up if they are ill.
    I also Collects Used Newspapers for Lining The Crate / Cages, for when I have to use them.
    I Recycle and Reuse Everything.
    All My Left Overs, I Feed The Birds.
    I also leaves Feed out for Foxes.
    (Please If Anyone Has Any More Ideas, Please Let Me Know)
    So Please: Before you find yourself getting in to the Above Position Think, as there are ways you Can Most Definitely Help To Avoid and Prevent This Situation from happening in the first place.

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